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A forced love, With Creepylover

"i-i dont know..i dont know"i fall to the ground holding my head"i dont know...how-how-HOW"i try to remember but i cant.but i remember."no...no..how could he..he never came back...this is all my fault..if only i told him not to go and made mother made him not to go..no-no-NO...".
"Rebecca, focus. Focus on his words and remember. You can do it Lizzy, I believe in you." I tell her trying to reinsure her.
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i try to remember but the thought of father is to painful and i pass out."father-father...how could you...you hurt me the most...father please i need more information...anything..tell me where you are","Rebecca...i can not tell you that but all i can say is do the spell again...i may not be able to say where i am...but the cloud of smoke will".
I begin walking around the castle gathering books about magic, ingredients and all sorts of things that may be useful before returning to Lizzy. I know at this point that she will be okay and I pull my ingredients out of my bag.
"o-ok i will try..but what happens if i fail","dont worry lizzy you can do it...i believe in you..no remember what you need is in the purse..now..WAKE UP",*gasp*i look around and see that charles had gone in the castle."p-perfect...now i can do the ritual..while he's away"i grab a red gem,chalk,and water,"n-now to get my father back"i draw the ritual circle and stand in the middle of it with the gem in my hand.
I look at of the items lay out in front of my and breath in. "Here goes nothing!" I pull out a knife and draw drop of blood from hand, then I drop the blood into a forever flower. I begin chanting word in the language of magic. The indigents spin around me, I can the castle hundreds of years ago when it was prospering. Then the whole foundation of the castle shacks, caring frost bite in the air as magic as been altered. I pick up a stone and toss it in the air, then I hold my hand still and the rock slowly stops falling as time around it is frozen. Only I have this unique power though because I created it and I marvel at what I have achieved.
i cast the spell from when i was younger and the red gem turned black,and a big black cloud surrounded me."well-well-well we meet again little Lizzy dont we",IM ONLY GOING TO SAY THIS ONCE...WHERE IS HE AND WHERE DO I GO TO FIND HIM"i yell at the black cloud,"hehehehe...sorry kid cant help you there","OH YES YOU WILL"i smile and grab a enchanted bottle and point it towards it"IF YOU WONT TELL ME THEN YOUR COMING WITH ME"i open the lid and the black cloud got sucked in the bottle,"nnnnnnooooooo...."i close the lid and fall to the ground,"hehehehe...now you cant go no where till you tell me where my father is..and you better start talking..you see this"i show it the salt i had"once i put this salt on you...you will be dead hehehehehe...so start talking cloud..NOW"i smile psychotic lly!
I start heading back to Lizzy books in my arms, I find her holding a bottle with an evil smile on her face. "Lizzy what is that."
Wyatt said:
I start heading back to Lizzy books in my arms, I find her holding a bottle with an evil smile on her face. "Lizzy what is that."
i show him the black cloud in the jar"i-i got it..now it's going to speak or im going to take my revenge"i laugh psychotically and look at it"now where is my father and how do i save him","i told you little girl i wont speak...but i will say this your gonna go on a big adventure just to save you someone who thought you were a mistake...your such a daddy's girl","SHUT UP he loved me he never hated me and mother...your tricks aren't gonna work on me"i take out the salt and look at it."all i need is a little bit of salt and your dead...so whats it gonna be...your death or information".
"Lizzy before we go to have to do something, the water I gave you while you slept had a condition for drinking it. You must become a high priestess of magic, in doing so you will become stronger then any other soccer, except if they themselves are a high priest. You if you don't do this when you leave the water will kill you. I am sorry, I thought you were dying and it was the only way to save you."
i look at him"i-i dont care charles...i just need to find my father and help him...it's my fault he's this way and im going to get him out...one way or another"i look back at the jar"are you going to speak...or should i kill you know","ok i cant say every single detail...but your father is where you would think he is" i think for a second and drop the jar"n-no".
I hand Lizzy the books, "Hope you are a quick study, you must read these books and study them in order to begin your training."
i take the books and sit by a tree as im reading the books keep thinking about what the black cloud said,(your father is where you would think he is),(what does the mean by that...where would i think he is)i finish the last book i put my arms over my knees and look at the sky."i will find you...i will die trying...".
"I walk up to Lizzy, there will be no need to die trying... Not when you will be one of the most powerful sorcerers." I then lead her into the castle, and deep beneath it. "This use to be a great kingdom, full of magic. It was the training ground of sorcerers, and high priests. Now it lies in ruin but its power can still be felt." We reach a door that is magically sealed. "You need to open this door, a test of your own skill."
i walk with charles into the castle and we reached a door and he said i had to open it myself it appeared it could only be opened with magic"o-o-ok..i'll try"i look at the door and try to focus on the door.
"You can do Lizzy, I believe in you." I stand back, remembering the first time I came here with my mentor. How I had gone through what she now must do.
Wyatt said:
"You can do Lizzy, I believe in you." I stand back, remembering the first time I came here with my mentor. How I had gone through what she now must do.
i focused on the door my hands were glowing a dark purple and the door opened.i knelt to the ground and stood back up"th-there..i-i-i did it..i did it"i jump around happily.
I then lead her into the room, it is dark illuminated by candles around the room. "You must do a ritual in order foe the spirits of past priestess to guide, you will become a priestesses with all of their knowledge." I point to a black bound leather book, "You must read it page to page, then recite the spell."
Wyatt said:
I then lead her into the room, it is dark illuminated by candles around the room. "You must do a ritual in order foe the spirits of past priestess to guide, you will become a priestesses with all of their knowledge." I point to a black bound leather book, "You must read it page to page, then recite the spell."
i walk with charles to a dark room with candles around it."o-ok..."i take the leather book and read the spell and recite it as i go.
I watch and I see white orbs gathering around Lizzy spirits of past priestesses, taking the form of their human bodies.
as i say the spell i see the spirits of the past priestesses but i continue to say the spell until i finished it.after it was done i look around and see them staring at me.,"*gulp*...u-u-um...h-hello My name is Rebecca Woods...a-and this is charles"i point to him.
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The spirits remain silent, and they all place there hand on Lizzy's shoulder. "You are not ready child." They all say at once, "However, we can see there isn't time. We grant you our scared knowledge." The spirits glows a brighter white and Lizzy glows the same color, then one by one the spirits vanish. "Lizzy, do you know were your father is, I believe it is time we start searching for him." I tell her.
my body glows brighter as i gain knowledge from them.after that the spirits vanished i look at charles"i-i knowwhere he is...but we must hurry"i say and run out of the castle.
i turn around and look at charles"when i was a kid...before my father left he would always tell me the story of the dark kingdom...and if he could go there...it would alway scare me because of all of the things that happens there...but one day he asked me if could live between the dark kingdom or the light kingdom where would you live...and i always said the dark kingdom...no matter how scared i was"i turn around and whistle for the horse.once i get on the horse i wait for charles to get on.

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