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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Not great was the understatement of their entire journey. There was no other time that things went as badly as this. Sure, no one died. No one was taken away, lost, tortured, bitten, or anything like that. It was overall not that bad. It could have been. That was the problem. It could have been very bad. Kaleb could have gotten more than this small cut. Carlos could have missed the mark in his barreling at the beginning. Alex could have been taken. “There?” That sounded ominous, and Nate was not sure that he wanted to know what that meant. But he also desperately wished to know. Where did Nate almost send Alex because of his fool’s dream? “Where do they take… people like you?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked at Nate, and let out a low sigh. “The Apartments. I’ve heard from ones that have escaped that they chain us up in cages, torture us, starve us. One called it a living nightmare.” Alex said, wrapping his arms around himself. “Only a handful ever got free, and no one knows how or why.” Alex added, looking at Nate and then to Kaleb and Carlos. “I can only imagine they’d take you there too Kaleb.” Alex added. Kaleb instantly curled tighter to Carlos, his eyes wide as he listened to Alex. “But that’s what I’ve heard, I don’t know how true it really is. All I know is the survivors have cuts all over and they’re so skinny.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

He didn’t want to know. Nate did not want to hear any of that. His attempt at finding closure or whatever could have done that to Alex. He brought him into an embrace to keep him safe. Shielded. To apologize again. He would never stop apologizing for this. And Kaleb. He didn’t even consider that they would do the same thing to him for what he used to be. That was years ago. If these WLF people were supposed to who left FEDRA and created a new world, wouldn’t that mean Kaleb was just like them? But they were not about to listen to reason. “I am so sorry.” He wish that he had known before. He never would have insisted on this if he had known just how bad it all was. The moment Carlos realized that what Alex was describing could also happen to Kaleb, he did not let this side cuddle continue. Instead, he completely readjusted everything, bringing Kaleb up onto his lap so that he could better wrap himself around Kaleb. “You’re safe, my love. You’re safe. I won’t let them touch you.” His eyes darted to Nate’s as they comforted their partners.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex felt Nate wrap him in his embrace. He tucked his head into Nate’s chest and curled in close. “You couldn’t have known. Not at all. How would you have? But we’re leaving this place behind for a better dream.” Alex muttered quietly, head still tucked and body as close as possible to Nate. Kaleb felt Carlos bring him up onto his lap and the arms around him were warm and safe. He curled into Carlos, hearing his words. “I know you won’t.” Kaleb whispered, taking in the comfort of his partner. Those large strong arms protecting him from everything.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

“Yeah we are.” A better dream. A real dream. A farmhouse in a smaller community with people who would probably drive him crazy but would be worth his love. That was a better dream. He just wished he could have seen how much this dream was a nightmare beforehand. Dwelling in it was going to kill this new dream. He brought them here, it went badly, but it was going to be okay. They could still be okay. He could still set up a little clinic in the farmhouse like they talked about. He could still save the world even if it was only the few people around them. “Hey.” He coaxed Alex’s head to tilt up a little. He ran the side of his finger across the scars on his cheeks. “You ready to go find somewhere they won’t judge you for crimes someone else committed?” He ran a hand through his hair. “Or for the way you look?” He pressed a gently kiss to his lips. “Or for who you love?”

Carlos tried to be a happy guy. He tried not to take things too personally or let even the things that really did upset him affect how he acted. When Kaleb was at his lowest, and the words cut Carlos so deep, he still did not let that change anything. He stayed Carlos, the guy who wanted to paint murals for his favorite officer as he became his favorite ex-officer and his traveling companion and his partner and his truest of loves. He always thought that if they could get through the Officer in Kaleb, they could get through anything. But they never had someone really go after Kaleb like that. Nothing that hurt him like that. Asher was scary but he was also scared. He needed someone else to tell him it was okay, and then it was. Nate too, though he never was all that scary. He needed a moment to figure out that maybe holding onto the past wasn’t as important as he thought. All of that was fine. All of that was normal. But here? Here they weren’t just going to yell at him or throw a punch and then feel better. They weren’t going to get all grumbly and pout for a while. They were going to lock him up in chains and cages, starve him, torture him. They were going to really, really hurt him. That really, really hurt Carlos more than anything else he had ever known, and he had his fair share of his own beatings and the like. When he held Kaleb in his arms, it was to keep him protected from the whole world. It was to create that barrier so that no one could do that to Kaleb.

“I love you,” he whispered as he held him there. This was too close. Far too close. He almost lost him on those stairs. He almost lost him to these horrible people. He almost lost him to his own cocky arrogance with the stalker and really the whole rest of the morning. He could not lost Kaleb. They could not be separated. He promised. He promised that it was the two of them forever.
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