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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb didn’t know what was wrong, what had happened but he was determined to be there for Carlos. He heard his words, the question. His mom? That was two years ago that he’d brought her up. “Yeah. I do remember. It was in that hotel, a day or so before we met Jordan and Asher. Carlos.. what’s wrong? Talk to me.” He said, shifting so he could look at his partner, confusion in his body.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

He pushed his fist into his lips for a moment as he stared into the darkness of the room. “I was so proud of you for sharing that, because it had to be so hard.” Hard to let go over everything that kept him safe from the danger that was the outside world. “But I couldn’t really imagine what that was like. Seeing that. I never had family to lose.” The tears slid down his cheeks as freely as they would. He was not going to be able to stop them now. Not if Kaleb was going to insist that he tell him.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Confused, Kaleb looked at Carlos for a moment. “It was hard, but knowing you were there was so helpful. I knew this forming relationship wouldn’t work if I didn’t let you know what plagued me. Why I was so against getting close to anyone. Getting close to you.” Kaleb admitted. He heard Carlos’ words and sighed. “Is this because of earlier? Was.. was your dream about losing me?” Kaleb asked tentatively, lifting a hand to wipe away the tears from his partners cheeks.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Carlos stared out into the shadows of the room where the moonlight trickled in and danced on the walls. His breath caught at Kaleb’s words. Speaking them out loud made it real. Kaleb may wipe away tears, but more came faster now. It took all of his will power to keep his breath quiet. Even if Kaleb told him not to push it away, they had two other people sleeping there. He could not wake them. He thought of a million different things he could say, and all of them hurt to even try. Instead, it was his turn to roll over and press his head into Kaleb’s chest. The moment he did, he couldn’t stop. He was still quiet, but he cried. He cried because he was so afraid. He had never been so afraid in his entire life. He didn’t even know that he could be.
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaleb’s eyes widened as he watched Carlos roll over and pressed his head into Kaleb’s chest. His arms wrapped around him tightly, face pressed to the top of his head. Soft humming came out, quiet enough so it doesn’t wake up Nate or Alex but loud enough for Carlos to hear. He squeezed him gently, kissed the top of his head and stayed like that. He curled around him as a barrier from the hurt, the sadness, and the world around them. Right now it was just Kaleb and Carlos. And that was all that mattered to him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Time ceased to have meaning as he cried. Carlos’ fingers gripped onto Kaleb’s shirt like he might not ever be able to let go as he silently shook from the waves of emotion. His body tensed so much that he knew that whenever he could get out of this, he was going to hurt. What was a little more hurt, huh? His mind ran to a thousand different places. Dreams that spiraled around him like he was caught in a tornado. A man with a blade to Kaleb’s throat. Chains dangling from a battered ceiling. He clung to the sound of Kaleb’s humming. It was grounding. That and the feel of him around him. But the weight of never being the one to cry was so heavy that he was having a hard time coming out of it. Wait for me, love. I’m coming. I promise.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

He felt the fingers gripping his shirt and held tighter to him. Kaleb had a vague idea of the dreams that had haunted his love’s dreams. Chains, the blade to his neck, being taken away. He held tightly to Carlos, never stopping his humming. He rubbed his back, kissed his head, kept humming. He would wait forever for his love. This was something he rarely saw from Carlos and he was doing his best to be there for him. To be everything that he needed. That was when he felt a tired hand on his shoulder. Alex?? Kaleb twisted his head around at the sleepy face of their traveling companion. A pained face from Kaleb and Alex caught sight of Carlos tucked into his chest. What was family for if not to comfort everyone? Alex stood from the blanket, moving away from Nate and laid behind Carlos, his arms wrapping around him and head pressed into his back. Kaleb’s arms moved so he was holding both of them as best as he could. Alex tucked as close to Carlos as he could, half awake but concern in his body because he’d only seen a vague part of Carlos crying when Kaleb had been shot.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Washington

With eyes shut, attention entirely on his own thoughts and Kaleb’s hums, he was shocked when another pressed against him. For half a second, he panicked in not knowing and another in the realization that he woke up someone else. That was two. He woke up two of them. At the same time, he was surrounded by love. So when he continued to cry, he crowded how he should. Out loud. Not more silent tears. No more forfeiting breath for the sake of others. He gasped out loud. He inhaled as deeply as he needed. His body rocked from the waves of what now was sobbing. And then there were more hands, somewhere by his head. They touched his shoulders. Beckoned them. A gentle command swirled down from somewhere above. “Scooch, big guy. This is my spot.” Nate, who woke from the combination of Alex’s movements and then the louder sounds of Carlos’ break, was siting above Carlos’ head, but not for long. He maneuvered himself underneath Carlos, so that his head was in Nate’s lap. Carlos, was surrounded by love before. Now he was engulfed in it. He had never felt so loved as he had in that moment. When he got shot however long ago that was, they were all there for him, and that was beautiful, but this was different. This was being at the lowest point and still having them all there. This wasn’t just surrounding himself with other misfits who lived in the same room. This wasn’t the kind of connection that came with kissing the pretty guy next door. Or more. This was totally different than he had ever had. And he cried. He cried because he was so scared, and he cried because he was so moved.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex heard the gasp, felt Carlos' body rock from the waves of sobbing, loudly. Alex curled tighter against his back as Kaleb looked up at Nate, hearing him up as well. Kaleb adjusted so that Nate could set Carlos' head in his lap. Kaleb curled back around, this time including Nate in his curl. They were all one big cuddle, and holding tight to their family member. Alex and Kaleb tightened their hold, hearing him cry made Kaleb's heart hurt. But it also swelled with love because of their family. The love that they all projected to Carlos by making him the center of their cuddle. The center of this beautiful group hug. Kaleb hummed louder now that he didn't have to worry about waking the other two, and Alex joined in. A melody of humming swirled around the four, a soft lullaby meant to comfort and sooth.

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