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Fandom The Reunion { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher’s entire face scrunched as they ran. “No,” he growled, “I don’t know anything about that guy.” He might have been harsh, but Jordan was used to that by now. Ashe was always snappy when he was thrust into a situation like this. He was not the kind of person to keep a cool head about anything. “It’s not like I can reach anything else right now.” If he tried hard enough, he could reach around Jordan to get one of his bigger firearms, but that was going to be incredibly painful for the parts of his body that had not yet healed. You know, most of it. Thankfully, there was Jordan to the rescue again. He took the pistol and aimed it towards the hulking monster that was coming towards them. This was why Asher didn’t like animals. This was why he trusted nothing. Everything was trying to kill them. At least in the cities, he understood the things trying to kill him. He knew the way they thought. He fired not at it but near it so as to make loud sounds that might scare it off. In the forest, the sounds did not attract the bad. That was nice. He planned the shots to be as alarming as possible.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; Colorado

Jordan heard Asher's growled words, and he knew that was just his partner. He wasn't upset by it at all, and he was definitely used to it by now. He groaned as he ran, and then the moment he handed Asher his pistol, he heard it firing off near the elk. It bellowed and roared as it turned to the side. The sounds were enough to convince it to avoid the creatures that it was chasing a moment ago. He grinned as he slowed down, panting heavily as he looked up to see a small city ahead of them. A large green sign battered and broken read "We-- co-- to -- Dur-- an-- Col-- ra--o" Some of the letters had faded over the last twenty one years but, he understood. "Well, I know we said no more cities, but this one is small and I could use a soft bed, how about you gorgeous?" Jordan asked as he held onto Asher still, as he caught his breath.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Colorado

There went so many bullets. Asher sighed as the bull abandoned the chase and they were left alone once more. His adrenaline filled heart pounded as Jordan slowed. No more tres. Only cities. At least he knew this minefield. He willed his breath to a normal speed once more. He read the sign and almost laughed. There it was. Colorado. One step closer to what he could only hope was a happily ever after. Did he believe in those? No. He thought. Jordan was trying incredibly hard to ruin that for him. “Lovebug.” He twisted so that he could better look at his captor. “You can put me down now. I can walk.” He ignored the part where this basic of a twist was painful.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; Colorado

Jordan looked down at Asher, hearing his nickname and smiled at him, before he flushed. "Right." He said, setting Asher down on his feet but holding onto his arms and torso to make sure he was stable before he let go. Once his partner was steady on his feet, he let go of him and took his hand. "Alright gorgeous. Let's find someplace safe to rest for the night?" He asked as he started the walk into the city. It was small and seemed like it was abandoned like many others, though infected probably roamed those buildings like so many other cities he'd been in.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Colorado

The best part about being in a city again was that he could replenish his supplies. The worst part was that he knew what was in these cities. He knew what could be in store for the two of them. If Jordan fell through several flights of stairs again, Asher was going to lose it. No amount of supplies was worth that. Not again. He waited for Jordan to remember that Asher was in fact a capable person, even when a little banged up, and finally stood beside him. Jordan and his hand holding. It would have been smarter to be unburdened by one another. He could have both hands ready for whatever they came across. Infected. Hunters. Other travelers with their ready traps. Yet, here he was, hand in hand with his love. If he did not need to be focused for the both of them, he might have let himself get lost in that. “I would prefer a bed to the ground. Especially with the…condition that I am in.” He stepped into this city with a cautious eye. Every inch of it was scoured by his unrelenting gaze.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; Colorado

Jordan knew the dangers of cities and he knew that they'd been in so many that had dangers. From bad flooring to hunters, to infected and even other travelers like Cameron and Emmett. He also knew that he wanted to feel his partner's hand in his. That was a grounding force for him as he headed into the city with Asher at his side. "I think that's a smart idea. And hopefully we can replenish our supplies and I can check on your wounds as well." He said as he noticed his partner looking at every single inch of the city. "Let's try this first building up ahead. It looks like a store with some kind of what, apartment thing on the second floor maybe?" Jordan suggested, pointing to a building up and to the right.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Colorado

Asher was only barely listening to Jordan’s words. His attention was on the city that was growing around them as they walked. He was not going to let anything catch them unawares again. He scanned one building on the opposite side. He clocked about three different ways that could have been dangerous for them. Another one further down was definitely falling apart more than some of the rest. There were a couple of stores that he could walk through and potentially find some supplies. He turned his attention to where Jordan was pointing. That did not look too bad. A second floor was always good, so that if sounds did happen to ruin everything, the infected drawn were not about to go up some stairs in provoked. “Good eye.” He changed course towards that building. He did not have to slow to give it a good scan, because he was already slower. It was frustrating. He had not been this frustrated since he got stabbed in the gut. “Looks safe enough from here.” When they reached the building, he peered inside through windows, letting his light shine to show them what was going on in there.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; Colorado

Jordan knew how his partner got when he was focused and he watched as Asher looked at the building and he smiled a little bit at that. "Thank you." He said as he followed him to the building. Once they got to the building, he looked through the window and scanned the store. "Looks safe. Stay here, I'll go check." He whispered as he dropped Asher's hand and grabbed his pistol with the silencer and ducked, slowly making his way inside the building. He scanned the front and then worked towards the back. His attention was drawn to a shambling and he turned in time to hide from a runner. He let it turn around and then fired at it, dropping it. He searched the rest of the bottom floor and it was quiet. Jordan made his way upstairs and looked around, taking out another runner in the hallway. The apartment was clear and so he made his way down, poking his head out. "All clear gorgeous, come on in."
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Colorado

Asher was not one for giving out compliments easily. He was a hard sell, and even if he was impressed, he was not about to tell anyone. It was probably a good thing that Jordan understood him so well, otherwise he might think that Asher did not appreciate him like he so very much did. If anyone was going to get compliments, even as simple as the one he gave it was going to be Jordan. No one else was nearly as impressive as him. He leaned against the front door frame as Jordan disappeared into the building. Normally, he would argue. That he should get to do this, but he knew that there was no use in pretending like it was not the smartest idea. The gunshot put him on edge, but when he did not hear any screeching after, he decided it was okay. He grinned at Jordan when he finally returned. “What took you so long, lovebug?” He walked inside the old store and began his usual quick searching.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; Colorado

Jordan rolled his eyes as he looked at Asher, grinning back at him though. “Oh you know. Just making sure both floors are safe for my handsome partner.” Jordan replied as he followed Asher into the building once more. He wouldn’t have done what he did if Asher was feeling better. He’d have gone in with him but he would’ve let his partner search more. He knew that he wanted to do that. “Finding anything good?” He asked, seeing Asher perform his quick searching. He loved watching him do that, it was certainly fascinating to watch.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Colorado

Asher also rolled his eyes as he moved through the store. It did not have a whole lot of supplies that he needed. No bullets That was to be expected down here. There might be some in the upper apartment. He picked up a rag that he could use, however. Also a nice container that he could cut down to size for a silencer. “Good enough.” He winked at Jordan as he stepped over a pile of rubble and walked to the stairs. Without waiting, he started moving up them. He was moving slower than usual, so he was not afraid of Jordan catching up.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; Colorado

Jordan chuckled as he looked over at Asher, hearing him and seeing the wink. He followed after Jordan up the stairs, even as he saw him not wanting. He didn't mind though, because there wasn't a lot of places that Asher would go that wasn't with him. He met him at the top of the stairs and shifted around him to open the door with an large bow. "After you gorgeous." Jordan said with a grin as he kissed Asher's cheek. He loved doing little things like this for his partner.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Colorado

Asher smiled as Jordan still beat him up the stairs to open the door for him. He forgot how to breath as Jordan kissed his cheek. Still he stepped through and pretended like this kind of thing did not utterly move him. He doubted that his pretenses meant anything to Jordan. That man could always read him so well. As he stepped into the hall, he quickly scanned the area for anything unwanted. It was never a bad idea to check again.

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