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Fandom The Reunion { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan chuckled softly as he looked at Asher, hearing him yawn. He shifted as well into a sitting position. "Just imagine, that is how life will be everyday once we get to Jackson. And lazy days where we can sleep in." Jordan said. He was tempted to keep kissing Asher but he knew they had to get going. "Want some breakfast gorgeous?" Jordan asked as he reached for his pack to grab them utensils and a can of beans. Beans were fine, but he hoped that when they got to Jackson, they could have things other than beans.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher stretched his arms up and to the sides. Stretched his sides. His back. He kicked out his legs to stretch those too. “I am imagining that we are in a nice, comfy bed that doesn’t make my body sore or remind me of the many wounds I have.” He moved so that he was sitting and ready for beans. “I am also imagining that I may sleep in sometimes but not always. You can come find me when you’re ready.” He plucked a utensil from Jordan for their exciting breakfast.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan flicked his gaze over to see Asher stretched his entire body and heard his words. "Hmm. I love that. A nice soft bed, thick soft blankets, and you beside me." He said as he watched his partner sit up and chuckle as he took a utensil. Jordan opened the beans and took a bite before holding it out for Asher. "And perhaps, food other than canned beans perhaps." He said with a snort of laughter as he took another bite.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher could not help but indulge himself in both the fantasy and the beans. He sighed as he took a bite, letting the image fill his brain like he was genuinely watching it. “Don’t get my hopes up, lovebug. Otherwise, if you can’t make this a reality, I will be awfully upset.” He took another bite and waved the utensil at him. “Until then, I’m sticking to moderately comfortable bed with one, good blanket, and you beside me. That’s the dream.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan chuckled softly as he looked at Asher, smiling at him. "I would never get your hopes up gorgeous." He said as he took a few more bites. "I would forgo the bed, as long as I have you love, that's all I really need." Jordan added as he took a final bite and wiped his utensil, shoving it in his pack. "Though, a nice bed and blanket with you? Perfection." He said with a smile as he shifted to get ready to move. "How are your wounds today by the way gorgeous?"
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

There he was again, being the absolute romantic that disarmed Asher at every turn. Every one of them. He could never be his hard, stubborn self when he had Jordan saying things like all he needed was Asher. It really made him want to throw everything aside and kiss him. Of course, Jordan knew that already. He already knew who Asher was when he decided to be like this. As he too finished, he leaned back and looked down at himself. He was riddled with the scratches. Nothing was too deep. He had bruises everywhere. It was painful, but it was fine. “They are fairing nicely, actually. I thought this one on my arm would feel worse than it does. Not sad about it.” He shrugged. “Guess you saved me from something worse.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan took Asher’s utensil and put it in the bag with the beans and his own. He looked over at Asher, seeing him looking at his body, and Jordan swallowed hard. “I’m glad I got to you in time, and that it wasn’t worse. I.. know this is sappy but I don’t know what I’d have done if I lost you.” Jordan admitted. And even though he knew that this was probably a big confession but he didn’t care. In the year that they’d been traveling together, he’d gotten so use to Asher that he really didn’t know what life would be like without Asher in it.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He started counting the bruises, but there were so many that he stopped. He certainly couldn’t count the scratches, Somewhere on his leg, where the fabric was torn, he knew that there was at least one thing that wasn’t so good. Or more than one thing. If he ignored it, he would be okay. It already felt better than when everything just happened. It was starting to itch, and that always meant he was going to suffer a lot but it was healing. “Cry some. Mourn for a while. And then either stay with that boy of yours or maybe finally go find Joel. Maybe take them with you to find him. And then you’d never settle. You would probably keep going. Find some more people to kiss and keep you warm.” He smiled warmly at the man who thawed his heart. He knew this was a big deal. It spoke so much to Asher that if he weren’t so thick-headed and stubborn, he might have started crying. “So you’d be okay.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Mm. That is what you’re wrong gorgeous. Sure, Carlos would be a wonderful distraction for a while but, I’d be heartbroken. And it would take some one very special to actually make me feel like you do.” Jordan admitted as he stood up, and began putting everything away. “Baby. You are the one I’ve always been looking for and I wouldn’t want to walk this earth without you.” Jordan admitted as he looked at Asher after stuffing their blankets into his bag. He held his hand out for Asher with a smile. “So come on gorgeous, let’s find a better place to retire and live our lives safely.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

While Jordan picked everything up, Asher just sat there breathless and quiet. The words painted a picture worthy of Carlos’ talents as he saw Jordan unable to be himself without that something missing. Him? Jordan really loved him that much. “How do you do that?” Jordan’s hand was dangling down in front of him, and his voice felt like it was so weak and small as he asked. All that emotion he thought he was doing such a good job hiding seeped into his words without consent. “How do you make me feel like maybe I am worthy of your love?” He looked up at him, questioning, for just that moment then took his hand and stood up, grabbing his bag on the way. Yeah. They better go.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan heard Asher’s question and bit his lip. He shook his head as he listened. “I.. don’t know. I just say how I feel. And gorgeous, that’s how you make me feel.” He said softly as he felt Asher take his hand. “You are worthy of my love, more than you seem to think.” Jordan added as he helped Asher to his feet. Before they could move, Jordan captured Asher in a hug and kissed him deeply. “One for the road, and a promise of many, many more to come.” Jordan said as he broke the hug and stole Asher’s hand to start walking. “We should make it to Colorado by tonight.” Jordan commented as they moved.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

You are worthy. That was what Jordan was always trying to get him to understand. Asher wasn’t sure that he believed it. Not yet. When he was talking to Kaleb, he could talk about it easier. He could talk like they were not only worthy but exactly necessary. He meant it. Why couldn’t he do that for himself when he didn’t have Kaleb with him? Now he was going to be without him, and he had to figure out how to be Asher with Jordan who loved him. It was a long time since he questioned that. But someone like Jordan could love. “Then we better get moving.” He smiled. Because he guessed that maybe he was the kind of person who could love too, and that meant he could be worthy. Maybe.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan never questioned his love for Asher, even with all the people he's chased in life, he's never once questioned who he loved now that he's had him in his life. He would do anything for his partner, which was both terrifying and beautiful in his mind. He took Asher's hand, gently squeezed it and nodded. "Let's get moving then shall we? Once we make it through Colorado, we should be close to Jackson if my map is correct." Jordan said as he looked ahead of them. "Probably a few days to go and then we should be there." Jordan said as he started walking towards the Colorado border. He didn't know what they'd find on their way, but he was going to avoid big cities from now on. He didn't want to lose what he had.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Few days. We can handle that. What’s a few days when we’ve had a lifetime before this.” Not together, though somehow, despite only having been with Jordan for a year, it felt like a lifetime. A separate lifetime like he was born again into a whole different world when Jordan ran into him. He popped him into a different story. He really liked that story. He liked who they were becoming together. He liked the idea of lifetime with Jordan. He swung their hands and let the smile take him. “You know, when we aren’t detouring to find more people to get distracted with, we actually move pretty quickly.”
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan grinned a little, understanding exactly what Asher meant. It seemed like his world changed so quickly when he ran literally into Asher. Into this handsome man who pointed a gun at him and Jordan fell in love. Was it weird? Maybe. But in the world as it was, weirdness really didn’t matter. There was no normal anymore. “A lifetime before and a future ahead.” He replied as he felt their hands swinging between them. “It’s rather surprising isn’t it? I have to agree though, we do move pretty quickly. I’ll miss those two though, and maybe.. one day, our paths with cross yet again.” He said with a soft smile on his face. “But I love my life as it is, with you beside me.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher thought about a life many years from now when they were traveling somewhere, and they find themselves in an abandoned city full of infected trying to kill them and running into these men who help them survive again. Maybe smile a little. Maybe do a little more. Maybe. He still smiled as they walked. “Would you believe I kinda do too?” Which was a lie. He didn’t kind of love it. He very much incredibly loved it. It was his absolute favorite thing that he had ever had. This life with Jordan was beautiful. they walked through these trees, and he knew that wherever they were going was home.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan smiled as he kissed Asher’s cheek even as they walked. “I would absolutely believe it.” He replied as he squeezed his hand. This life, no matter where they were heading, was perfect to Jordan. All he ever needed was Asher with him. “I think the first thing I do after we get there and find Joel, I’m going to take a long nap and pull you to nap with me.” He said as he looked over at Asher. His smile never faded as he did. “And then, we’re going to explore all of Jackson together. You and I.” He added as he continued walking, the sun now high above them.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher rolled his eyes and laughed just a little. Laughed because he loved this man. Absolutely and completely loved this man who changed his life. “Joel. Nap. Explore. Okay sure. I like it. And then is this the happily ever after? Story over? Because it sounds too easy and too good.” Asher never did believe in stories that went so well. If it wasn’t hard, it wasn’t real. For several years of his life, things were easy. So easy. Then that was ripped from him and his family. It was never meant to be that way. He learned then that it was a lie. A horrible lie.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan heard Asher laugh a little and he smiled softly, shaking his head. “You are such a pessimist. No wonder you and Kaleb get along so well. Yes this is happily ever after. We can have one of those you know gorgeous.” He said chuckling and swung their hands gently between them. The breeze blew through his hair as he turned to look at Asher. He had been through losing his father and his mother, and yet, he always believed in fairytale stories, and happily ever after. The breeze blew softly through the trees and played with his hair.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“No.” Asher shook his head as they walked. He looked out into those trees. Sometimes they felt like they were looming. Sometimes they were enchanting. “Well, okay, maybe. But only because there’s no reason thinking eve thing is going to be perfect. I’ve seen the world, lovebug. It doesn’t do perfect and happy well.” He held onto the hand like it was going to be the thing that kept him together. And it was. “But it does do pretty good.” He grinned though he kept looking forward.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan chuckled softly as he looked at Asher, hearing him and squeezed the hand he held. "Just because your world didn't do happy and perfect, doesn't meant the whole world is like that." He replied as they walked, and he couldn't keep his grin off his face. "It certainly does do pretty good, because I found you in the least expected way possible." He said as he held onto Asher's hand as they walked through the woods. He was ready to find somewhere peaceful to retire to. Jordan let silence fall between them for a moment as they walked, though he looked out into the woods, something seemed to lurk in the shadows but he wasn't sure what. Jordan did however, quicken his pace slightly.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher had no way of answering that, so he didn’t. Jordan just was the kind of guy who could not help but be so positive. Occasionally he thought that Jordan was probably too positive, but there was not much he could say about that. What was he going to do? Stop being so good? Stop being so happy all the time? No, Asher wouldn’t do that. They both depended on it too much. He let the silence fall between them. The quiet, cool air of the forest wrapped around him. The trees brought a comfort that abandoned buildings never could. Perhaps he should have been more aware. Perhaps he should have listened to the clues of the space around him, but he didn’t know it like he knew cities. He moved at Jordan’s pace regardless.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan narrowed his eyes as he looked through the woods in front of and beside them. He didn't know what was there, but he didn't trust it. Sure he didn't travel in woods as often, but he did that more than cities. Boston was surrounded by forests and they held all kinds of creatures from bears, to moose. He froze as he heard it, a screeching cry, not an infected. That sounded similar to a moose, but wasn't. "Gorgeous, we're going to have to run, but I know you can't move. So hold on." He said as he twisted, picking his partner up as a large bull elk came crashing through the woods as Jordan took off running.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; New Mexico

That was no infected. Asher’s head snapped to the side as he eyes searched for whatever made that kind of sound. He had never heard something like that, and he didn’t know what it could have possibly been. As they traveled in their early days, they moved through the trees, but they only did that as necessary. The animals were mostly small, and anything bigger, he could out maneuver. Nothing before this ever made that sound. He tried to think of everything he had seen throughout his year of travels with Jordan, knowing that his experiences prior to that would never be enough to inform him on this. His world spun as suddenly he was off the ground and in Jordan’s arms, moving quickly through the trees. His eyes widened as he looked back at a creature he had not ever seen before broke through the protective barriers around them and came running full force. “And here I was thinking that we were going to have a nice stroll.” He fumbled around his leg, grabbing at the pistol strapped to his leg. Could he get it with how much he was bouncing in Jordan’s arms?
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan noticed that Asher was fumbling around his leg and knew he was going for his pistol. He shifted a little and held Asher tighter. "You know your pistol won't do anything for that guy right?" He said as he ran, looking back at the elk that was still running at them. "And I guess we should've expected that we'd have some kind of interesting thing. Though, hopefully once we get out of his territory we'll be okay." Jordan said, panting as he ran. The bull was getting a little close for comfort. He grabbed Asher's pistol and pulled it free as he handed it to his partner. "Fire around it, if you fire at it and hit it, it'll make it even angrier."

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