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A forced love, With Creepylover

"I have never heard this story you will have to lead us." I get on to my horse and follow after her.
i lead the way to the dark realm,as we get there it starts to get really dark and nothing but a red moon could lead us.i get off my horse and look in my purse for my little cauldron i always carry.once i find it i put it one the ground and search for some ingredients for a potion i was brewing.
"What are you doing now?" I ask Lizzy, while I wait for an answer I look at a smile little stream and hold my hand up, the stream slowly stops flowing as I slow time around it.
"i'm making night vision...unless we drink this we wont be able to see very well here...luckily i'm very good at making that kind of potion because i used to alway sneak out of the house late at night and practice my dark magic...so my dark magic should come in handy".i look around and see firefly and grab then,"all i need now is a ravens feather,the water and some eye of neut...do you have some charles"i climb a tree and get a feather from the raven that was in the tree.
I open my endless bag and I pull out the eye of neut handing it to Lizzy, "Will this do." I ask as I do so.
i look at it and smile"perfect".i start a fire,put the water in and the ingredients in the cauldron and mix them together.after it was done i put it in a bottle and give it to charles."h-h-here you go drink this and you should be able to see much better...i only have one bottle...so you have it i can see pretty good actually"i give him the bottle and begin to walk away.
I drink it and follow after Lizzy. The liquid had a terrible taste to it and it was hard to swallow but I manage it.
i put away the cauldron and i look at charles"ok now we must get to the castle this is where it is" i take out a map and show him the castle."once we get to the castle we have to restore the magic there".i get on my horse and began to go to the castle"dont worry father..i'm coming for you".
I look at the map and once again I say "lead the way." following her, I could easily see through the darkness at this point and think I can make out the tip of a mountain.
i lead charles to the castle,once we get there i get off the horse and look at it."it's not how it was when i was younger...something happened to it"it was broken down,cracked,and all covered in vines.i look around and i can see clearly i look at charles and gasp."ch-ch-charles..i-i just thought of something that could change my life forever".
"What is it Lizzy?" I look at the castle, falling into ruin and an Idea pops into my head. What if I could restore the castle to what it was like in the past? I think to my self for a moment, then I raise my hand and for a brief moment I can see the castle as it was, and I realize in that brief moment that I cant truly restore the past. I can view but I can't interact with it.
i look at him and remember what my father always did i look at my hands and clunch them."i need to contact my mother...you cant restore the castle...but i may"i wave my hands and a big purplish black light forms in front of me."mother-mother..can you hear me..please this is important","Becca what-where are you now","THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT...THE MORE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU LIED TO ME"i look at her and start to cry,"i-i-it's true isn't it father really was a...","im so sorry we meant to tell you sooner...but we couldn't",i look at her through the cloud"I-I-I cant believe you never told me...that father was a demon sorcerer ..how could you do you know what im up against now","Rebecca please tell me your not at the castle","I am in the castle...and you know what im going to save him...or at least get some questions out of him","Rebecca do..."i slash at the figure of my mother and she disappeared.i ran towards the nearest tree i could find and punched it.
I walk up to Rebecca and comfort her, I hold her close, hugging her tight. "Don't worry, we can save now and I doubt we need to restore the castle." I go towards the door and start heading in, "are you coming Rebecca?"
i look at him and grab his hand,"n-n-no we cant go in yet...we must rest before we do this...we need all the energy we can get...f-f-follow me"i find a field with a couple trees,a lake and it wasn't to far from the castle,i sit on the ground and begin to make a fire"t-this will do for now...if we get cold later we may just have to...i dont know...".after i made the fire i get up and walk towards the lake."how could you...if your a demon sorcerer...t-then what makes me"i fall to the ground and started to cry.
after i think things through i go to sleep next to charles.i close my eye's and go to sleep....."i dont ever want to see you again Rebecca...we're done","B-B-But what did i do...is it because im part demon...is that why you dont love me no more"...(no-no...someone make this stop...STOP THIS I KNOW HE LOVES ME...WHAT DO YOU WANT...GET OUT OF MY HEAD) i try to scream but i cant.
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I feel Lizzy's unrest to next me and shack her, to wake her. "Are you okay?"
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i hear a voice but i cant reach to it.(w-w-who are you...),i see a figure but couldn't make out who it was,(hehehe...that's not important now...the important thing is that now you know that you are part demon...what are you going to do about it....and how are you going to tell charles...do you think he will still love you or do you think you are a monster",(wh-wh-what...charles will love me no matter who or what i am...)..."hehehehe...are you sure about that just think..you are something evil...you now know that your father is also part demon too...and your still trying to save him...what do you think he's thinking now",(s-s-stop it...i dont care what i am...i will try to protect charles and my dads with my life)."hehehehe..you really are one stupid girl".
Lizzy continues to toss and turn in her sleep and I grow even more worried, so I go down to the little stream and get a bucket of water. When I get back to her I shack her again hoping she will wake up.
(i-i am not stupid...i-i just love them...im not stupid for that),"oh but you are...do you know what your father will do if he see's you",(wh-wh-what do you mean)"hehehe..iv'e said to much...but one thing for sure is that your father wont be very happen".(wh-wh...wait tell me more)but it was to late.

"WAIT DONT LEAVE"i look around and i see charles,"n-no...g-g-get away from me"i get up and started to run away from him.
I freeze time around me and run to Lizzy were she is frozen, and I them return time to normal. Holding her tight I ask her, "Whats wrong Lizzy, tell me. You know you can trust me. I love you!"
i look at charles and start to cry,"i-i-i can't tell you...if you knew...then...then you wouldn't love me no more...im sorry charles...b-but i love you too much to tell you"i get out of his grip and keep running
"i will try and save him...i dont want to hurt you anymore then i have" i say as im running.i stop running and stop under a tree and take out a book."there has to be something here",just then i pass out again.(WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW)."hehehehehe...so it's true",(WHAT'S TRUE...AND WHO ARE YOU)."dont worry child i will show you eventually...but for now i have to tell you...are you sure you rather choose your father over love",(wh-wh-what i would never choose charles over anyone...not even...not even...)."not even what child".(NOT EVEN FOR FATHER...I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART...I WOULD DIE FOR HIM...)."then why dont you just tell him child...i'm pretty sure he would still love you even though you are a demon".(B-B-But...what if he thinks im a monster...what would i do then),"i dont know child....if he does not accept you for who you are...then he is not the right guy".(O-O-Ok...i will tell him...but im still going to find father),"That is fine.." i wake up and look up at the sky"what am i going to do".

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