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A forced love, With Creepylover

I rise an eyebrow, "Oh is that so.' I wave my hand and cause her wall of water to collapse over her and then have my wall splash her.
Wyatt said:
I rise an eyebrow, "Oh is that so.' I wave my hand and cause her wall of water to collapse over her and then have my wall splash her.
"*gasp*HEY NO FAIR...you never play fair...fine if thats how you want to be then i'll play your little game"i smile devilishly and form another huge wall and splash it on him making him super wet"and now to finish this"i form little water balls and throw them at him until he fell.
I see Lizzy's wall of water and enjoy the fact that she is trying. After a little while of her throwing water balls at me I fall to the ground, then I raise my hand and a man made out of water forms, the man grabs Lizzy's foot and begins to left her. "alright Lizzy it is time we head off again." The man sets her back down by the edge of the stream and collapses back into the stream. I get out of the stream and use magic to dry myself off.
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after charles fall to the ground i see a man made out of water,he grabs my foot and i try to shake free but i cant.it picks me up and carries me back to shore"h-hey wait i dont want to..let me go"no matter how much i squirm i cant get free"ffiiinnneee..you win"i cross my arms and pout,it drops me of at the edge of the shore and goes back into the stream.i dry myself off and still pout while i stand by charles,"you know next time instead of a water carrying me back why dont you do"i cross my arms and look at the ground.
"Its makes things more interesting," I joke, then I whistle for the horses and climb onto the back of mine. I wave my hand and the camp goes into my bag which flies into my horses saddle.
Wyatt said:
"Its makes things more interesting," I joke, then I whistle for the horses and climb onto the back of mine. I wave my hand and the camp goes into my bag which flies into my horses saddle.
i smile(in my head)"i'll get you one way or another charles...",i climb on my horse back to camp and pack up my stuff.after i we were done i look at charles and smile"sooooo...where to next"?
"As far as we can go until we have to set up camp." I grab my bag and grab a book of spell out. "Lizzy this book should help you learn some new spells." I then toss it to her.
Wyatt said:
"As far as we can go until we have to set up camp." I grab my bag and grab a book of spell out. "Lizzy this book should help you learn some new spells." I then toss it to her.
i catch the book and look at it"thank you..i will definitely read it"i get on my horse and open the book.
We ride the horse until sunset coming a pond a canyon, "We will have to cross this tomorrow but this will be a great place to continue your training." I get off my horse and begin setting up camp again.
i see a huge canyon i get of my horse and go over to the canyon."wow it's soooo big...and dark"i look down and couldn't even see the bottom i step back so i didnt fall down it and helped set up camp
I look down into the canyon "Last one down is a rotten egg!" I run towards the edgy and jump, freefalling to the bottom.
Wyatt said:
I look down into the canyon "Last one down is a rotten egg!" I run towards the edgy and jump, freefalling to the bottom.
"WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOUR GOING TO DIE..."i run towards him but it's to late"OH COME ON"i jump in after him and catch up to him.once i do i look at him"WHAT ARE WE DOING WERE GOING TO DIE"i hold onto him scared out of my mind.
I hold out my arms using magic to slow our fall, "Don't you trust me, I am an magic expert." After a minute we reach the bottom unharmed, "Ok now time for you to get back up. Remember neutral magic is about manipulating your environment." The walls of the canyon are completely smooth not a place to climb up.
Wyatt said:
I hold out my arms using magic to slow our fall, "Don't you trust me, I am an magic expert." After a minute we reach the bottom unharmed, "Ok now time for you to get back up. Remember neutral magic is about manipulating your environment." The walls of the canyon are completely smooth not a place to climb up.
"i-i do trust you but you dont just jump off a cliff like that"after we reach the bottom i stand up and look around the canyon then look up."o-ok so what spell do we use for this"i look at him in confusion?
"Don't worry about spells yet manipulate your environment for your advantage. A soccer who doesn't need spells is a dangerous one, spells just help the process." I snap my fingers and a bright light is cast off of me and I teleport somewhere else in the canyon were I have a great view of Lizzy but she cannot see me.
i look around to find charles but couldn't"CHARLES...CHARLES...WHERE ARE YOU...DONT LEAVE ME ALONE"all of a sudden i fall to the ground clutching my head"AH..NO..AAAHHHH"my head started to hurt and i didnt know why"AAAAHHHH...STOP...STOP IT"i fall on the ground and faint.
I see Lizzy collapse to the ground and I quickly rush to her, teleporting us to the top of the canyon. I open my bag and reach in for herbs, applying them to her. "On no this isn't good, she is sick beyond my means of healing. It looks like a seven day trip is going to become a two day and a night trip." I jump onto my horses and hold on to Lizzy, keeping her on my horse and rush to the birthplace of magic.
(im with my father before he left to go into the army)"father when are you coming back","i dont know...but i'll be back soon i promise" he walks away and waves,i look at mother"mother...what if he doesn't come back","dont worry he'll come back".(a couple years later)army man:im sorry ma'am but we have some bad news about your husband...,i was listening to the whole conversation,well...it appears that he has deceased...in other words...your husband is dead ma'am...,*gasp* i walk to mother"i-is it true..h-he said he'd be back...he cant be dead your lieing","Rebecca now calm down","NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN...HE LIED TO ME HE SAID HE'D BE BACK...HOW DID HE DIE"i look at the man and cry,"it appears he died mysteriously...all we found was his body...and it looked like he was dead for days...","N-NO..I WILL FIGURE THIS OUT MYSELF...".t-thats why i started doing magic..for father.
After a long night journey we make it to the birthplace of magic, the sky was full of colors and the all converged on a lone tower, inside a ruin castle, in the middle of a lake. I waved my hand a boat drifts towards us. I get off my horse and set Lizzy in the boat, getting in afterwards. The boat the carries us to the castle and I take us to a courtyard where a table sits and I set her on it. "I can save her, all I need to do is summon a great source of magic."
(4 years later)"mother..i need to ask you something","yes what is it","i want to talk about father...it's been four years since he died...and i want to talk to you about how he died..you know father would never just die mysteriously"i sit next to her and look at her with a serious face,"well im sorry Becca i dont know what to do...it's not like i can use dark magic to communicate with the dead",i smile at her"but i can...i learned a spell that will help us","ok Becca..i know this is hard for you..but you need to let it go","no..im never going to let it go"i run up to my room and begin the ceremony a big black cloud formed me"wh-what are you and what did you do to my father"the cloud of smoke smiled and spoke"you will never see your father again he is somewhere you will never find him..you cant help him and you never will"the cloud of smoke laughed,i remember now it erased my memory of doing that...but why am i remembering it all of a sudden.just then i can see my father"f-father b-but how your dead","no im not..i dont have much time..but there's something very bad coming...you have to...magic tower...only one...who...save me...","father-father come back..i need more information","im sorry Becca but i must leave now".
I find a golden chalice after a great deal of effort. Then I fill with waters from a nearby fountain and pour the water down Lizzy's mouth. I knew what I was doing would upset the balance of the magical world, I then proceeded to drink the water my self. The sky above us lost its colors and the whole area lost its magical feel.
"Rebecca it is time you woke up and help","FATHER PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME AGAIN"but it was to late.*gasp*i wake up,look around and see charles,i hugged him and started to cry"h-h-he's alive..and he needs my help*hic*...i thought he was dead b-but he's alive and somewhere" i couldn't stop crying..."i-i need to help him charles...i need to".
"Who's alive, how can we help." I drop the chalice in between us. I can feel the water taking it's effect.
i look at him and keep crying"father..m-my father...he's not dead..s-something bad is about to happen...and my father has something to do with it".
"Rebecca, where is he? The whole castle begins to glow, glowing brightest around us. "Before we, continue. We have drink from the fountains were magic was greatest, and now we have its power. Now where is he?"

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