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A forced love, With Creepylover

A figure appear in front of Ruby once they had split up. "Do not be afraid, I am a friend. Eric made a deal with me that he would never see you again if I gave you more power to survive. I am Nagato, the gate keeper of power."
i look at the man shocked,"h-he did what...n-no"i backed away from him "eric would never do something like that"i started to run away from the man.
I appear in front of her again. "He would if it meant protecting you, he would sacrifice himself to save you. Which is why I had him make that deal with me. I promised I would take his place and I intend to."
i stop and look at him,Jinx and Aine catches up,"Ruby dont worry we are still here for you and we will protect you with our life...i promised your mother that"i look at them,"o-ok...but what do we do now..."i look back at the man.
"You shall lead the way, you are in 'control of your own destiny'." He then waited for her to respond.

(sorry didn't get an alert)
"ok...well"i take out the necklace from the bag and look at it,"from what i know this is Freya's necklace the goddess of love...we are going to have to find her and give it back to her we cant keep it".
"How noble of you, lead the way." I had no desire to lead since it was left to Ruby to become a leader.
i started to walk to where Freya's castle far away.after awhile it started to get dark,"we should set up camp for the night"i stop and look around for a place to set up camp.once i do i tell jinx to get some wood for the fire and i go get some water,once we come back Aine brings some food that she hunted and we started a fire to cook the food.

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