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A forced love, With Creepylover

"yes this is where the god of fire is...he should be right inside"David opens the door and she see's the fire god sitting in the throne she walks up and bows,"i know what you are here for and i can give it to you but you know i can not give you an answers to what you need","yes...of course my lord".
"What do you mean that you can give it to use if you can't give us an answer?" I walk in questioning him.
"what you seek you must find yourself...BUT i can give you this"he then gives Landers soul to Eric to make a form.
"that is something i am unable to tell you...now you must leave your journey does not stop here...you still need to find the others".

we begin to walk out of the castle,"Eric...who is that?"
"That was the person David replaced. Lander a powerful king." I follow david as I am stilk in shock.
"oh"we follow david to a lake,"whats here david?","the goddess of water...after we visit her we should be able to get close to mother nature".the water glows and a figure comes up from the water,"hello...i see you have made it".
"yes i know exactly why you all are here"she gave the soul of Mother Iris,"now you should rest for tonight...it is getting late"she then went back into the water and the glowing stopped.
"This can't be, I don't know if I can make a proper body for either of them. I need to try while you all find some where to camp." I walk off and Banshee follows me.
as we look for somewhere to camp for the night i go and search for some food i go into the woods and i find some birds and deers to eat once i come back i see that mother emily and david have already got the fire going,"here's some food","thank you Ruby you did a good job".
I found an opening in the forest and sat down. I held the two souls out and focus my energies on reviving them and making them new bodies. Banshee did something I did not expect, she held out her and began to age into an old women as she gathered her life force to revive them.
as mother emily and david cook the food i set up some tents and gather some water from the stream. as i was at the stream i seen something in the water,i picked it up and it was a heart shaped necklace"where did this come from?"i look around to see if someone dropped it but no one was around but us.
After several moments the bodies began to take form, I was only able to make one true body and it was for Mother Iris. Banshee place her life force inside the bodies and the souls the entered them.
i go back to the camp and ask them if they know about the necklace they sa they have never seen it before,"ok then i will ask banshee and eric when the come back".i sit on a log looking at the necklace waiting for them to come back.
Banshee and I walk back with Mother Iris and Lander. Banshee appears to be an old women now. "I will back in a moment," she said and walked off into the forest again.
i see eric and walk up to him,"eric i found this necklace in the water...it looks familiar do you know who it belongs to"i give it to him to inspect.i look around to find banshee but didnt see her.
I look at it, "I don't know, Lander take a look at this. Do you know anything about it?" Banshee was in the forest catching birds, bunnies and other animals stealing their life force to replenish her own.
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he inspected the necklace "it looks alot like something Freya would wear...but what would it be doing here?","who is Freya?","Freya is the goddess of love...but what would she be doing here i wonder","well we will have to just find that out","the food is done"david yells and divides the food to everyone.

(she is coming in later but this is how i introduced her ;- ;)
After a few minutes Banshee has stolen enough life energy from forest creatures to replenish her self and comes back to the camp. "Freya, she was one of the humans that became a "god" after the earth was created. She is known as one of the lesser gods, compare to the seven elemental gods."
i look at the necklace again"but what would her necklace be doing here let alone in some water?"mother emily looked at the necklace,"do you think this could be a clue to something?","but to what","i guess we will have to find out when we adventure more".
"Hum... I don't remember Freya she must be new. I did die along time ago though." Banshee states as she looks at the necklace. "Good night everyone." I say as I go to bed.
as Eric goes to bed we eat and go to bed also. the next day we pack up and find mother nature,we follow david into a beautiful forest were the trees were colored red,orange and yellow.
It was a suppressing sight, everywhere you looked it full of a beautiful scenery, composed of tree and small flowers with fantastic colors.

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