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A forced love, With Creepylover

Not wanting to, I followed her, not wanting to leave and clinging on to this moment, but I followed David back to the house.
when they get near the house we started to hear them,"there coming",they get ready to surprise Eric with the food they made.

as they are walking to the house David could see that they where ready,(made it just in time).
"yes we wanted to thank you for everything you have done for us so far Eric...especially me"i go up and hug him,"if it wasnt for you i would have been dead by now"i say."if you didnt let Ruby keep me then i would have been dead myself","and if it wasnt for you i would have never been brought back to life"they say as they all smile at him.
"Well thank you, this means a lot." I sit down and look at the wonderful food trying to decide what I want to eat first. I settle on a hamburger and fries then move on to some other foods.
we sit down and eat some of the food that i and mother emily made,"this is really good Ruby you have the good cooking skills like your mother","thank you David i practiced a lot when me and Eric traveled place to place".
I smile enjoying this moment, it seemed like this could be our last peaceful moment in our lives.
as we finish i started to get tired,"Ruby why dont you go to bed","but i dont want to...i want to stay up with you guys just a little..."i fell asleep before i could finish the sentence.David took me and tucked me into my bed,afterward she started to get tired herself,"i will do the dishes...it's the least i can do for everything you guys have done for me".
"Ruby is going to be so sad when she hears what happened one hundred years ago. I don't know if she is ready yet." I tell mother Emily. "I think I will go to bed and tell her in the morning. I then go to my room and fall asleep.
after David finishes the dishes she lays on the couch and falls asleep,mother Emily sees David on the couch and put a blanket on her then she goes into the room a falls asleep.

i was dreaming about the fight and what would happen to me."so little one you think you can stand up to me fat chance i will crush you faster than you can scream for you mother and father","my mother and father are dead","well-well-well they are-are they*laughs*i guess thats leaves only you left little one".
I sleep rather well for the first time in a long time as sleep through the entire night without waking up once.
"just tell us where to meet and leave us alone till the battle","you think you are coming to me HA im coming to you i know exactly where you are and im coming for my revenge".the next day i wake up and rather late than i usually do.
I was down stairs preparing breakfast as I do, it was a simple meal with bacon, eggs, hash browns, pancakes, sausage. organ juice, breakfast burritos. Nothing to big, "David would you get Ruby breakfast is almost done."
"yes of course",she walks into my room and hears me mumbling in my sleep she goes over to my bedside and hears what im saying,"R-Ruby...breakfast is almost done"she shakes me and i wake up,"YOU WILL NOT WIN",she jumps back and i look at her,"oh-um...sorry..."i get out of bed and head to get breakfast.
"Good morning! How did you sleep?" I serve you plate with a mountain of food on top of it. I then hand David and Mother Emily a plate, before sitting down as I start on a plate of my own. "Dig in!" I say with enthusiasm and chow down on my food.
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"i'm not...hungry right now..."i get up from the table and go back to my room."whats wrong with Ruby?","i believe she communicated with the demon queen in her sleep...when i went to wake her up i heard her talking in her sleep".
I stop eating as soon as I hear what is going on and go back into the cave to think about what has happened. I sit in the in the middle of the cave sad and depressed that the demon queen has entered Ruby's dreams. "She will die for this." "Indeed she will, but you must go find the other gods to find how to kill her. She is not like her husband she is much stronger." "Life is right go now and find the other gods, David knows where to go. But we see that you need a warrior to compete your group." The figures of Life and Death were standing in the cave. Death held his hand to the water and a green lightening bolt continuously came of his hand striking the water. Life placed her hands on the water and it glowed white. "This being once took on the beast with in the mask before it had a mask. She nearly killed it, but it was an impossible task and she was killed and now she will rise again." Life's voice faded away as a figure rose from the water. She had black hair with a strip of white in it and she had a yin yang eyes. The figures of Life and Death faded away. The women fell down into my arms and I carried her back to the house. "Well David, Life and Death want you to lead us to the four other gods. Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Do you think you can?" I set the women down on a chair and sat back down at the table. (I just realized how many girls are currently in the rp xD )
(i think Earth,water,fire and air should be men xD )

"yes i believe i know where they are...but it will be a long journey to find them"i come back out of the room and i see another person,"Eric who is this girl you have with you"she was sitting in a chair knocked out.
"I don't know who she is, she was resurrected by Life and Death. They said that she fought the beast before it had a prison and for a long time she was wining which is impossible. She fell unconscious as soon as they left. She must still be weak and is regaining her strength." I stand and walk closer to you. "Are you okay, do you need something to keep her out of your dreams?" I hold up my hand a matter began to fly into it, soon it became a dream catcher. It would allow her to control her dreams and decide who was and who was not in them. I hand it to her, "take this it will help." The women in the chair began to stir, she put a hand to her head and she appeared to be in pain. She then rubbed her eyes, opening them slowly. She looked around the room, "where am I? Why am I not dead?" (She gets her body, but David doesn't. She has to be a golum xD )
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"thank you Eric",i look at the women and she looked like she was awake."i will put this above the bed"i walk back into the room and put the catcher above the bed so i wouldn't have anymore bad dreams.
"Life and Death restored you, they said you could help us. What is your name." She brushed her hair out of her face and looked at me with her purple eyes. "I am Banshee. Last of my kind, and at the moment I would rather not explain." Her hair fell back in front of face and she leaned back in the chair. "How did you die?" She looked at me with a fire in her eyes. "I challenged the beast, the gods said that I needed to as they cowered in fear. I didn't know that I could not win and I guess I was buying the gods time while they made the Mask Of Solomon. I fought the beast for eight days and eight nights, the gods did not dare help me even when I was dying. They had the mask at that time but they wouldn't dare help me. They wanted me to die and for my people, my race to die." She then clamed down again and looked away from and at the table. Her whole face was hidden by her hair, and she seemed to be very angry.
after i hung the dream catcher i went back out and said,"Eric im going to the cave for a little"i put on my necklace and transformed into a wolf,then ran to the cave."i am going with Ruby"David followed after me.once i was in the cave i took some ingredients to make some potions,"we are going to need as many potions as we can need".
"Once David and Ruby get back we will head out in search for the other gods. With any luck we will find what we are looking for..."
after i make more potions i put them in a bag,"ok david lets go"i go out the cave and david follows.once we are back at the house i see everyone ready for something,"whats going on?"

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