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A forced love, With Creepylover

Ether the spoke in a certain voice. "Their time to be together again has not come! Ruby is the product of two gods while Eric is the product of one with powers of another. They have the strength to defeat the demon queen." I then rose an eye brown at my grand father, "Grandpa who is the god that I am a descendent of?" Ether then in a quick motion moved his hand from Emily's shoulder to his mouth. Then in an act of defeat he answered my question, "I am Solomon! Creator of the mask that imprisoned the beast, this is why I am so old and you don't know how great I am. I was the first phoenix and almost everyone in our family has gotten that form as a mark showing their linage to me. For the past few generations it had been lost, four generations and it had not appear but some how it reappeared in you. When it did I felt my strength begin to leave me, there are never two gods of the same family alive at the same time. That is why Mother Iris had to die so long ago, Charles was inheriting her power, and that is why Lizzy and Charles can't be reunited. They have a child with both of their power, Ruby would kill them." In his other hand he held his staff tight, as though he was getting tired from just standing. I was shocked by his statement, just my existence was now killing him. Ruby was preventing her mothers rebirth, the day Ruby died her mother would be reborn and then the king and queen would be reunited, but Ruby is immortal so she can't die unless something was to kill her.

"Grandfather, what do you suggest we do? This seems like a conundrum, I vow to protect Ruby, but Emily says that the king and queen are the only ones capable of killing this evil." Solomon then slammed his staff against the ground. "Ruby alone could defeat the demon queen she is already stronger then her parents, and that is why she can't use her powers. They are to much for her to manipulate, but with that wand she will be able to cast the most complicated spells in the world. Eric I am the last elder god alive from the creation of the world, Ruby accounts for two god, that leaves four others in the world. Water, earth, fire and air. I was creation, as you will be, Ruby is light and darkness two of the strongest elements. If you need help search for the other gods the other gods they may be able to help. There are also other spirits, and two being beyond gods, who are beyond dying. Life and Death, mother nature and disaster. They are greater then any beings." When he finished talk I began to question him, "Grandfather, you talk as though you are already dead." He coughed up some blood and replied, "I might as well be, in another two day all of my power will be transferred to you. Then death will come collect me."

(Sorry I got caught up in the moment, but plot twist xD . Like how I have tied things together?)
(...0___0...Wow... xD )

Ruby started to tear up,"s-so mother and father cant come back unless im dead...b-but there","Ruby im sorry but i dont think there is a way to reunite the three of you together without killing your parents","b-but i cant kill her...i'm not strong enough...i cant be strong enough im just a kid","that maybe so but with our help you will be able to defeat the demon queen...i know you will".
I sit down next to Ruby in utter shock at what as been said, "Ruby why don't you and Mothet Emily go practice."
"n-no i-i cant...i dont want to fight her...i-i just cant"i put on the necklace and begin to turn into the wolf,once i do i run away from the house and try to think about what has happen.i find the nearest forest and sit by the trees and started to cry,"mother-father i want to be with you guys again".the sky around me begins to glow and two images begin to come down from the sky,"Ruby it is ok my child everything will be ok",i look up and see what looks like mother and father,"m-mother...f-father","yes Ruby we know what is going on and we know what is about to happen so we're going to give you your angel form early","a-angle form","yes my dear"i begin to glow and white wings begin to come out of my back,i hover in the air and go back on the ground and the wings disappear,"goodbye my sweet Ruby we love you very much"and with that they disappear into the night sky!

(see what i did there ;p)
(Just had to have back xD )

Ether or Solomon appeared to be very ill and I tried to get him to a bed, "Grandfather, you must get rest." He again slammed his staff into the ground, "I am dying, I DON'T NEED REST." He got up and began to walk away falling to his knees, "Eric please the only thing you can do for me is to kill me." I Chased after him and helped him back to his feet, "I can't kill you, you are family." Then in anger he yelled, "that is why you must di it, I am in pain and in a few days I will die no matter what! KILL ME!" Tears began to fall from my eyes, and I muttered under my breath, "please I can't." I could see the pain in his eyes the desire to die and it hurt to refuse him his wish.
i sit back down by the tree,"why did this happen...why couldn't i be just a normal girl"she put her necklace back on and begin to head back to the house howling in the night sky.
"If you won't kill me Eric I will kill my self, please end my life." I shock me head, "I can't... I can't kill you." He then transformed into a phoenix and flew over the cliff. He transformed back into a human and fell to his death into the ravine after a moment, I began to glow as his the portion of his power went into me. All that remained of the legendary Solomon was his staff and I.
once i get back to the house i see mother Emily in a room,i nudge her and she turns around,"hello Ruby are you felling better now"i shake the necklace off of me and turn back into human,"*sniff*y-yes...i um actually got to talk to mother and father","well thats good what did they say","they um...gave me my angle form"she smiles,"just as i suspected".
I come back into the house with Solomon's cane, and see Ruby back inside, "How did things go?" I asked as I wiped a tears from my eyes.
i look at Eric,"i saw mother and father...they gave me my angle form early they said...but what wrong what happen to your grandfather?"she walks closer to him and see's the cane in his hand,"h-he's d-dead".
"He jumped off into the ravine he couldn't stand the pain he was feeling as his power was being transfer to me. I am glad that you were able to see your parents." I set the cane on the table and sit down at it.
i go into my room and lay on my bed,"it's late...i think i'll go to sleep now"i close my eye's and go to sleep.

mother emily see's eric and puts her hand on his shoulder"it will be ok he is in a better place now".
"He said something on life and death, do you know who they are. He said that they were beyond any god, do you know what he meant?"
she thinks for a second,"death-death...*gasp*the only person i can think of is Lucifer himself the queens king"!.
"Lucifer was an angel, Solomon was around before him, Death would be far older and much stronger. You teach Ruby, I need to do something." I grabbed the cane off of the table and left the house heading towards the cave.
"oh...my old mind is getting the better of me...i will teach ruby until she knows everything there is lets just wait until tomorrow because she is sleeping and it's late"she says as eric walks out of the house.when he leaves she goes into a room beside Ruby and falls asleep.
I walk into the cave, deep into the cave. Then I hit the staff against the ground, and it began to morph and grow. It's branches stretched across the walls and ceiling as it unraveled. It was like a tree except in the center the wood moved in a way as to leave an opening. In that opening was a ball of red energy, this was the only artifact within this realm or any realm that allowed people to go to the most ancient realm. The birth place of the gods before they made the earth. I placed my hand on the ball of energy and was sent into the realm with the staff in my hand, by leaving this place the gods had lost their invincibility. Only two beings had remained in this realm and over time they could leave with their invincibility, life and death. This realm was like a ghost version of the earth, and I was again in the same cave and as I moved around I could see everyone but I couldn't interact with them. I could see you and when I tried to move your blanket over you my hand went through it.
as i was sleeping i felt a cold felling i sat up and looked around,"MOTHER EMILY CAN I HAVE ANOTHER BLANKET"she came in with another blanket and wrapped me in it,"thank you","your welcome"she started to walk back when,"mother emily...do you miss david"she stopped and looked at me,"well do you miss your parents","well...of course","well...then there's your answer now get some sleep we have a busy day tomorrow".
I was walking around through the village, I couldn't interact with the world so I couldn't find a way out of the ravine. After a while I transformed into my phoenix form and began to fly around looking for life and death.
before i fell asleep i sensed Eric was in danger,i get up from the bed and put on my necklace.when i transform into a wolf i run out the house with mother emily following me making sure eric didnt know i wasnt following him,(where is he going...and what is he looking for?).
I fly out of the ravine and begin heading west, I had a feeling that I needed to go there. The scenery began to change from the faded version of the earth in to a green mist of souls, I was getting close to Life and Death. (He is trying to get help from Life and Death)
she smelled around until she found his scent again,she continue following it out the ravine until she lost the scent foe good,"i cant find it where did it go",emily caught up with her,"what's wrong what is it","it's eric...i felt like he was in trouble","i think eric is fine he can handle himself dear"i look at her and nod,"o-ok fine...l-lets go back",they go back to the house and she trust that eric is safe.
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I had entered a building that had thousands, or millions of souls. "Hello! Hello... anyone there?"
once we get back to the house and we go back to bed.i was dreaming about what was going to happen to me during the fight with the demon queen,and Mother Emily was dreaming about david and everything that has happen to her.
"What is it you wanted my child." It was Life, "he wants to learn how to defeat the demon queen." It was death.

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