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A forced love, With Creepylover

"I think we should try and learn her real name. She might lead us to where she lived or perhaps she will lead us to records about what happened." I tell you as I walk around the house with you.
"oh ok...so what do we do now...should we try and help the cat"i ask as i walk around with Eric unpacking looking at her,"she looks kind of...sad".
"For the night I think we should wait and help it in the morning. Find a room to stay in, if you don't want to you don't have to be in the same house as I am." I then leave, going in to the basement to make a birthday gift for you.
i watch as Eric goes into the basment and then lay on the bed and start to go to sleep,before i do the cat lays next to me and we fall asleep. the next day we wake up to a loud noise and jump out of the bed and rush down the basement,"Eric what was that noise?"
"Don't worry, it was nothing. I am just practicing magic. Why don't you take the cat around the town and try to learn more about it?"
"um...ok"we go out and explore the town,the cat seemed to enjoyed it until she seen something that scarred her.we were going into house to house to see if there were any other people or animals but there wasn't,we started to head back when she seen something that caught her attention,she started to run towards it and i ran after her,"wait for me kitty"she stopped and sat on a statue i started to read the plate,"it's a cementary...but why are we here kitty"she went inside and sat on a grave stone,"David Corrina who is that-what are you trying...*gasp* your last name is corrina isn't it kitty"she nodded like she could understand me,"well im sorry for your loss Kitty"we head back to the house and i ask Eric if he knew a last name by Corrina.
I gasp when I hear that name, "how did you find that name. She died on your birthday, or at least that is what people believe. No one knows she was in the castle when it disappeared, however, she was the last advisor of the king and queen. Your parents." I pull out a wand from within my selves. "Here, happy late birthday, this wand will help you use your powers more easily."
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"oh pretty wand"i wave the wand a little and remember what i was going to say,"well this kitty is connected with David we need to help her Eric...please"i give my best puppy eye's and the kitty gives her best kitty eye's.
"Well the kitty is basically family, however, David had changed her last name from what I remember to lasser. She must have done that to cut her tie to this place."
i look at the kitty again,"is there anything else you can give us that can help to tell us maybe your name or something kitty"she looks at a pile of books on the table and sits on one of them,"a voice giver...use this spell to give a voice to things that can not speak use this in potion or spell form I GOT IT"i showed Eric the spell and smiled,"What do you think...do you think you can do it?"
I couldn't decide if I should do it or give you the chance, this was a person and it would be dangerous if you messed up. "I can do it, give me a second." I wave my hand a mutter something under my breath. With in seconds the cat was glowing, and it was obvious that the spell worked.
"hello my name is Emily Corrina and i am the mother of David please you have to find the queen and king they are the only one who can stop them","but stop who?","they are coming...i have said to much...but only the king and queen can stop them please i shall help you the best i can but the rest is up to you two"and with that the rest was meowing.
"It is impossible to find them I knew where the castle was and we spent two decades trying to get to it. I saw the queen die and the king used magic beyond my understanding to seal the castle away from everyone. Anyone who has found and entered is said to have been aged to dust." I stand up and think back to when I was young. "Mother Emily, do you still remember the old ways. I think I should complete my training as a monk."
she nods her head and starts to walk into the basement hoping Eric and Ruby would follow. once she was in the basement she sat on the table with some books.
I pick up the books and look at them, "if you need me Ruby I will be studying inside the cave, gather all the information you can to help Mother Emily." I then leave our house and head into the cave to study the old books.
after Eric leaves i look at the wand he gave me,"Hey miss Emily do you know light and dark magic too"she shakes her head and points to book,i grab it and start to read it.
One of the monks greatest sacrifice some would say, was that a monk had to give up a portion of their power to become a monk. That was not why I had left, I didn't not like the life style but now it seemed to grow stronger I had to give up some of my natural powers, not the powers Charles had given me fortunately. I grabbed one of the gems on the wall, the wall the monks sacrificed their power was by forging these gems into a powerful artifact, such as Excalibur but that was a weaker artifact among the monks. It was said that one of the most power monk was made into a god and that he was the one who forged the mask of Solomon. Now it was my turn to forge a powerful artifact, I needed to focus on the gem and make something that was needed.
me and Emily were reading the books on magic when she stops at a specific page,i look and read it,"you want ME to try and the voice giver spell"she shakes her head and points to what it says,"th-th-the potion...*gulp*i-i will try it...but i dont think it will turn out so well"i go to the cauldron and collect the materials,"ok...here goes nothing"i put all of the stuff in the cauldron and was stirring it until it turned blue.afterwards i put it in some bottles and labeled them,"now dont drink them yet...i would like Eric to see how i did while you drink it...think of it as a test" she smiled and nodded her head.
I felt a great amount of my natural power escape me as it went into the gem. It began to take the shape of a feather, I got up and waved the feather. It created fire hotter than any dragon could make and yet even as it touched me I was unharmed due to the feather. I then pointed the feather at a large boulder and it began to levitate. I stopped and then I held the feather out, it's powers began to move me through the air. I bumped into several ways before I came back down. I then went back to the house.
i heard Eric and we went upstairs with the potion,"Eric-Eric we have some great news"we run up to him with the potion in hand,"look i made this with the help of miss Emily isn't amazing...now to see if it works"i put down a little bowl and pour some of the potion in.when she drinks it she started to glow again,"it works-it works","thank you Ruby for making that potion".
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I pull out the phoenix feather and show it to Mother Emily, "I have one last thing to do before my training as a monk is complete, I have to gain my animal form." I then looked at you, "great job Ruby, you training is coming along."
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"that is good...but i must warn you Eric you must be careful with your animal form...if you use it too much you shall stay like it and it wont be good...now go Ruby will be safe here i shall keep teaching her and now that i can speak it shall be much more easier to communicate with you two".
I walked to the edge of the village and looked down into the ravine. Everyone knew that once you made an artifact that to get your animal form you had to jump off and into the ravine, somehow magic would transform you and bring you back up to the village. I took a step and then jump off with my back facing the ravine...
i followed Eric to see him turn into his animal form and i see him jump off the ravine,"ERIC NO"i run to the edge and look down,"it's ok Ruby look he's ok".
About half ways down I felt my body changing, my bones morphing. I then flew back up in a new fiery form, landing next to Ruby. I then transformed back into my human form, "Mother Emily do you think it would be beneficial to train Ruby in the ways of the monk?" I knew the animal I had gotten was unusual, it was a rare form. ( xD You did exactly what I wanted you to, The good thing about the monk thing is you can make your self a cool weapon.)
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