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A forced love, With Creepylover

David and I find Lizzy crawling on the ground and I see two strange people walking out of the room with smiles on their face. "Lizzy what happened! Lizzy!" I pick you up holding you in my arms, I can feel you breathing still and I know that you where poisoned. I set you back down and chase after the two boys. "What did you do to her?!?" I pick them up by their throats lifting them up a foot or two above the ground. "What did you do? You might want to tell me before I kill you!"
i still sense the danger and weakly walk over to them,i cast a spell and they return to there normal selves,"th-th-there demon hunters...there here to kill me and the baby"i run away from them and look for the baby.they get out of charles grip and chase after me,"you cant run from us forever".i go into the room where the baby is and hold her,"CHARLES IM SORRY"i stretch my wings and fly out the window with her into the trees.
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Eric chases after her with as much speed as he can, I chase after the two boys and grab them by the necks again. "You will never hurt my family again." I then snap their necks killing them. David runs up to me, "my lord, she is about to die." I stop cold, "how do you know, where is she?" David then falls to her knees "I don't know where she is, but I have a power that allows me to sense when some one is about to die. Forgive me my lord for what I am about to do, but it will ensure that she returns to you someday." She then takes her sword out and stabs her self, she then takes her blood and draws symbols around her self. "I give my life so that Elizabeth Minx will be reborn, now and every time she dies making her love last for ever." I realize that she allowed Lizzy and my love last for ever. She then dies in front of me. Eric finally finds Lizzy and yells to her, "my queen, you are going to die allow me to keep your baby safe like Charles commanded me to do!" (Sorry about the brutal deaths)
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i look at Eric and fly down to him and give him Ruby,"please take good care of her"i look at ruby and smile then i start to walk weakly.but before i could get far i fall to the ground.
"I hope Eric takes great care of you my sweet little girl." I say this a shock wave flies through the castle and throughout the kingdom, I was freezing the island that our castle was on in time. "Well, I guess we cannot go back Ruby." Eric told her.
i die on the ground but before i go into the heavens i say my final words,"goodbye my king i shall return to you please do not fret my love"and i leave.
One hundred years later, it has been a hundred years since Ruby was born and since Lizzy died. "Come Ruby! Do it right, I know you can. You mother also struggles at first from what I have heard." I was helping you develop your powers but it seemed you had some sort of mental block. After a while I finally set you done on a log, we had been nomads since the day you were put in my custody, and I had been teaching you everything I could especially about your family. ( @Rebecca Ruby Woods I think this is a workable place.)
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I remained sitting on the log, she didn't like how tough he was on her and I knew that. However, I wanted her to be able to do more in life then others could every dream of. I had a secret piece of cake hidden in my things to celebrate her birthday and when ever she came back I would give it to her.
Ruby walked by a near by lake and look at the water,"i want to move the water..."she thought about how cool it would be to move the water around.after a little she went back,"i'm back Eric"she sat back down on the log and put her hand on her face.
I went to my things getting my surprise out and then I brought it to you. "Here you go Ruby, happy birth day and like I said your mother also struggled at first."
she looks up and smiles,"y-you remembered...i thought you forgot...thank you"she takes the cake and eats it.after she finishes she starts to get tired,"well...it's getting late we should get to bed soon".
I got up and went to the water, sitting on top of it and meditating. Tomorrow we would be leaving our camp site and go to a special place. "Sleep well Ruby." I call out to you as you go to bed.
(The next morning) Ruby wakes up and see's Eric still meditating,so she goes and explore into the woods a little.as she's in the woods she finds a red and black flower,"oh pretty flower"she picks it up and puts it in her hair,after she picks a couple more of the flowers she goes back to the campsite.
After a while I get up and head back to the camp, "all right Ruby, pack your things we are finding a new place to stay for the night." I pick up my things and pack them up in two bags.
She pack her stuff up and wait for Eric to load the stuff,after he loads the stuff they keep going until dark.
"hum... I forgot how long the journey is by foot, it will take us another day. How are you feeling?"
"i am just fine...i can do it"she says as she weakly walks.after a couple of miles she sits down and takes a break,"i...need...a break now".
"We can rest here. Once we reach this new place we won't have to be nomads anymore." I sit down next to you and rest.
she looks at him,"w-wait...what...what do you mean y-you cant leave me...at least until we find mother or father" she starts to tear up.
"No that is not what I am saying Ruby. I was saying we will finally have a house to call our own." I sigh and build up the courage to tell you that your parents are dead. "Your mother died giving you to me and your father is lost in time, he basically is dead because no one can reach him." (Eric doesn't know what david did)
"th-there...dead...mother dead...father lost in time...th-there must be a way to get to father at least...i-i cant except this i will find a way to save him"she gets up and starts to run into the forest.
I freeze and walk to Ruby catching up to her I stop a few feet in front of her before resuming time. "Ruby, you don't even have full control over your powers. What do you expect you will do? Besides I think your father made it so that only your mother could find him. As it is we have to let time take it course, we are immortal it is likely we will see him again some day. I can teach everything you need to know and help you if you come with me."
"Ruby, I can only teach that ability if that power was passed down to you. So far only two people have ever stopped time, your father and I." I take your hand lead you back to our things so that we can gather them and head back to my secret place.

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