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A forced love, With Creepylover

Not soon after David and Lizzy left and fell asleep, I began to fall asleep half worried about David.
the next morning i wake up and see charles still asleep i get up and try not to make noise,i close the door behind me and walk down some stairs to find david and the king talking.i walk back up the stairs but david seen me,"HEY LIZZY WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP SO EARLY" i look at her,"oh um...nothing i just thought that um...i was just walking around thats all".
she walks up too me and smile,"i know when your lying...is there something wrong".i sigh and look at her"ok yes there is...i'm kind of worried about the baby and what will happen when i give birth" she smiles"dont worry Lizzy if anything happens we can help...and im sure charles will be the first one on the job"she puts her hand on my shoulder,"just relax now"i smile,"thanks"and start to walk back to the room.

"ayato the scents getting strong...we must be close",ayato looks at the tracker and hits his brother on the head."no were not idiot we still have a long way to go","ow that hurt","it was suppose to".they continue to walk until they reach a cave,"we shall sleep here for the night"they enter the cave and camp for the night.
I wake up and see that you already had gotten up for the day. I got changed and cleaned up our mess, when I asked yet again, "have you thought of a replacement for Lander? I have been trying to think of one."
i walk in the room and smile"i suggest we have david as the new landers...she knows alot just like him and i know her better than anyone"i sit on the bed and rub my stomach to try and keep some of the pain away from the baby,i look back at charles and smile "so what do you say...sould we hire her or not"?.

after the brothers rest they come out the cave and start to pack up."so whats they plan this time...we know it's a woman and she's married to a guys so how are we going to split up a married couple".ayato smirks and looks at his brother,"this is how we do it...we try to get her love and when we do she will want to break up with him","but what if she knows that we are demon hunters","she wont because i have made a special potion for that"."he takes out 2 love potion and disguise potion and smiles."she will never be able to resist us with these"he puts them back in the bag and they continue to make there way to find her.(i may have changed my name xD ).
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I walk to you and rub your stomach, "I guess that she would be a good candidate, I will go talk to her master." I then walk down stairs and look for the mayor of this town.
i look out the window and i see tree's swaying in the wind,i open my wings and smile,"soon you will be able to learn how to fly my prince or princess"i fold my wings back up and sit down on the couch to read a book.not to long after david comes into the room,"hey lizzy how are you doing"?i look up at her and smile,"im good...is something wrong whats up","no i just wanted to check on you and all...im doing my daily rounds","oh ok".
I talk to the mayor telling him that we were taking David with us as a replacement for Lander. The mayor nodded and I came back to the room. When I see her I say, "congratulation David you will now work as an advisor for the king and queen!"
when charles comes in the room we look at him and back at each other,"r-really"she smiles and hugs me,"now we can catch up"i hug her back,"yes we can i cant wait for you to come to the castle"i stand up and walk up to charles."thank you charles...wll we should start getting ready...we have a long way to go...what do you two think"?i look at David and charles.
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"Ya I think we should head back now," I begin to pack our bags back into the carriage preparing to go back into the kingdom
i help David with her bags and put them in the carriage,once we were packed up we got in the carriage and went on our way.david rides in the back with us and we talk until we get back to the castle.
Once we get to the castle I stand on the outside near the lake that surrounds the castle, "Lizzy go on ahead, I don't want to take any risk while we are waiting for the baby." I hold my hand up and the water begins to flow upwards making a protective barrier around the castle. Then I make a barrier out of light, lastly I made a barrier out of darkness.
the brothers was in the town and could see the castle,"there...that must be where she is"Toshiba pointed to the castle,"wait she's a queen...we cant just kill her that easily then...well have to go to plan B which is what we were talking about" he disguise potion and they drink it to make it look like there a prince and his butler. Toshiba looks at himself "why do i have to be the butler","because it's my plan...and it would be easier if i was the prince"they start to head to the castle hoping that they weren't to late.

i head in the castle with david and sit on the throne waiting for charles to come back,i look at david with a worried face,"dont worry Lizzy nothing is going to happen to him...but i must stay with you in case the baby comes now"i nod in understanding and wait.
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I walk into a room that a had a boy inside, "I am glad that you came, my old friend." The boy rose from his seat and bowed in front of me, and then rose. again. "What is you wanted my lord?" I placed my hand on his forehead, "I need you to protect my child when I cannot, and to give strength to do so I shall enhance you with my powers. You will be as strong as I am, but please be wise." His head then glowed as I passed my powers into him. I then lead him to Lizzy's room and he waited outside of it with David. "How are you doing my love?"
I look up at charles and smiles,"i am doing just..."just then i had a sever stomach ache i sit back down and breath."i-i think it is time"i look at charles again.

the brothers look at the castle and head towards it but before they could they got stopped by a barrier,"ah...it looks like she is smarter than we thought..."ayato frowns "i guess we cant do nothing...but wait...if she does have this baby w can kill her and the baby as well".
After a hour the baby was born and in Lizzy's hands. David and Eric were both inside the master bedroom with us, Eric was in a chair in the corner with a big smile on his face as he saw the baby. David was next to Lizzy looking down at the baby and I was holding one of Lizzy's hands tight as I admired our baby. "What should we call her?"
i looked at the baby and smiled,"why dont we call her Ruby...because her eye's are as precious as them"i look at charles.
"Perfect, I will be back. I don't think we need that barrier any more, and it is becoming difficult to maintain." I walk out of the room and outside dropping the barrier, then afterwards I go back to the room. Eric is now standing by the bed making silly faces at the baby.
as the barrier drops the brothers go inside the castle,"finally...now we can kill the both of them and onto the next mission".

we laugh at Eric faces until charles get back,once he comes into the room i stand up from the bed weakly and stretch my wings,i sit back on the bed and hold the baby,"welcome to the family Ruby".
I pick the baby up and hold it in my hands. "See I told you our baby would come out perfect," I say with a smile. I then hand Eric the baby so that he can have a moment with it during it first day of life.
after Eric and David leaves i smile,"well the baby is normal...im glad it's not demon like i am or half..."just then i sense danger coming into the castle.i get up and run towards the door.

"now if i am sure she will show in 3....2...."they waited for Lizzy to sense them and started walking in the hall.
Eric runs into the room when Lizzy runs off and I hand him the baby for him to protect it. David chases after Lizzy as she sees her run past. I then run out of trying to chase after Lizzy not knowing where she ran off to.
i turn the corner and bump into someone,i get up and see a prince and his butler "oh im so-so sorry sir my apologizes"i look behind him and see nothing.(so he must be the danger...but how?),"it is quite ok it was a accident...they happen...actually im here for a reason im here from the...Kingdom Of Nydianna and i would like to speak to you about this"he pulls out a piece of paper."and what exactly is this...","this is our *peace treaty*and we would like the queen to sign it if it's ok with you...","ok then we may talk about this".
I stubble and fall into David. "Where is the queen?" She looked at me and said, "I don't know, she was to fast for me to keep up. We should stick together and look for her." We then begin to look around for her, looking in every room for her.
we sit down and talk about the peace treaty,"would you like something to drink my lady","um...maybe just one drink wouldn't hurt",ayato got up and got us some scotch while he was over there he put in the poison and brought over the drinks."here you go my lady"he handed me my drink and i gulped it down in one swig.i started to feel weird,i looked at ayato,"excuse me for a second"i got up,left the room and started to walkaround the castle.ayato and toshiba smile as the plan was working.

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