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Fandom Forbidden and Scarred Love { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Adrian. Where was Adrian supposed to be? Probably off everything by now if he finished he daytime shift. Then he would have already had dinner. So. Okay. Where would he go after? Hayden started pulling literally every person to the side and asking them about Adrian. Did anyone know him? Did anyone know what he did after his shifts? Did anyone know what he liked? Finally someone was able to tell them where Adrian normally was after. Good. Hayden was tired.

They checked every room numerous times. Every inched had three different people walk it. Soren was not about to leave anything unturned. It did not look like anyone had done anything more than walk the same paths as usual. It honestly didn’t even look like anyone really went in here too much. The longer they found nothing, the more Soren was starting to really worry. No signs meant that they were not here. That was the conclusion that Soren was coming to as the night dragged on. He hated this line of thinking. If they did not go here, where did they go?
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

As they searched for Adrian, they finally located him in the library. Jacob led the way to the library, keeping an eye on Hayden. It had taken a bit to find him but now they had. “Adrian?” Jacob asked as he came up to the man. “Yeah?” He asked, lifting his head up and away from his book. “The Serevena patrol. Did they report anything strange or odd?” Jacob asked him and Adrian tilted his head. “There were a lot of infected sounds from the other side of the gate near the suburbs, and a crash but that’s it. They weren’t too concerned with it because it was probably an infected in a house and they probably wandered somewhere and something fell. Why what’s up?” Adrian replied, confused.

Josh growled as he flipped the last closet door open. He made it back downstairs and shook his head. “We need to split up. Soren, take the courthouse, the old synagogue and the bank. We’ll take my old neighborhood.” Josh said, moving towards the front entrance of the hotel so he could begin searching there.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden did not like the answer to this question. So something weird did happen, they just didn’t think about it. “Kai and Theo never came back from their exploration of the hotel today,” he answered as he began to pace about five feet over and over. “Jacob, could that have been them? Why would they go over to the suburbs? What exactly would make them think that was a good idea?” Breathe. He needed to breathe. He inhaled deeply, slowly. Exhaled slower. Felt the ring on his finger. Spun it. “I need someone to get that information out there to them. And I want to know who was on that patrol.”

Soren nodded. Before Josh could leave with his men, he grabbed his arm to get his attention. “We are going to find them,” he told him again. He was insistent. “Whatever it takes.” And then he was going to do whatever it took to get the story from them before Hayden got to them. Because that was not likely to go well later. He hoped Jacob had him under control. Soren grabbed his men and moved them out towards his area. “We don’t split up. We are not enough people if the reason they are missing is because of something bad out here. We systematically go through each place. Eyes and ears open. No mistakes. No being lazy. And you better be alert. Act like your life is in danger, because it just well might be from whatever is out here or if we go back home and don’t have them with us.” And they moved out. Soren drove the truck closer but swapped with another soldier when he arrived. He was not about to sit there while his nephew was missing.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Adrian heard that Kai and Theo had not come back and he was up and moving. Like many of the soldiers, he both liked Kai and Theo, but knew Hayden was overprotective of Kai. Jacob sighed, placing a hand on Hayden’s shoulder. “Go find the patrol leader. If he’s not around, find me the next one in that group. I want a detailed explanation from them as to what went down. And have them meet us at the medical tent. Hayden? We’re going to find someone who can get this information to the boys.” Jacob said moving away from Adrian and taking Hayden’s hand to head out to find someone.

Josh felt the grab on his arm and looked at Soren. “I know we are.” He said with insistence in his voice. He turned and led his group out past the hotel, through by the courthouse, down through the bombed area and towards the cul-de-sac where his parents lived. “We check each house as one. Don’t split up.” Josh instructed as they started searching the first house.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden was in a swirling mess of what ifs in his mind. What if that was them? What if they had to run from trouble? What if they were going to help with trouble? What if that trouble got too big for them to handle? What if that big crash was them and they were trapped? What if they died? He followed as Jacob took them somewhere. He didn’t hear exactly what he said. Something about getting the information to the boys. Good. They needed to know where to look. They needed to know. They needed.. to know. Their poor baby boy. What if he was out there suffering, and they weren’t there to help him? No. He couldn’t accept this. By the time they made it to the medical tents, he was flat out ignoring just about everyone but Jacob. They weren’t the right people anyway. They weren’t who they really were. “Who?” He finally asked. “Who’s going to get the information?” He couldn’t. He wasn’t about to send Jacob when he needed him here.

It was a long, long process as they combed every inch of these places. They found plenty of infected that they wiped out without issue with the number of people they brought with them. They did the same like they did with the hotel. Each spot had three people on it. Nothing. There was no evidence that the boys had been out here. Soren was starting to also get a bit grumbly and had to reign himself back in. It was not his soldiers’ faults that they couldn’t find them. It just meant that they weren’t there. But where were they? That was the question.
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Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Jacob had finally made it to the medical tents and waved over Mel. “Where is Manny or Owen?” Jacob asked, knowing the two Fireflies were close with Kai. Mel came over and looked at Jacob. “Owen’s still gone, but Manny’s in the cafe.” She replied as Jacob nodded. “Good. Get ready for anything. Hayden, let’s go see Manny. He still owes me a favor and he likes Kai.”Jacob said, turning to head to the cafeteria to search for the former Firefly.

Josh and his team swept through the first two houses before they headed into his old home. Nothing left in there but memories of an old time. He moved through with his groups, but the more time they found nothing, the more irritated and worried Joshua was getting. They still had five more homes after this to go. “Kai.. where the hell are you.” Josh muttered under his breath as he kept searching for his son.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden followed almost wistfully. Manny. Manny could move quickly. Manny could find the boys. Manny could tell them about the crash and anything that the patrol had to say. Patrol. Weren’t they supposed to meet someone? He turned away from Jacob who was heading to the cafeteria. Someone. Some one. Brian. That was Theo’s roommate. He was coming along with them. Was he the someone? “You wanted to hear about the patrol around the Serevena? This is about Kai and Theo being missing?” That snapped Hayden back to attention. Kai was still missing. He could not lose sight of reality right now. They did not have the time. “Walk and talk, Brian,” Hayden ordered as they moved to the cafeteria. “They said you guys reported a crash?” “Yeah,” Brian answered. “We were at the hotel and somewhere in the suburbs past the gate we heard this loud crash. Figured it was some infected doing something stupid again. Couldn’t tell what it was, but I assumed it was inside some building that way. We didn’t see anything from the hotel, but that way isn’t part of our patrols. Is that all you needed?” “No.” Hayden was still furious. This was not any additional information. “You are going on a mission.” “Right now?” “Oh yes. You’re going with Manny.”

Nothing in the courthouse. Nothing in the old synagogue. Just that bank left, and the likelihood was getting slimmer and slimmer as they did not find anything. Soren searched and searched and researched everything what felt like a million times. There had to be something. Maybe it was because it was dark, said one. Maybe we should wait until light. Light was coming soon, so they might as well keep going. Maybe we should rest. Maybe we should- But Soren was having none of it. If this were one two of them missing, they would be out searching for them as well. Perhaps not as extremely as this, but they would still be looking for their people. Soren was afraid, and he could not let that show. He was so afraid that he was certain that there was something somewhere that they were missing. So they checked it all again. And then they moved on to the bank.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Jacob noticed Hayden move away from him but he trusted the other man to keep on track. His attention was focused on Manny. At this point it was just after midnight the next day. Jacob was tired but Manny seemed to be fine. “Manny!” Jacob said, walking over to him. The former Firefly looked up from his food and tilted his head. “Jacob?” “I need you to go on a mission. I’ve got information that needs to get to the search parties at the Serevena. We just got news that there was a crash in the suburbs near there and we think that Kai and Theo might be around there.” Jacob told him and Manny nodded, standing up as Jacob caught sight of Brian and Hayden entering the cafe.

Josh had just finished the second to last house and still nothing. He was getting snippy with his group though it wasn’t their fault. “One last house.” Josh told them, then they’d head back to the hotel to reconvene with the others. Perhaps there would be good news when they returned. He hoped so, but he also feared no news or bad news.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

“Good, you have Manny. I assume you caught him up?” Hayden was moving significantly slower now, or at least he should have been. Any time he caught himself slowing down, he pushed himself a little further. He wished that he lived in another time sometimes. Back when the world was normal, or what used to be normal, he could have gotten the kinds of surgeries that just could not happen anymore. They did not have the equipment, the medications, and the skills. Well, that wasn’t true. They could do a lot now. They couldn’t then. Not when the WLF was just forming.

“Jacob, Brian was on the patrol. He’s decided that he is too good to be useful-“ “That is not-“ “So he’s going with Manny.” Brian, who had been on thin ice since they started moving because of his insistence that if Theo and Kai wanted to be in trouble at midnight, that was not his problem, especially if he already told them everything he knew about the sounds, was definitely pouting. And huffing. “It’s too late for-“ Hayden whipped around and shoved Brian down in a chair. “Listen here. I do not care that you do not like your roommate and you think that you somehow run this place. You don’t. You want to know who does? Me. So if you would like to ever have any peace ever again, you will pull your head out of wherever you’ve gotten it stuck, and you are going to go with Manny to tell my husband that you may have heard my son and his best friend in trouble hours ago. Do not make me regret trusting you with this. Do I make myself clear?” Brian stared at him for a moment and then nodded. “Yes, sir,” he muttered. Hayden backed up to allow him to stand up and move to Manny. He bit at his cheeks to remember where he was. Who he was. What he remembered was that his son was out there somewhere and no one would get in his way in finding him.

The bank was empty of anything that could lead them back to Kai and Theo. It had infected. Now it didn’t. It had little scraps of nothing things that had no bearing to their situation. It was clear. He was running out of options without spreading out and going somewhere even further out. But how would they have even gotten that far out? “Alright, back to the Serevena. Let’s hope that the other team had better luck.” As he took back his driver’s spot and took his team back to the home base, he was not sure he believed what he was saying.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Jacob could only watch as Hayden informed him that Brian was not going to be useful in finding the two men, and then bit back the chuckle that threatened to spill as Hayden basically told him that he either went with Manny or did not have a comfortable life in the stadium anymore. Manny looked at Brian before he looked at the other two. “Alright. Let’s grab a truck and get moving.” Manny said, turning to make his way to the trucks and would drive as quick as he could in the dark to get to the patrols.

Josh slammed his hand into the wood. Eight houses. A couple handfuls of infected, and no Kai or Theo. No traces of them anywhere. “Let’s regroup. Back to the Serevena.” Josh said, leading his men out of the last house as the hours passed. It was growing close to 3am by the time they made it back to the hotel. They were tired, they moved slower and even Josh was pushing as hard as he could and still felt slow. The sky was dark and light, a mixture of black and that grey morning color. Josh found Soren and shook his head. “I found nothing. What about you?” Josh asked as he heard the sound of a truck approaching. “Who’s that?”
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Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

The second that Brian and Manny were gone, Hayden was holding onto Jacob again. “I am so tired,” he groaned as he held onto his arm. He was really starting to hurt. The adrenaline was wearing away, and all that was left was his broken body fueled by worry and fright. “I- I don’t know what else to do. Is there anything else we can do?”

Soren was exhausted. He was angry. He was seriously worried. So when Josh came up to him without a Kai in his arms, he was already talking under his breath before he got the news. “Nothing. It’s like they weren’t even here.” He didn’t know what else they could do. Maybe in the light they could see more, but that was going to be several more hours. The longer they didn’t find the boys, the more likely something horrible was happening. And then there was a truck. Did Hayden send more troops? Was this a shift change? No, it was just a single truck. As it got closer, he could see only two people. He met them as they parked. Manny and Brian? Brian got out of the truck, arms crossed and definitely grumbling. “I take it you didn’t find them? Of course not.” He scoffed. “Your crazy husband and your slightly less crazy but still unreasonable husband sent us to tell you that earlier today when my patrol was out here, we heard sounds over there.” He pointed to the suburbs that no one was supposed to go to. “Loud thing like a crash or whatever. I told them it was nothing, but they insisted.”
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Jacob held Hayden tight, hearing his words. "I know buddy, and unfortunately right now there isn't much we can do. Let's sit down, rest that body of yours so when our boys come home with them, we can be a little more help." Jacob said, moving them towards their table to hopefully get Hayden to at least rest a little bit.

Josh groaned low as he heard Soren's words and sighed, swinging his head around as if they'd suddenly appear. They didn't of course, but he hoped. He looked at the truck and his blood both boiled and ran cold. "First of all, do not speak of my husband like that. And secondly, that would explain the footprints near that gate. Soren. Grab your group, we're checking out the suburbs as a big group." Josh said, turning, glancing at Manny and Brian before he moved towards the gate. Worry and fear pricking at his skin as he thought about what could've crashed.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden did not want to sit down. He did not want to stop. He wanted to keep going until Kai and Josh were in his arms again. He wanted Soren and Jacob right there with him. Theo could join too, though he assumed that his parents would want to know where he was. “Oh, Theo’s parents. Has someone talked to them? Surely someone has.” It should be him. “I should talk to them.” But his body hurt. He couldn’t go searching for them as well. Unless his mother was out there searching? He sat down with Jacob and put his head in his hands. He was too tired for all of this.

Soren nodded and disappeared to rally his group. Brian rolled his eyes. “So is that all you need?” He demanded as he moved back to the truck. “Can I go now? It’s too late to be dealing with kids who run off. Why do we have whole search parties for this?” He threw his hands up and pouted in the truck. Soren eventually returned with all of his group ready to go find Kai and Theo.
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Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Jacob shook his head as he sat down beside Hayden. “I believe that they were informed by one of the many who now know because we’ve enlisted ninety percent of our people searching for them. Now stop. You aren’t any good to anyone all burnt out.” Jacob said, wrapping an arm around Hayden’s shoulders and squeezed gently. “They’ll find them, and be back home soon.”

Josh glanced at Brian and crossed his arms. “No. You aren’t going back until we have them. You two are coming with us.” Josh said sharply. Manny nodded as Josh looked at Soren and his group. “Let’s get moving.” He said, leading the way to the gate. The thing still opened, and Josh put in the code that they never changed. The door creaked and groaned and he looked at everyone. “Move cautiously and carefully, we aren’t sure exactly where they are or what we’ll find here so be sharp.” Josh said as he led the way into the suburbs, looking around for any sign that his son and his best friend were around.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

It was good that they knew. He would hate not knowing. He needed to know. He needed to know now. He wished he had told them. He should have been there to share information. He should have been there to support them. They were in this together. Hayden leaned into Jacob and his eyes closed. He couldn’t fall asleep. What if they needed him? “But if everyone’s resting, who’s going to be there when they need us?”

Brian pouted a moment longer until Soren was suddenly by the truck and being scary around him. Soren wasn’t exactly a scary guy. The crazy one was scarier. And Josh was for sure the scariest of him and Soren, but this was different. Brian grumbled and got out of the truck and followed them into the unknown. Soren was the kind of exhausted that he did not know fear of what was out there in the places they no longer went. He was so too determined for that. They took very many people out into these suburbs. They searched for any sign of anything. Soren used Brian like a bloodhound. He made him recount everything numerous times so that they could pinpoint better where this loud sound came from. Finally, they made it to the fallen stairs. Oh. That is probably exactly what made that sound.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Jacob remained still and calm for Hayden. He held him but he was also scared. He liked Kai, and seeing the bond that him and Hayden shared grow over the years was beautiful. “We will be right there the moment they come home. Because you and I both know, they won’t be quiet.” Jacob said, hoping to reassure Hayden. Even just a little bit.

Josh followed the men as he watched Soren use Brian to recount everything. When they reached the collapsed stairs, Josh saw a few dead infected and one had an arrow in it. His face paled. “Soren..” He said, knowing that it wasn’t one of their weapons, they didn’t use bows. “Scars.” Josh added, his blood running cold as he looked around. He stood from where he’d been crouched, looking at the infected and saw a ladder on the side of a building, footsteps leading towards it. “Let’s check this building here.”
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Without meaning to and without any permission at all, Hayden laughed. He laughed because Jacob was so right. They would never be quiet. So they would all know when they came in. Everyone would know. Everyone. He nodded many times and also yawned. His body was winning over his mind. “Jacob. I’m gonna kill him when they get back. I’m going to never let him go again, and then I’m going to kill him.”

Soren had really been trying not to let his fear and worry get the better of him. When he noticed that he was getting more frustrated and irritable in the searches, he apologized to his group. He didn’t allow any negative talking. He wanted to stay positive and hopeful. When Josh pointed out the arrow, that was all gone. Infected and scars in the only area they found anything that could possibly be the boys. That looked bad. “All together. We don’t know what happened here. This building first. Bottom up and end at the roof?” He eyed the stairs. If they were running from scars, that seemed unlikely.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Jacob heard Hayden laugh and it made him smile. He also heard him yawn and sighed heavily. Then, after hearing Hayden’s words, Jacob laughed himself and shook his head. “Did I ever tell you the story of when Logan went missing? My mom said the same thing then, but once he was back, sure he got grounded but he lived.” Jacob said with a chuckle. He missed his twin, he’d lost him in a battle with FEDRA all those years ago. It wasn’t much after Jacob left FEDRA in fact.

Josh looked at the scene again before he nodded. “Make sure to check every corner of every floor. Leave nothing unchecked.” Josh ordered as he pulled open the door, glancing around. “Clear!” He said as he headed in to start searching here. The building was small, and it only had four floors, it wouldn’t take them long to go through it.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Hayden’s eyes grew wide. No, he had not known that. Or maybe he had and he had forgotten. “What happened?” He suddenly, voraciously needed to know the situation. He needed to hear the happy ending, even if in the end it was so much sadder. But that would be years later. “How did he go missing?”

They searched every floor. Top to bottom. Other than what felt like an inordinately large amount of infected that a crew this large easily took care of, there was nothing. Finally, Soren called it off. “To the roof. There’s nothing in here.” So up he went. There had to be something. They had to find something. His body was moving so slowly now that they had a lead and it was failing. Come on. “Sir! We’ve got a plank over here.” Soren, grabbing Josh’s attention, moved that way. “Now that certainly does look like a bridge if I ever saw one.” He let himself still for a moment. “Okay, kids, what were you doing? Why would you run from scars all the way up here?”

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