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Fandom Forbidden and Scarred Love { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kai sighed as he listened to Theo. Crazy was one word for it. Irritating and annoying and driving him mad worked too. He should not have a scar in his thoughts or dreams. “Okay. So let’s forget that happened and enjoy some of these beans I found. Uh. I don’t exactly have spoons with me though. So I’m not sure how we could share them.” Kai admitted as he swung his pack off his back and set it in his lap. He pulled out the can and then searched in his bag for anything that would work. Nothing.

Josh rolled his eyes as he looked at Soren. He thanked Hayden for his food before he heard Soren’s question. His eyes flicked to Hayden and saw the narrowed eyes. Jacob shook his head after he too thanked Hayden. “We’ve been in our room all day but no, we didn’t see him on the way here.” Jacob said, turning and looking around. “I’m sure he’s fine.” Josh said, trying to keep things calm still. But even he could feel panic in his bones. He was worried for their boy too.

Alex shook his head as he sighed. “No we probably would not be good to them dead. Let’s see if we can find a good room for the night.” Alex agreed, turning back towards the door. He had so many questions but wasn’t sure if the answers were ones he wanted to hear. He’d already experienced so many rules broken and he was going to be thinking of today all night long as it was. He didn’t want more in his head. Alex headed down the stairs to the top floor door and opened it, looking around. “Clear.” He said as he walked inside the hall and waited for Ezekiel.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Yeah, the sharing of food was not something Theo planned for with this outing. “Um. Hmm.” He sat up and pulled his pack off. He did not so much have anything either. “How about you eat the beans and I eat the snacks? We had a nice breakfast. I can handle a night without a full dinner too. No sweat.” He shrugged. It really wasn’t that bad. He was hungry. Not too hungry though.

Sure he’s fine. Sure. Kai was probably fine. Kai was fine. Kai was definitely fine. He was always fine. Late. Late was fine. Not that late. Maybe they got back in and were taking a nap or cleaning up or got into one of their discussions that stole away their ability to tell time. Kaiden was a big boy. He could handle himself and make his own decisions. The fact that he wasn’t here yet was fine. Hayden was fine. So fine that he wasn’t eating his meal, because he was too busy searching the cafeteria every minute or so. Soren, on the other hand, was not worried yet. He was young once too, and he was late to meals all the time. He was a full grown adult and had been a long time and didn’t show up for livestock duty today because he got distracted by his amazing husband. Who was he to judge? “Josh, how was duty today? Did I miss anything exciting?” Distracting them would make the time go by faster for when Kai did show up.

Ezekiel appreciated Alex’s willingness to move along with each situation without issue. He did not stress. He did not complain. He was exactly the kind of person gay Ezekiel would want beside him, especially when his own mind was so utterly distracted. He followed the younger one back down the stairs and into the hall. He moved past him and started checking rooms down the side of the building. “In here,” he said as he gestured into a decently sized room. It was one of those rooms with the various types of seating. He was not sure what they were used for in the old world, but they always had them scattered in business buildings. He pointed to a couch. “You can rest on that. I will take one of the chairs.” He moved into the room, closing the door behind him and shoving some of the furniture in front of it. He stood in the center and held his breath as he attempted to reconcile with himself about the day’s events.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden looked at Theo with an unsure look as he heard that. "Are you sure?" He asked, concern in his voice. Sure they had a good breakfast but still, snacks for dinner? He wasn't so sure that was a good idea. "You can have the beans instead if you'd like." Kai told him, he was hungry but he would be okay.

Josh could see Hayden worrying, he could tell in the fact that he wasn't eating his food. Josh placed a hand on Hayden's shoulder and gently squeezed. "He's fine. Just late." Josh said softly before his attention was drawn to Soren's question. "Oh. It was good. We had a new calf born this morning, and then we harvested a section of the corn." Josh said, glancing at Hayden again before focusing on Soren. Jacob's eyes widened at the news. "No way. Jessabelle finally gave birth?!" He said. Jacob loved the new babies that would be born every so often.

Alex followed Ezekiel towards the room he chose and stepped into it. He walked over to the couch and looked at it, sitting down on it. His eyes went to his leader standing in the center of the room. He was concerned for him, and confused with the day. But he didn't have anything he could say. So Alex laid down on the couch, it was uncomfortable, but it worked. "Uh. Good night." Alex said softly.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Theo shook his head. “Nah, it’s cool dude. You’re the one who got into a fight with a crazy scar. I am pretty sure I’ve got some granola bars in here.” He sifted through until he pulled out his hand dandy protein bar. “Look at that! Practically dinner.” He opened up the wrapped and took a bite. “I for sure won’t starve or anything as long as we can find our way back tomorrow.”

Hayden did not care about Jessabelle and her newborn calf. In fact he had all but stopped listening to them as he checked every time anyone entered from any direction. Soren, reached over, picked up Hayden’s utensil, put food on it, and put the utensil in Hayden’s hand. He continued the conversation like nothing happened. “Well that is exciting. What are we calling the little one?” He looked at Jacob. “Why don’t we go see after dinner?”

Ezekiel walked to the window and stared out it for a long moment before he realized that Alex had said words. He didn’t know how long ago. “Um. Yes. Good night.” He stared out again, seeing mostly visions of the various interactions with Kaiden. Him on the floor with Ezekiel’s bow pointed at him. Working together to defeat the demons. Seeing him again today. Arguing in the street. It was all he could think about. Every word he said haunted him like ghosts. Made him question everything.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kai let out a sigh as he nodded. "Okay, as long as your fine." He said as he opened the can of beans. He looked at Theo with his protein bar and nodded as he took a big bite of the beans. "I feel like if we get remotely close to a patrol route, we'll be found. My dad is a little.. overprotective. And I'm sure there will be several patrols out looking for us because we didn't show up tonight." Kai added as he took another bite. "You remember the first time I was five minutes late to patrol? I thought I was in trouble with all the men looking for me."

Josh sighed as he watched Soren put some food on Hayden's utensil and give back to him. He knew how overprotective of their son Hayden could get and likely his husband would not eat much if anything tonight. He looked over at Soren with a grateful smile before he chuckled. "Houston is what they've decided. It was a bull calf so he'll be around for a while." Josh added as Jacob looked at Soren. "Really?" He asked, the excitement sparking in his brown eyes.

Alex heard the good night and watched his leader for a few moments before he turned around and faced the back of the couch. His eyes closed as he fell asleep. Thoughts of wolves, of seeing his leader arguing with one floated in his mind as he slept.

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