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A forced love, With Creepylover

She walks with Eric back tot he campsite and gather her things to continue walking.as there walking she looks at the beautiful surroundings around her.
We spend another day walking until we come across a large ravine, "we are here, now we just have to get down." I grab a rope out of my things and make it so that we can climb down. "Go ahead Ruby, be careful. I will behold the rope to make sure nothing happens."
One you go down I begin to head down until we get to the buildings in the mountain. "Quite the sight wouldn't you say, and to make things better no else knows about this place. There is also a cave with magic properties that will help develop your powers."
"i cant wait to have powers",she jumps around and pulls Eric's arm "come on-come on...i want to see the city".
The city was completely empty, it had been abandoned for years, and it was quite nice to explore the city. This was my birthplace and I had finally returned after one hundred and six years.
"wow...it's so quite...what happen why is it so abandoned"she looks around and she see's not one living person,animal nothing."so how do you know about this place if no one else does?".
"I was born here, my family were monks but I couldn't stand the life style so I left. When I was about fourteen I got word that my village had been destroyed." I took you hand and began to lead you to the caves.
"oh-i'm sorry for asking..."she says as she walks with Eric to a cave,"so...um what kind of things are we going to be practicing...like dark magic and light magic like mother?".
"Your mother was first taught by Charles to use neutral magic. You know all of the laws of magic I want to practice in here and it will help you."
"ok"she goes into the cave with Eric and looks around "so what do we do now...how is this cave suppose to help me...it just look like a cave"she see's bats,water dripping from the ceiling and rocks everywhere.
I create a small ball of light in my hands lighting up the cave displaying the gems that lined the wall. "Stored within the cave and the gems are pure powers that enhance anyone with this cave. Just practice magic in here for an hour, I will come fetch you for diner." I then walked out of the cave and to one of the buildings and begin to make diner.
she looks at the gems "wooooow there so beautiful"as Eric leaves she started to practice her spells that he had taught her.she had a bottle of water with her and tried to move the water but failed that was one of the things she was trying secretly.after ten minuets she stopped and tried her other spells.
I had prepare a steak diner and had vegetables on the side. I then went back into the cave to get you for diner, "how is it going? Have you made any progress?"
she stops what she's doing and jumps,"oh-um yeah watch this"she grab a red gem from the wall some water and a light that she had with her and showed Eric what she learned.she enchanted the materials and the started to form one glowing red gem afterwards it dropped on her hand and made a necklace and put it on her neck,"and there...see i did learn something".
"Hum... It seems that you picked up your mothers gem talents. Come out for a while and have some diner, you don't have to practice anymore tonight if you don't want to."
i follow Eric out of the cave to eat dinner,after i finish dinner i get up,"i'm going to go back to the cave now"i head back to the cave to practice more magic and on the way i gather some supplies for potions and other things.
While you are practicing I begin to explore the village, and look for my old house. When I find it, it is as bare as the as I left with a lone bed in the corner as was the way of life for the monks.
as she is in the cave she practices her magic,"ok so this goes here-there and...hello"she hears something outside the cave,"Eric im not practicing the water spell i..."she looks down and see's a little black cat,"you must be lost little one...but how did you get here?"she picks up the cat and looks for Eric.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yoruichi_Cat.jpg.3a480ada41000723bcb926ed9d3e1690.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Yoruichi_Cat.jpg.3a480ada41000723bcb926ed9d3e1690.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I leave my old home and begin to head back to the cave to get you. It was beginning to get dark and I wanted you to have a room settled in.
i go into the village to look for him but couldn't find him,"hm...where did he go...ERIC-ERIC"i yell out for him with the cat in my arms walking around the village.
I go into the cave to look for and when I don't see you I go deeper into the cave by the stream that went through it. Still not finding you I went back out taking one of the gems with me. "Ruby! Ruby where are you?" I called out looking for going back into the village.
i hear Erics voice and i turn around,"ERIC WHERE ARE YOU" i run towards his voice and see him.after i caught up with him i show him the cat i found,"i dont know where she came from or who she belongs to...can we keep her Eric...pleeeeaassseeee"i look at eric and smile.
"Hum... she must be the last surviving member of the village, the monks had the power to transform into animals. However, it came at a cost. This one must have lost the power to transform back. I think we should keep her." I then began to lead you back to my old house, that way you could chose somewhere near by if not in my house to stay.
i enter the house and put down the cat she went into a corner and went to sleep,"what should we call her Eric...she needs a name"i sit on the floor and look around the house.

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