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A forced love, With Creepylover

(i do that to anyone who falls of things xD )

"well it would take sometime...but i dont see why not Ruby do you want to learn the ways of a monk",i look at Eric and hug him,"dont ever do that again you scared me half to death"i look back at Emily and nod"y-yes i would"she smiles and looks at Eric "ok then it is settled you will learn the ways of a monk Ruby and get a animal form".
I begin to walk back to the house, "the books are still in the cave, you can go ahead and read them. I don't want to teach you about discipline but, if it is important Mother Emily can teach you."
she looks at me and nods,"i dont think discipline is needed right now...come Ruby lets go read the books","ok"we walked to the cave to read the books.i turn around,"what are you going to do Eric?"i say looking back at him.
"ok bye-bye Eric"we continue to go into the cave and read the books,once we are in the cave Mother Emily sat on the books,"ok now Ruby it may seems like alot of reading but it's not the sooner you read the books the faster you get your animal"i pick up one of the books and started to read them with mother Emily.
after awhile mother Emily stopped and quiz me on what i learned,"ok now Ruby what kind of animal can you be","it all depends on who and what you are","good job now why cant you stay in your form for too long","because if you do you stay like that forever","perfect...you got a 100%...i think it is time"we exit the cave and go back to the house.
I wake up and go back down stairs. I begin to examine my feather again as I wait for you to come back.
as they were walking to the house Mother Emily spotted something on her neck,"Ruby look"she looks down and see's a necklace made of gems,"how did that get there...i dont remember making of eric giving me this?","that must be your animal gem...it must have came to you when we were walking","so what now?","seeing how it is a necklace it must be a feline...so you mustn't jump off the cliff".we walk in the house and wait for Eric to come upstairs from his nap.
When I see Ruby come in I jump up in surprise. "Ruby you need to figure out what your artifact does then you can find your animal fom."
"but i dont know what to do now","i am sorry my dear i wish i could help but you are on your own...and now we must leave you alone to try and find it yourself"she looks at Eric and walks away hoping eric would follow her so that Ruby could try and find her animal without anyone with her.
I follow Mother Emily, "of she can't learn what her artifact does she might lose the opportunity to find her animal. Do you think this happened to fast?"
she chuckles,"relax my dear i full faith in her,and you should too...it would be best if it was night which is going to happen soon",she looks out the nearest window and the sun was about to set.,(o-ok...so mother Emily said this necklace would make me into a feline...but what kind) she walks outside and see's the sun setting to almost about dark,she puts on the necklace and waits."nothing is happening"she begins to walk,then sprint then run,the necklace begins to glow turning her into a spiritual wolf.she stops and looks at herself then begins to head back to the house to show Eric and mother Emily.
"Good my child but can you transform without you neckless?" I examine you as you come back, "I just had a thought you necklace maybe be able to allow Mother Emily back into a human if it gives the power of transformation."
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i shake off the necklace and change back into my human self,i pick up the necklace and look at it,"how would my necklace change you back?","*sigh*my necklace was destroyed when everyone fled the city and ever since then i have been stuck as a cat...my necklace looks almost exactly like yours...except it was red instead of blue,everyone that is an feline gets a necklace like you and i so i was just thinking maybe it would have worked if i used yours".
I pick up the necklace, "I am very talented and strong when comes to forging items perhaps I can make one for you." A voice the comes from behind me, "no grandson that will not be required of you. I will make one for Daughter Emily." The man then approached us, he appeared to be older then time it's self.
i hide behind Eric,"wh-who are you mister...and where did you come from...and why did you call Eric g-grandson?"
"This is my great..." I had to think for a moment because I didn't know how far back his linage went. "Grand father. Ether Longstar, the oldest known monk in the world."
"um...Ruby why dont you go and practice some of your magic","ok"she then goes out of the room and into another practicing her magic and her potion making."are you sure you can just make one father Ether?"
"Daughter Emily, please have faith in me my child." He then held out his hand displaying a necklace just like the one she had lost so many years ago. "Grand father where have you been, why have you just now appeared?" "My child, all will be answered in due time. I am a busy man coming to the end of his time."
she looks at the necklace,"m-my necklace"she puts it on somehow and she starts to glow,"i-i think it's working"once the glowing stop she look for the closest mirror.when she finds one she can see that she is back to her human self,"i-it worked"she turns to Father Ether"th-thank you so much"she thanks him and begins to tear up.
"My child, would you get Ruby, we need to discuss what happened and further more what you are afraid is going to happen." Ether hugged Emily close to enjoy the brief moment, but he had priorities as well.
"o-of course"she went to get Ruby and came back into the room,"Eric Emily isn't a cat no more that's awesome isn't it?".
I smile at Ruby to let her know that I heard her, "Mother Emily tell us what troubled you, please." Ether then stood by Emily and placed a hand on her shoulder to let know that he was there for her.
"oh yes...we must find the queen and king and unite them again...something really evil or should i say someone really evil is coming and they are the only ones who can stop her...if we do not the world shall end"!

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