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A forced love, With Creepylover

me and mother Emily woke up early to start working on magic,"ok now right now i will be mainly teaching you light magic because that is what you will need to defeat her","ok so what are we going to practice first",i ask with my wand in my hand,"now we are going to be working on this spell",it was a spell of light.
"Can you help me?" "Of course we can Death and I can have seen many things." "But we cannot give you the information, the answers you seek are within the four elements." "We will send you back but you will need help on your adventure." "You will need guide that Life and I are not allowed to tell you." Death then held out his and to me and a soul flew to me. Life then held up her hand and I was back in the cave. (Just wait for the surprise xD )
"the next thing we are going to be learning is a potion"she turns to a specific page and hands me the book,"it's a light spell...just like mother used","thats right"i put the ingrediants in the cauldron and it started to bubble a dark blue.after it was finish it was a yellowish color,"it doesn't look very good","it might not look good but you did very well on it".
I make a new body for the soul that Death gave, then I hear a familiar voice. "Owe-ee it feels food to be back." I lead the person out, of the cave, "David it feels good to see you again, well for the most part." We enter the house and I yell, "guess whos back!"
we come up from the basement and Mother emily's eye's widen "D-David...but you died".

i look and see Eric and david i go up and hug them,"your back...i thought you were in trouble...and it's good to see you again david i havent seen you since i was a baby"
"Don't worry Ruby, I can take care of my self. But Life and Death gave me her soul as a guide to find the other gods. That was the best body I could make for her."
David sits next to her mother and still towers over her. "David why did you leave?" I asked her.
she look at Eric and sighs,"i left because i knew what was coming when i was small and i had finish my monk training so i went in search for new homes to learn there ways...i am sorry mother i never told you i left but it was for the greater good".David looks back at me and smiles "you have become so big from the last time i saw you Ruby".
"It has been a hundred years since you have seen her." I sat down at the table and rested my head in my hands.
i look Eric and frown,"eric you must be tired why dont you go and sleep...i will keep practicing my magic for the fight!
i look back at mother emily and david,"i will let you two get caught up...i will go to the cave and study there"i then head to the cave and start to learn the light magic for the fight.once i get in the cave i grab a couple of gems from the wall and set them onto a table,i grab some eye of nute,angles feathers,holy water and stuff like that and also put it on the table.read the book and put in some ingredients,"holy water,angle feathers and the purest of heart to make a light potion the lightest of them all...all you need to do is splash this potion on the enemy and the enemy will become really hurt"i stir the ingredients around until the potion looked a white color,"it's done"i put it in four bottles just in case we would need them.
I was tossing and turning while I was sleeping, dreaming about Solomon jumping off into the ravine. Several times I yelled out.
i put just a little of the potion to the side and made a took the gems i had from the cave and made them into a cross with a little gem in the middle,i put some of the potion in it and closed the lid,"this shall be the plan B..."she says and puts it on her neck,"i think i'm done...im going to make everyone dinner"she smiles happily and rushes to the house.
I had woken up and was sitting in my bed with my head in my hands fight back the bad thoughts.
once i get back to the house i still see david and mother emily on the couch talking i walk over to them,"can i ask you two a favor","sure anything Ruby","i kind of wanted to make Eric a surprise dinner and i need someone to distract him and someone to help me",david get up"i will distract him for you..you and mother go ahead and make the dinner"i smile and hug david,"thank you david".
I see David walk in, "hey just the person I wanted to see I have wanted to know fot past hundred years, what happened on that day?"
she smiles,"thats not important now come i want to show you something...it's not that far"she then begins to walk out of the house and into the cave.

as they leave i smile,"the plans working"i look back at mother emily,"ok so this is what we are going to cook,i say a list of all the kinds of erics favorite foods,"do you think we can do it?","yes we can".
"Where are we going and will you please tell what happened, I need to know that way I can confort Ruby."
she stops in front of the stream and looks up,when she does she see's the sky sun setting sky."i died to protect Ruby and so did her mother and father...i killed myself so that her mother may live and be immortal,her father put a spell on the castle so that it may never be found until her mother found it first".

as they are making the food they are talking about eveything they can think of,"so mother emily do you know anything about the demon queen","i do...long ago there was a king by her side...but one day your father and mother killed him in battle to protect your mother from him","but why","well when he was human him and your grandmother made your mother...but he was a demon...so when your mother and father killed him she got very angry and sad so now she bows to kill every single relative of the family...and the only one left is you"

(A.K.A Zapar....see what i did there xD )

"Thank you, now my mind can be at rest with that. I am glad you are back." I see the setting sun and admire it.
after a couple minuets she looks back at Eric,"well we should get going now and head back home",she then began to head back home with a smile on her face.

as they finished the food they set the table and put the food on the table,"do you think this is enough food","yes Ruby this is plenty"she chuckles and they wait for Eric and David to get back.

(sorry been asleep almost all day xD )
I didn't want to leave yet, "do we have to go already? We just got here, and the sky is so beautiful right now."
"yes we do...there is something else i want to show you...back home"she looks at him and begins to walk out of the cave again.

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