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A forced love, With Creepylover

she packs up some of her stuff including her necklaces,wand and the dream catcher and goes back into the living room.
"Okay David lead the way." I said and Banshee looked as though she rather not go, but she knew she didn't have a choice.
she started to walk out south of where they were,"we are going to find them this way...they will be in castles of there own elements".
Everyone began to follow David, Ibstay back close to Banshee. "I promise the same thing won't happen twice. I don't like how you where treated." She looked at me for a second then turned away from me.
after awhile it started to turn dark,"we are getting close...but it is getting dark so we must set up camp".we stop and look for somewhere to sleep for the night,once we did we set up the camp,i got the water from the lake,mother emily got food and david made a fire.
Banshee went out into the forest and came back with dead birds in her hands to help make diner. I was meditating on our future to think about what could happen.
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after i came back with the water dinner was ready,"did i really take that long getting water?","well the stream is kind of a far away".we begin to eat the food that banshee and mother emily got."this is good","why thank you Ruby"david said as she smiled.
Banshee took a bite out of her food, "its mostly bird meat." I took a bit out of meat smiling.
Once everyone was done eating I gathered up the dirty dishes and take them to the stream to clean them. Banshee comes with me to help.
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David and mother Emily looks after me while I sleep,"I think she will be OK now that she has the dream catcher".as I'm asleep I still dream about the demon queen but every time I try to talk to her she goes away.(it might take me a little longer to respond because I'm not on my computer no more :-P)
as david and mother emily watch me the fall asleep next to me.as im sleeping i see the demon queen,"you thought you could keep me away with a little puny dream catcher HA","what do you want from me?","i want you dead little one you and the others","well thats not going to happen...as long as we find what we are going to find we shall defeat you...and that is a promise","*laughs*we will see little one...ta-ta for now but i will be back".
Banshee wakes up before everyone else and gathers water from the stream. She then takes back to the camp and makes a breakfast for everyone.
i still talk and mumble in my sleep and david hears me,she shakes me to try and wake me up from the nightmare.i jump up and look at her,"you were doing it again Ruby...are you ok?","y-yes im perfectly ok"i get up and walk down to the stream to splash water on my face.
I was still asleep and Banshee went over to Ruby, "are you alright? Is there anything I can do for you?"
i look at banshee,"n-no...i am fine but there is nothing anyone can do until the battle...i just have to deal with it i guess...please tell eric i am going for a run"i put on my necklace and ran into the woods.
as i was running through the woods i tried to think things through.i stopped and took of the necklace,i saw a field of flowers with different colors everywhere"wow there so pretty",i went in the field and sat on the ground to pick up some of the flowers.
Banshee contenued to make breakfast, I woke up and saw her cooking. "I didn't think you liked us." She stooped what she was doing and turned to me. "I can you guys are different."
as i picked up the flowers i decided it was time to go back i didnt want to sta away for to long,i put on the necklace and run back to the camp.after i get to the camp i see Eric and banshee talking and david and mother emily up and packing everything up.i go over to them and give them some of the flowers i collected the gave Eric and banshee some of all kinds of colors,"i got them from a field there was alot of them so i picked up alot".
"They are beautiful Ruby, I wish I could help you my child." Bansee said as she held her tight. "Here I made you some food." She then said. I helped pick up the rest of camp while you and Banshee have a moment.
"i-it's ok...really it is...talking to her is helping getting information...i just need more time"i take the food and begin to eat it.

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