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A forced love, With Creepylover

we stop behind david,"she should around here somewhere",the leaves started to blow in the wind and it started to get really windy.a ball of light started to form a person and mother nature appeared,"i see that you have come and find me...i give you this soul from the castle...before it was lost in time"she gives Aine soul to Eric.
"Well it is nice to see you again, sweet little dragon." I hold the dragon soul close to me and smile.
i look at the soul and smile,"Aine...inst that the dragon father and mother had raised together and they fought Zagan together too?","yes she was such a sweet little dragon...and very powerful too"david smiles back."now there is one more person you must see...david will show you the way to him but that is all i can help you with have a safe journey my dears",after she said that she smiled and turned herself into a pile of leaves.
I got a cold sensation go down my spine as a I felt something, we must be running out of time. Or was it something different something more powerful? "We better hurry we don't how much time is left." Banshee grabbed my arm and held me tight to reinsure me that things would be all right.
"we must find the god of wind...he could be anywhere...but he is mainly up in his castle"david then starts to head to a big grey castle with dark clouds over it.
Again I feel the cold sensation, "We best hurry." I then take the lead and rush everyone into the castle where the god of wind awaits us.
as we go into the castle we see the god of wind,he turns around and smiles"just the people i was expecting...i have a soul that will be useful for fighting the demon queen"he gives the soul of angelic Jinx to Eric and smiles,"she will be really helpful for fighting her and she can help you with the other thing you need"i look at the soul and smile at it,"thank you","it is my pleasure now you have everything soul you need to fight her i suggest you find her and kill her now".
I quickly realized, as I sensed something. "The demon queen has resurrected an old enemy. I can feel it."
i look at eric with confusion and shock "wh-what do you mean...wh-..."i realized what he meant and i started to panic"oh no...no-no-no-no-no this isnt good wh-what are we going to do now i cant beat her now not by myself".Arron buts his hand on my shoulder"you will not be in this alone...you now have these souls to help you fight her","b-but what happens if...","there is no need to think negative i believe in you you can do this my dear little Ruby"he smiles and looks out a window,"it is time".
I quickly begin to make bodies for the last two souls. Banshee then fills them with life exhausting herself.
as he makes the bodies i begin to search for things in the bags that would be necessary for the fight.once the bodies where done and they were full of life i seen jinx look at me "R-Ruby"she smiled and hugged me,Aine ran up to me and started to lik me,"hey girl nice to see you for the first time","ruby it is so good to see you".
i gulp and look outside to see the sky darker and darker,then the i see the demon queen and king come down from the sky and land on the ground."well-well-well...look what we have here*chuckles*i have brought someone back also i believe some of you know my husband Zapar"she looks at us and smirks.
I continue to feel the cold sensation, "something else is happening but where? I am sorry Ruby but there is something I must do." Banshe and I then vanish in a puff of smoke.
i take a breath and look at her "well that doesnt matter because you both will be dead soon"i clench my fist,"we will see about that"i tun into my angelic form and Aine turns into a big dragon.me,Aine and Jinx fly into the air and so does the demon queen we begin to fight as i also wonder where banshee and eric went.
"so this is how you want to play then we shall play"she summons a black ball of light and throws it at me,i fly into the air and miss it by just a hair."Ruby we need to have a plan to defeat them"i look back at jinx and fly towards her "then what should we do?","hm...i got it"she wispers in my ear and i smile, i look down to find mother emily and tell her the plan,"that is perfect but how will i get up there i look at Aine and she picks her up.we fly into the air all together and look at her now "lets get this fight started".
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Aine spits fireballs out at her and it some hit her,Zapar summons some of his minions to attack us.mother emily cast a spell and kills all the minions,ma and jinx do a double light attack and hit her.she falls to the ground and and laughs "you think thats enough to keep me down*chuckles* then think again"she gets back up and hits me with a ball of dark magic,it hits me and i fall on the ground once i hit the ground i look up at her and started to get angry.i take a potion from a bag and throw it at them to blind them then i fly in the air,"EVERYONE NOW"i yell and me,mother emily and jinx cast a spell to kill them once and for all.
We find a strange gate with a stranger man, "hello." I say and he looks at me. "Your late, your friends are going to die." "You must help us then." "Why, you don't even know who I am."
she smirks"nice try little ones"she puts up a barrier in front of her,"wh-what...but how","you used the same spell one Zapar im not going to fall for the same trick"she then throws ball of dark magic at us and it hits me and jinx.we fall on the ground in pain.
"Who are you then?" "I am the one person you don't want get into a fight with. I will help you but you must leave Ruby forever if you her to survive." Banshee takes my hand and nods at me. "Do it." The man smiled and rose his sword opening the gate and transferring power beyond any god to Ruby.
as i was on the ground i coudn't feel any pain what so ever and i felt stronger than ever before.i got up and look at her,i summon a giant ball of light magic and throw it at them.it burns them and they turn into ashes,i faint and mother emily comes rushing down to me,"ruby-ruby wake up"she shakes me and i wake back up and look around,"wh-where's eric at...i have a bad felling about how i defeated them".
"Eric the reason why you cannot go back to her is she will die and her parents will be brought back but you must remain, I will watch over her from here on. Go take Banshee and live a life together.'
i look around and didnt see eric,"so i guess he left me"i hug my knees into my chest."dont worry Ruby it was probably for the better","yeah...maybe your right..."i stand up and look at everyone with a smile,"good job we killed them now but i think it's about time we split up and go our own ways...","what do you mean Ruby","well im pretty sure you would like to find a town with david and catch up...and me,jinx and Aine could find somewhere to go...now that eric is gone...i dont have a home no more".

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