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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt Carlos rest his head on top of him. He couldn't believe that after what he'd just done, that he was here again. Back in the safety net that he'd inadvertently brought with him when he left. Kaleb was exhausted again, so much happened inside him, so fast that it left him tired. He registered what Carlos was saying, but simply curled closer. "Good. Don't leave me." Kaleb replied quietly, fighting against sleep.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos nestled into their bedridden cuddly hug, face pressed into Kaleb’s hair and arms melding with Kaleb’s body. “Not even if you tell me to,” he assured him with a bit of a chuckle at the end. It might have been too soon for that, but Carlos operated on too soon always. He frequently acted without having the time to think of his actions. He moved quicker and faster than some others would like. But he knew what he wanted, and he hated waiting. “Rest, my love. We have a whole life’s worth of journey ahead of us.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb heard that assurance and he let out a relaxed sigh. “Good.” He whispered, enjoying the warmth and safety of being held by Carlos. Kaleb heard him, a faint smile on his face and he curled closer. “Okay.” He replied, finally allowing himself to fall asleep and relax again.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos was not exactly sleepy but he was tired. It was emotionally draining when Kaleb got like that. He could only imagine how it was for him. As Kaleb, slept, he stayed there with him, arms refusing to move from the embrace. Kaleb needed him. He had to be his protection. After a while, he wished that he could draw, because there were so many beautiful things floating in his mind. But the journal was all the way at the bathroom still, and he promised not to leave him. He waited for a while, but his body was becoming restless. He promised not to leave. He sighed then decided that this didn’t count as leaving. He very slowly maneuvered himself out of the nestle, sleepily so as not to wake him, and as he just about could pull away, kissed the top of his head. “I will be right back, love,” he whispered to Kaleb’s sleeping form. He slipped as lightly out of the bed as possible to retrieve the journal and pencil. Then he slipped back into the bed, rejoining the cuddle but with his notebook this time. In whatever strange position he was in, he started to draw. He drew for as long as Kaleb slept.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was fast asleep within moments, his mind relaxing as he slept. He had no nightmares, no dreams, and he was so asleep that he didn't even realize that Carlos had moved away and had come back to the bed. Kaleb lost track of how much he slept, eventually he did wake up though. To his stomach growling and complaining. Kaleb shifted a little, blue eyes opening as he woke up. He was starving and he was feeling much better. Way less tired than he had been early. He didn't know if Carlos was awake or asleep, so he remained quiet.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As he waited, he drew quite a lot. He worked on a couple of different pieces, though this one he felt really captured the dichotomy of Kaleb’s pain. One face, his favorite face, but on the left were all sharp angles and a hardened gaze while the right side was soft and round. Kind. He loved both sides of this face. He loved all of it even if he did prefer the side they allowed him to be with Kaleb. Eventually, as he drew, he dozed and finally he fell asleep, the journal having fallen to the side as his unconscious body sprawled. He was less curled than before, and that was probably because he moved so much and got so hot in his sleep. As Kaleb awoke, Carlos slept relatively soundly.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb shifted and moved so he could look at Carlos. He saw that he was asleep and he smiled a little bit. It was rather crazy to him that they were here now. Roughly a week ago Kaleb was still in the QZ, still an officer and he didn't know Carlos. And now, here they were in New Mexico, all but curled to each other's sides. They'd kissed and Carlos had helped him with his nightmare, put up with his cold demeanor when he got scared, and knew about his mom. This was.. crazy to Kaleb and yet, somehow he didn't want to change a thing about how everything happened.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

At some point, Carlos stirred as his mind woke from his sleep. There were dreams, but he could not remember them. As he lay there, eyes shut as his consciousness slowly came back, he had the vague sense that he had been somewhere peaceful. There was, of course, some kind of question or problem, but they were in a moment of peace. They. He did not know who they were. He shifted and stretched until finally his eyes opened, and there was Kaleb. He smiled involuntarily at his reality. For the last moment that he remembered any bit of his dreaming, he hoped that the they was the two of them. His eyes closed as he stretched again, arms finding Kaleb and pulling him close. “Hey. How’s my favorite person in the whole world?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had been thinking about the events that led them both here. Which meant he wasn’t expecting Carlos’ arms finding him and pulling him close. Kaleb smiled softly as he moved closer. “I’m much better now. Thank you. For everything.” Kaleb told him softly, and he meant it. He knew there was stuff he’d have to overcome, years of training and years of trying to keep himself safe in his shell. But Kaleb was thankful to have Carlos there to help.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

With a large yawn, Carlos rolled to the side, one arm released Kaleb, though the other arm still stayed firmly wrapped around him. His wandering limb hit the journal, and he cringed away from the unknown touch. Oh, that was his mess. Right. He moved to push it away but then got distracted by the unfinished image. That was fascinating. He turned to Kaleb and considered. Unfinished. He gently took Kaleb’s face in his hand and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I would do anything for you, my beautiful Blue Eyes.” He was thinking about saying something sappy when he was interrupted by the loud growl of his angry stomach. He smiled and laughed. “I think it may be time to eat. What do you think, love? Shall we feast?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched Carlos roll to the side, but he still had one arm wrapped around Kaleb. Kaleb watched with a little confusion in his eyes as Carlos looked at something on the other side of him, before looking at him. Then his hand went to Kaleb's face and that fluttering in his heart returned at the kiss to his lips. His heart fluttered faster at that declaration, his eyes watering a little from emotions that Kaleb hadn't let himself feel in years. And then the moment was changed when he heard Carlos' stomach growl and Kaleb chuckled. "I feel that might be a very good idea." He agreed as his own stomach growled as well.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos laughed as he turned his attention to their stomachs. “Aw, they’re talking to one another!” He chuckled a moment before saying in a gravely kind of growly voice, “Hey, we’re staving over here people!” “Yeah, feed us already!” He brought back his normal voice as he answered himself, “sure sure, we’re working on it.” He pulled his attention up to Kaleb and shrugged. “They know best.” He kissed his cheek before bouncing out of the bed, leaving the open journal exposed on the bed as he pounced towards the packs and started fishing through for some of the canned food.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled, listening to Carlos imitate their stomachs. What stars had aligned that brought this man to him? Or bring Kaleb to him? It was a mystery to help but he didn't much care either. "You are ridiculous." Kaleb told him, smiling at the kiss on his cheek. His blue eyes watched as Carlos bounced out of bed, and towards the packs. Kaleb noticed the exposed journal and leaned over to look at it. Hmm. It looked like him but split down the middle. It was beautiful. Kaleb could see two different sides of himself, which was weird to him. He moved away and focused back on Carlos who was looking for canned food.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos pulled out a nice can of beans and some spoons that he brought over to the bed. He was not sure how Kaleb was feeling, especially with his leg, but if he was still tired or hurt, Carlos would rather go to him than ask Kaleb to come to him. As he climbed onto the bed, he hit the journal with his leg, pinching some of the pages. The feel of the papers rubbing against each other was too slippery, and he looked that way. “Oh, oops.” He set the beans and spoons down to reach with the journal and pick it up. The way the pages scrunched displayed several different pages at once, and that was also a fascinating look. The slivers visible were all of people or, in the case of Carlos knowing, one particular person. Part of someone crouched, part of a sleeping face, the dichotomy of sides. Huh. He shook his head as though he were shaking away his thoughts, and that was because he was. “Sorry.” He put the journal down, not closing it or anything, but moving it to the side so he didn’t hit it again.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb's leg was better but then again, he hadn't used in a while so he didn't exactly know how it was. He appreciated Carlos coming back to the bed with the food. He watched as the other hit his journal, and even Kaleb had to admit that the different pages at once looked really neat. He looked at Carlos and smiled. "Why are you sorry?" He asked.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He smiled a bit sheepishly. Carlos did not get embarrassed or anything like that easily. He did, however, have to admit his own faults and shortcomings sometimes. Like now. “I got distracted. Sorry. I do that sometimes.” He glanced back over at the journal and smiled almost shyly. “I got really into it earlier, you know? While you were sleeping. And…” He looked at the beans and worked on opening that. How exactly did he finish this? “Yeah…”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled softly, listening and seeing that sheepish smile. “I have had my fair share of being distracted. So don’t you worry about that. And don’t apologize for it either.” Kaleb told him. He looked at him for a moment before he smiled. “Did you sketch me while I was sleeping?” He asked curiously.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He paused, can of beans open. “Um.” Was saying yes going to be weird? Because declarations of love seemed to occasionally be a problem for the Officer, so it was possible that declarations of drawing him in his sleep could also be strange. “Yes,” he decided to answer. He pulled the journal back to them and put it in the middle. The page of his dual face still sat open. He flipped it to the page before where the sketch was in blue. This one was Kaleb’s actual sleeping face. This one he started earlier and worked on a little as Kaleb slept.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb nodded, listening to Carlos. He felt a weird flutter in his heart at the comment. He looked at the journal, seeing the dual face. He then saw the next face and smiled at it. He had never seen himself looking so peaceful. “It’s beautiful.” Kaleb whispered, looking at it.

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