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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt Carlos’ lips fall away and he was about to kiss him again, until he felt him kiss below his eyes. Then he kissed Kaleb’s cheeks, the edges of his jaw. It was so sweet and Kaleb felt like he might be able to give his heart out again. “I.. couldn’t hold that secret alone, not anymore.” He whispered. Feeling those kisses mirrored on the other side made his heart flutter. “Thank you.” Two words that meant more than just an acceptance to the sorry. Thank you for following me. Thank you for not listening when I pushed you away. Thank you for being you.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As he gave his last kiss, he leaned his forehead against Kaleb’s. “That’s too much for one person to bear for so long.” His thumb rubbed as the transparent trails where tears used to fall down his cheeks. “Too much to hold inside for that many years.” His hand lightly pressed into Kaleb’s cheek, running down it until it found his chin. His fingertips lingers like raindrops tempted by gravity. They fell away and found a new home against Kaleb’s chest. Carlos watched the rise and fall of their breaths so close they could be intermingled. “We could hold them together. Share the weight of an unfair burden.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

At the last kiss, Kaleb felt Carlos press his forehead against own. “I had no one to share it with.” Kaleb said softly, feeling his thumb rubbing at the trails where his tears had fallen. He knew that it was too much to hold onto, but he didn’t have anyone to share it with. He felt the hand press into his cheek, running down to Kaleb’s chin before resting on his chest. “I would really like that.” He said quietly.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos lightly squeezed at the place on his chest. Kaleb’s heart. “Now you have me.” Always. Always until the days were up however long from now that was. “I know that I’m… a lot. Especially when you’re so used to the opposite. I know I can be…” he considered his words carefully. He was not a wordsmith. He did not excel with speeches. He was much better with actions. “Impulsive and pushy. I know I don’t follow directions well. I’ve never really been good at listening to authorities.” He laughed a little. “I’ve always liked to make those in charge squirm.” He smiled at the memory of doing that to a lot of different people. “But I need you to understand that when I told you that I was coming with you, I meant that. I go where you go even if that means we go somewhere dark like that. But I’m going to bring you color again like you did for me. We’re going to make art out of this bleak life. Wherever we go.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt the squeeze on his chest near his heart. Fresh tears came to his eyes as he listened. These were not tears of sadness but of happiness. Kaleb heard every word, and he laughed a little at the authority part. Clearly he wasn’t good at listening to authority, he was here after all. Kaleb had never felt such love, and it was different and unknown. He didn’t exactly know how to deal with it either. “I believe you. About everything. Thank you.” That was all Kaleb could think to say. Everything was so touching and he loved it.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Even if those were happy tears, he would allow none to stain that gorgeous face of his. So, like Carlos did, he kissed away the errant streams. He hummed at the satisfaction of being here with his beautiful ex-officer. His Blue Eyes. His Kaleb. “Good.” He lightly pushed the blonde locks of hair from between them. “And if you ever forget, I’ll be here to remind you.” He pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, but it turned a little more forceful as he may or may not have gotten distracted by how much he really loved kissing him. And he loved kissing everyone. But Kaleb was better. The best. He pulled away with a laugh. “Possibly aggressively,” he chuckled.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb let out a soft chuckle at Carlos kissing away his tears. He couldn't keep the smile off his face anymore as he looked at the other. Kaleb felt him push his hair out of the way. He believed Carlos when he said that he'd be there to remind him. Then a gentle kiss was placed on his lips, well, it got a little forceful, but Kaleb kissed him back. When Carlos pulled away, Kaleb shook his head. "Is that so? Remind me again then."
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos bit at his bottom lip, a smile trying to break through. We wrapped both arms around Kaleb and pulled them both into a better and truly sitting position. One he was sitting against the headboard, Kaleb now held practically in his lap, his arms released as his safety harness, and his hands spread a cross his cheeks and into his hair. He captured those delicious lips once again in a kiss that he had been wanting to do for months. It was still mildly gentle when it came to Carlos, but the passion and urgency of needing him was far too prevalent to ignore. He wanted Kaleb to feel every burning desire Carlos had since he saw him. Really saw him. But he also wanted to make sure that Kaleb did not decide this was too much all at once so he held back a little.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled as Carlos wrapped his arms around him and moved them both into a sitting position. Kaleb kept an eye on his leg as he was moved. And then Kaleb was in his lap. Hands across his cheeks and into his hair. Kaleb looked at Carlos before they were kissing again. He could feel everything. The passion and urgency, and he was falling fast. Kaleb’s own hands snaked over Carlos’ shoulders one hand going behind his head. He gave back into the kiss with everything he had.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He most definitely sounded like he forgot how breathing worked, and that was because he did. Even as the resident expert here, he was finding being with Kaleb a whole new experience. That was probably the love. He was not going to deny it. The crew already discussed it during his obsessive phase in that last week in Denver. He was in love with Kaleb and had been longer than he even knew his name. It started as an infatuation. He was the perfect muse. That grew so hard and so fast. He loved Kaleb more than he has ever loved anyone else, and that was saying something coming from him. He would tell him except for the part where he very much did not want to stop kissing him. This was his new favorite hobby. It got to count as a hobby when they were aimlessly wandering the country looking for supplies and trying not to die. Of course, now that they were out, did they have anywhere to go? They weren’t so much in a hurry. So maybe, just maybe, they could spend a little more time with this morning kissing thing.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He didn’t want to stop their kiss. Not at all. And if he didn’t have to breathe, he probably wouldn’t have stopped. Kaleb pulled back for a moment, catching his breath. “Is it bad I don’t want to move at all today because I’m quite comfortable here?” He asked with a small laugh. Kaleb could stay there all day, kissing Carlos and enjoying the peaceful moment between them.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Did this make him the bad guy for influencing this rigid, hardened man who was living his perfectly good and serious life? Because if it did, Carlos was reveling in being the bad guy. “Oh no, it is not bad at all,” he chuckled as he kissed Kaleb’s cheek. “I think I could stay right here with you all day.” Kissing the edge of this cheek. And the jaw line. And maybe… Yeah, he was totally kissing his neck too. Curtail it, Carlos. Be a good boy. Was he though? Could he be? “Mm,” he hummed as he nestled his face into the crook of Kaleb’s neck. “But our joints would get all stiff from not moving.” He laughed to himself. “Which means we should probably do something.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled a little at the kiss on his cheek. “That definitely doesn’t sound like a bad plan to me.” He said as Carlos kissed the edge of his cheek, his jaw line. And oh. Now he was kissing his neck. “Do you even know how to behave?” Kaleb asked. He felt Carlos nestle his face into the crook of his neck. “And what, may I ask, are you thinking we should do?”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

No. The answer was unequivocally no, he absolutely did not know how to behave nor could he even want to. He loved this far too much for him to curtail it at all as much as he told himself that he probably should. Probably? Definitely. He should definitely not jump in swinging like that. “Misbehave,” he answered, voice a low rumble as he breathed against him. He stayed there a moment, breathing in the smell of him. He bit into his own lip trying not to do anything else. Bad, bad Carlos. He pulled himself away, sitting against the headboard. Or maybe not quite sitting. More like wallowing. He was wallowing against it. He was living his best life.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt his breath against his neck, and a small shiver raced down his spine. “M- Misbehave? How so?” His voice was much softer as he remained still. He could feel Carlos finally move away, and then he could see him against the headboard. Kaleb’s blue eyes watched him, a small smile playing on his lips. “Well?”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

The stutter made his entire being thrum. Could one person be so attractive? How was this even fair? With all those people in this world, all these people who were so gosh darn cute and tasty, why was this one so unbearably adorable all the time? It wasn’t like he never laid in a bed with someone who had no experience with anything. It wasn’t like this was brand new. But maybe it was? It was brand new for him to be so invested on this level. That cure little smile was going to be the death of him. He leaned in and captured Kaleb’s bottom lip in his teeth for just a moment before letting go and leaning back again, a lopsided and coy grin. “I don’t know.” It was a lie. He had so many ideas all the time. But he did love to play. “We could always talk in the middle of streets. Play in basements. Open doors with our clicking friends.”

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was watching Carlos, curiosity in his gaze as he wondered just what the man would say. His eyes widened at the contact of Carlos' teeth capturing his bottom lip, though just for a moment before pulling back. That was something that Kaleb had never had happen to him. He listened to Carlos as he leaned back and grinned. "I feel like you're lying for one. And for two, those are really bad plans." He commented, eyebrow arched.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos gasped. Well, he feigned a gasp, because he was very good at being dramatic. “Are you calling me a liar, Kaleb Price?” Officer Price was the part of him he was trying to leave. Mr. Price felt like he had been demoted. The whole name was the only appropriate thing to say here. Okay, maybe there were other things he could have gone with, but in an effort of being appropriate, this was the choice. “Because I would never lie to you.” But Kaleb’s eyes were just so magnetic. How was he supposed to keep away? He wasn’t. He couldn’t. Or maybe. He gripped Kaleb’s shirt, fingers tightening around fabric until he clenched a good handful, and yanked him forward so that he could take hold of Kaleb’s chin with his other hand and kiss him probably more forcefully than he meant to. Still not as much as he wanted. But he did say he wanted to misbehave. “Well, okay. I might fib a little in jest.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb shook his head with a chuckle at the gasp, rolling his eyes. He did take a moment to respond to those words because it's been so long since he'd been called Kaleb Price. "Me? I might be." He finally said. Then he gave Carlos a look that said he truly did not believe him. What happened next shocked him. Carlos had gripped his shirt, and yanking him forward. His other hand grabbed his chin and then a fairly forceful kiss happened. Kaleb kissed back before he heard him. "Just fib?"
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

The hand that gripped his shirt slipped around Kaleb’s neck, his other hand joining, and brought Kaleb as tightly to him as he thought Kaleb could handle. He spread his fingers through his hair, gently gripping them as he locked their heads in place. Kisses were better with a little bit of pressure right? He could help them out a little. His other arm fell around his shoulder, pressing into his back to bring them closer. He was definitely starting to feel the nothing is close enough thing, and that was a problem. Not even going to be. It was a current and real problem. How did he solve this? More teasing. He broke their kiss again mid tense moment, biting at his own lip to keep from doing anything else. “Okay, so maybe I might be a liar. But that’s only because you make it so fun to play.” He applied a wave of pressure, both hands alike as he rubbed his cheek against Kaleb’s. “I could just eat you up,” he breathed. “Which I won’t do. At least, not yet.” He kissed the middle of his neck. All that same pressure around his body applied at the same time. “I can be patient. We have the rest of time.” And that was the most exhilarating part. “We can take this as slow as you want.” He loved the fact that he got to stay with Kaleb forever. This was not just a win. This was a gift. A gift he could cherish for all his days.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt Carlos’ hands around his neck. Fingers in his hair as one hand locked their heads together and then an arm pressed into his back. Kaleb didn’t mind being held close. In fact it was rather nice. He chuckled a little at his words and then more pressure. Kaleb felt the rubbing of Carlos’ cheek on his and smiled. Kaleb raised his eyebrows at the other’s words. He hummed at the kiss on the middle of his neck. “Can you be patient? Is that possible?”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos laughed a hearty and breathy laugh. “My love, I have waited twenty three years for you. What else would that be if not patient?” Some may not have considered his particular way of living patiently waiting for his one true love, but that was because other people didn’t always understand him. Every other intimate moment he had with someone was beautiful and lovely, and he would not say no to more, because those were special ways of being with people. But those people weren’t Kaleb. Carlos had been waiting for Kaleb his entire life.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb’s eyes widened at those words. Twenty three years? That was strange to him. “H- How old are you?” He asked. There was no way that Carlos had waited his entire life for Kaleb. That was.. not what Kaleb been expecting to hear at all. He was actually stunned into silence himself, just sitting there.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He pressed one more gentle kiss to Kaleb’s lips. “Twenty three,” he answered knowing full well what Kaleb was asking. Yes. His whole life. Well. “I knew when I was seven that I was waiting for someone. I didn’t know who. I dreamed about it all the time. Sometimes a dashing young prince like the stories. Sometimes a fiery lady come to overthrow all the evil in the world. Always a hero though.” He softly rubbed a thumb across Kaleb’s cheek. “And then there was you, and I knew you were the one. My hero I’ve been waiting for all these years.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was a little shocked at the revelation. He smiled at the kiss but his eyes were still wide. He was no hero. No prince or savior. He was nothing like that. “I know you’re lying now. I am no hero.” Kaleb told him, feeling the thumb rubbing across his cheek. Kaleb moved away, uncomfortable with that knowledge. He wasn’t anyone’s hero or savior. Kaleb had shifted to sit on the far side of the bed, pushed up against the headboard. He brought his good leg up to his chest, and rested his chin on it. His bad leg was out straight in front of him. Kaleb closed his eyes and sighed as he felt the wall building up again.

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