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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked up as he heard Carlos' voice and he let out quiet huff of laughter at the way he all but sauntered over to Kaleb. He felt the hands on his shoulders when Carlos moved behind him. "Just help me into the hotel yeah? I'd rather not be caught by infected in the middle of the street in your arms." Kaleb told him. He moved his leg off the chair, and made to get up.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos may have been moderately distracted by his shoulders. And his arms. And his being. So he maybe possibly ran his hands along them for a moment, a good long moment, before sighing and moving to in front of Kaleb to actually be useful. “Afraid they’ll get jealous?” He asked with a grin. He helped Kaleb up and offered his arm and really any part of himself that Kaleb may want now that they had moved quite a bit. His leg was probably hurting. He really did wish that Kaleb would let him carry him. It would be so much easier and far less painful.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had felt Carlos run his hands along his shoulders for a moment and then he moved in front of Kaleb. "That's exactly it. Don't want them to get jealous." He responded. Kaleb sighed, allowing Carlos to help him up and he threw his arm over the other's shoulders. "Let's get moving." Kaleb told him, ready to get across the street and to the hotel.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

With Kaleb securely attached now, Carlos helped him out of the little building and into the street. His eyes of course snapped to that are further down. No signs of any movement. He did not hear anything. Whatever was going on must have been in his head. How Kaleb lived like this all the time was crazy to think about. He moved across the street to the hotel. The front door was larger than some of the other buildings. He tried the front door but it was blocked but not locked. That was fine. He moved away from Kaleb a moment and shoved his body against the door until he was pushing it forward enough to look inside. Something large looked like it had fallen in front of it. They could get through if he held it open for Kaleb and then he slipped in after. They may not be able to get out that way though.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb moved with Carlos as they walked across the street. His eyes were looking around as they walked in case something decided to arrive. He didn’t see anything nor did he hear anything. He held himself as well as he could when Carlos moved away to open the door. He watched as the man shoved his body against the door until it was open. Kaleb looked at him, pointed to the door and tipped his head to one side. Safe?
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Even without seeing anything threatening out in the streets, something made Carlos feel uneasy being out there. He peered into the little bit he could see but it looked mostly like things blocking his way. He raised his shoulders and mouthed, ‘I don’t know.’ He did not want to lie and say it was when it could be horrible in there. But he didn’t want to be out here anymore. He gestured inside with his head and whispered, “Better than out here.” He felt like something was lurking, and he did not like that at all. Then, with a gentle smile he added. “I’ll protect you from whatever baddie is inside.”

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb let out a quiet sigh at that. He was not in any condition to fight, not at the moment anyway. One they made it to safety, he was going to see if he could create a silencer for his pistol. Then he'd have something to defend with. He heard the whisper and nodded, that's true. He took a deep breath and made his way through the door, knowing that Carlos had to hold it open for him. He was able to get inside, and immediately ducked behind something just in case there was something there. He looked around, but it seemed quiet so far. "Come in, looks clear." He whispered.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos held it open, not yet straining but feeling where it could get a bit much soon if he had to hold it for too long. He waited as Kaleb moved inside and checked to make sure everything was okay, he held it open just in case. With the all clear, he slid in and moved out of the way as it slammed shut behind him. He took a look and nodded with a sigh. Oh yeah, that would take effort or clear out enough to get his door back open. So they were going to have to find a new way out. No worries. They were good at this. He moved into the lobby, disheveled and all, and searched for anything too terrible. Nothing. The too terrible was probably back in those rooms somewhere.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb stood up, now that Carlos was inside, and followed him. He moved slowly, wanting nothing more than to find a safe room to rest. Kaleb kept his ears and eyes open, watching for anything. He didn't want to speak, but he didn't think he was going to make it much further. "Carlos.." He whispered. Kaleb would never admit it, but he might have accidentally overdone it today. He was so used to be able to walk, that when he was feeling okay earlier, he pushed past his limits on accident. He didn't take into account how much energy a body can use when healing.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

The plan was to do a quick check of the front lobby for any valuables and then start looking for a nice place to rest. He started when he heard the whisper. His name. His name sounding so pained. Not necessarily a physical pain, though as he looked back at him, maybe it was. He made it back to Kaleb in two quick and large strides. “What’s wrong?” One hand already on a shoulder. “Are you okay?” Eyes darting from his face to his leg. “Does it hurt?” Stupid question. Of course it hurt.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He looked at Carlos, who immediately came back towards him. He felt the hand on his shoulder, looking at his leg. "It doesn't hurt as bad, but I'm.." He paused, closing his eyes and looking down. "I'm tired. Can we find a room?" He asked quietly. He didn't want to admit he'd managed to tire himself out by doing more than he should have.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Tired. Not hurt, just tired. Okay. He nodded with a smile. He lifted Kaleb’s head so he could look in those beautiful blue eyes. He nodded again to make sure he saw. Really saw. “Okay.” He wanted so much to take that pain away whether it was physical or not. Who hurt you, beautiful Blue Eyes? Who made you so vulnerable? So hard? “We can look down this first fall. Do you want more help? Or..” do you want me to carry you? The question he wasn’t going to ask.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb saw the nod after Carlos lifted his head up. He looked down the hall and then back at Carlos. Kaleb swallowed hard, not sure if he wanted to chance being carried. "We don't know if its safe.. Just let me lean on you." He accepted help, but at the same time had answered the unasked question of should he be carried or not. He figured that was what the Or... meant at least.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos followed his gaze and looked down the hall as well. There were a couple of different ways that they could go, but he was afraid they were losing the time to check. If Kaleb weren’t so hesitant and exhausted, Carlos would suggest leaving him and scouting ahead. Not now. Not when he was just so dejected. He wrapped an arm under Kaleb’s, manipulating Kaleb’s so that it was around Caleb’s shoulders before he snaked his arm around Kaleb’s back. He would have him until they found a place to stop. And then? Then he would still have him. He began a slower pace down the hall.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt the arm wrap under his and his own rested on Carlos' shoulders. He felt the arm around his back and he leaned, probably a little more heavily than he wanted to, on Carlos. He might not want him right now, but he needed him. So he placed his pride aside for the night and walked right beside, putting little to no weight on his leg. "I can hold myself on the wall when you check the room, just like before." He whispered to Carlos.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos moved them down the hall, taking as much of the weight as he could. He could do more now that he was only carrying his pack, though he was sure that there would be a way to do this with both. He was not sure how much he liked leaving Kaleb in the halls alone, but he did not have a choice. So when they made it to the first room, he almost when to the door but paused. He turned to look at how close they were to the front. Getting in was difficult but something he made happen. Another person with some strength could do the same thing. But not infected. Infected weren’t quite like that. He turned back around and moved to the first door. He listened. Opened the door. Checked. It was not great. It had a bed. That was good. It was not in the best condition. It was workable. Functional. He moved back to Kaleb, and whispered, “It’s decent ish? Do you want to keep looking?”
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was glad to have Carlos right now. He needed that strength to move forward, it was helpful. When they stopped by the first room, he saw Carlos pause. Kaleb was leaning against the wall and noticed him looking to the front and to the room. "I don't know if I can make it much further. Is it safe? If so we can use it tonight." Kaleb said in a tired voice, and small sigh. He could feel his good leg tremble he leaned against the wall, keeping weight off his bad leg. As he looked at Carlos, his leg shook and he slid to the floor with a soft gasp.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He had enough time to notice the trembling and debate for a moment about whether or not he should try to find them a better room before Kaleb fell. Carlos dropped to the ground after him, hands unsure where to go but needing to make sure he was okay. Okay. “This room it is,” he answered himself with a smile. “And I’m going to pick you up now. You aren’t going to fight me on that.” He moved around to his side, sliding one arm under his legs and the other under Kaleb’s pack at least until he lifted him up. He moved like fluid, no problems at all. He walked into the room and gently laid him on the bed and went back to close the door. He scanned the room quickly before taking the chair from the desk to put under the doorknob. Infected didn’t open doors but people could. He had not seen any other people, but something about the street was making me nervous. He moved back to the bed and took both of their packs and placed them on the ground. “So I should have carried you across the street?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had about a minute before Carlos was beside him. He was about to say that he could walk, but he also knew he wasn't going to be able to walk in the room. Kaleb nodded as he was picked up, head moving to Carlos' chest as he carried him into the room. Kaleb was set gently on the bed and looked as Carlos headed out of the room. He waited, not much else to do really. Kaleb looked at Carlos moved back to the bed, packs on the ground. "No, I was fine then. But I did find something for you when we were searching. Can you hand me my pack?"
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos was not sure he believed that, but he was not going to argue with him. Instead, he let the new subject take over his thoughts. He cocked his head to the side, a little crooked smile poking at him. “Something for me?” He picked up the pack and brought it back to Kaleb, sitting down next to him on the bed. “That’s a strange but intriguing line of thought.” What could he have found for him? “Is it better than the crowbar?” Because that was a wonderful present.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb nodded. "Yes. For you." He said, sitting up a little with the pack on his lap. He glanced over at Carlos and chuckled. "I think you'll like it promise" He added as he dug through his pack. Ah there it is. With a big smile, he pulled out the pack of colored pencils. "Here, I found these in the first store we found." Kaleb said, handing the pack over to Carlos.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He was not sure what he was expecting, but this wasn’t it. Maybe he was expecting like a knife or an extra pistol or something useful to their survival or something which would have been very sweet. Maybe he was expecting something else but honestly the second he pulled those out of the pack, Carlos no longer could remember what he was thinking about. Oh my god. Kaleb found him colored pencils? His entire face froze, mouth slightly open, eyes wide with shock. Quickly, the grin crept across his face, and the little laughter of joy broke through his silence. “You didn’t!” He reached for them almost hesitantly like they were a delicacy before opening them and looking at their quality. Good quality and not missing any. “This is- is-“ but words were unreachable as he looked at the things that could make his drawings so much better. He was gone for not that long, and he missed them. Without permission or warning, he pulled Kaleb into a hug. “Thank you! You’re right. I do really like it!” He sucked in another almost jittery laugh.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

If Kaleb could take a picture of Carlos' face when he showed him the pack of colored pencils, it would have been considered a 'keeper' in the old world. His mouth slightly open, eyes wide in shock, it made Kaleb's heart flutter that he could do that. Then the grin on his face and the laughter broke that silence. "I did." He said quietly, seeing him reached for them, almost hesitantly. If he could video this moment, he would and rewatch it, because it was wonderful to him. Kaleb laughed at the hug from Carlos. "You're welcome. I know it was hard to leave everything behind, but I hope those are good enough for now, until hopefully we find more." He said.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He missed his art more than anything else in that terrible place. He missed his crew but not as much as he probably should have considering they were his family since he was little. He missed the various people down the hall. He even missed a couple of the demolition set and the banter they all passed around. But he missed his art the most. He wished he had found a way to take it. It was worth leaving behind if he got to be here with Kaleb. That was more important than art. Kaleb needed him like he needed Kaleb. And Kaleb brought him back his art. Sure, he had the journal. But Kaleb brought him color. He loved color. The world was better when it was not in black and white.

He pulled away, brows furrowed and lips falling slightly. “Good enough? Love, you brought color into the QZ. That’s why I followed you out. And now you’ve brought color to the outside too. That’s not just good enough. That’s everything.” He looked down again, transfixed by the colors.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was confused when Carlos pulled away, lips falling a little. He didn’t know what he’d done for Carlos in the QZ nor what he had done just now. The world to him was always dull. He was starting to realize just how colorful the world could get. “I’m really happy you love them.” He said after a moment. Kaleb shifted in the bed, he wasn’t sure what he wanted but it was getting increasingly harder for him to ignore the feelings he had for Carlos. “Um. Maybe tonight I should have someone with me to make sure I don’t toss and turn and ruin my leg anymore.”

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