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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Out of breath, he nodded and followed Kaleb out. This man was going to be the death of him, because Carlos was going to do something stupid like stop breathing in order to stay with him. He knew as he followed out into this main lobby area that he was going to follow him anywhere. He thought he was being rash before when he left his entire home for this guy. He was. He knew he was. And now it was not some silly crush like Jade told him. Not infatuation and obsession like Basira insisted. Not even something little and cute like Salim thought. Nope. This was it. It was going to be him and Kaleb for the rest of Carlos’ days. He could tell. “Back out the way we came in?” he asked as he searched the area. They couldn’t get in that front door, and it would be difficult to get out. They could always use his broken back door again.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked back at Carlos with a small smile, nodding at that. "It would probably make the most sense." He said, turning and heading towards the back door. He couldn't crouch well, but if he could get most of him through the door, while keeping his leg straight, he'd be fine. Kaleb was still favoring his injured leg but he could put weight on it enough to walk, well, kind of normal. Once he'd made to the broken back door, he crouched on one knee, moving his body through the hole. He kept his leg straight, kept weight off it and managed to slide himself through the door. He stood up once he was outside, looking around but seeing nothing like before. "Clear" He whispered, moving from the door to allow space for Carlos to come out.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos followed quietly in case there were any friends they missed along the way. It was not until they got to the back door that Carlos remembered Kaleb’s leg. He was walking so well now that it wasn’t that he forgot it was hurt but that it could be a problem. How was Kaleb so good at being okay? He was the actual strongest person Carlos had ever met. He watched, ready to jump in and help at any time, but Kaleb was yet again amazing. He followed under at the all clear sign and moved out as well. He ran to the side of the building, checking to make sure there was nothing around that could be a problem. Nothing. He moved to the front, checking. “Street’s clear,” he told Kaleb as he ran to catch wherever Kaleb made it on that time. “For now,” he amended.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked back at Carlos when he came through, but once he was through he'd run to the side of the building. Kaleb felt the small smile tug at his lips. Carlos really was taking to this survival stuff fast. It was actually fascinating to Kaleb watching him. "Let's keep it clear then yeah?" He said, moving along the side of the building and double checked the street. Not because he didn't trust Carlos, but because anything can change in an instant. Kaleb pointed to the building across the street. Search there next. It looked like an old store of some kind.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos nodded to that. Keep it clear. Wouldn’t that be nice? They could have no more infected. That would be so nice. You know what would also be nice? A crowbar or something heavy for a weapon. He really needed a better weapon than a shiv. Oh wait, he didn’t have one of those anymore. That was fine. Cool, next building needed to have some good stuff. He crossed the street silently towards this old building. Maybe a store? He had demolished plenty of buildings like this back in the QZ. He moved at Kaleb’s pace, which was getting so much faster now.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb moved beside Carlos as they headed across the street. The door was broken off, hinges busted. Well that was lucky, but could prove to have infected inside. Kaleb stepped through the doorway, looking around at the store. His eyes lighted on something to the right, not infected. He moved that way and snagged the item. Kaleb was not a close combat fighter, never had been. So he turned, prize in hand, and held out the large crowbar for Carlos. Then he heard shambling, looked around and saw a runner facing away from them further in, moving around. Kaleb crouched behind an overturned shelving unit, flicking his head to gesture to the infected, finger over his lip, and made a get down motion with his hand.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As Kaleb examined the front part of the building, Carlos watched around them in case there was something or someone that they may have missed on their way in. He looked down the street, wondering if that was something all the way down there past some of the broken down vehicles. Maybe? He was not sure, and that was going to be a problem for the future. Right now, they had this building to loot. As he stepped inside, he was greeted by a beautiful man with a beautiful crowbar. This man certainly knew how to win his heart. He hefted it but his attention was drawn back to Kaleb’s hand. Down. He fell into a crouch immediately, moving to the same shelving unity, before searching for whatever Kaleb saw. He listened first before peeking around. Ah. Friend over there. He lifted his crowbar. My turn to play. And then he was off, dashing in a crouch around the the unit and behind a couple of other shelves until he was finally closer. He scanned around him just to make sure that this was the only infected around before he crept up behind him and wailed the crowbar into its head with a sickening crack. Oh yeah, this was going to be great.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb could only watch as Carlos crouched the moment Kaleb gestured, but then he watched the other lift the crowbar. His blue eyes watched as Carlos moved away, around the unit and other shelves. He had to admit that the sight of Carlos literally slamming his crowbar into the infected's head wasn't exactly the worst thing Kaleb's ever seen. Once he was down, Kaleb stood up, walking silently over to Carlos. A hand on the shoulder as a good job pat, before moving to search the store.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos should probably not be proud of his ability to efficiently take out a being like he was playing a game of baseball, but he was. He liked that he could do that in one swing. He liked that he was the kind of strong to be able to do that. He did love to be strong. It was his best quality. His arms were his best feature. If he could be proud of anything, it was that. At the pat on his shoulder, he smiled before moving through the store to begin their raid. They had a good handful of supplies already, but they could certainly find more. He kept the crowbar in his hand as he moved just in case someone else was lurking.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb searched through the store, trying not to think about what he'd just seen. He checked the back room, the storage area, and found rags, scissors, more cans for nail bombs. Kaleb headed back to the front of the store and checked the register area. He knelt down seeing some color, and found a box of colored pencils. Kaleb smiled and pocketed that to show later. He moved back to the front of the store to wait for Carlos.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As he was searching, he paused to take inventory of what he had. If he made more of the bombs and trap mines and maybe a Molotov or oh two that meant he could put more things in his bag. Plus he could be prepared for something to go wrong. Lots of infected surrounding him in the street? Beautiful explosion. How did he use trap mines? Literal traps? That was an interesting query. He moved through finding a couple of rags, maybe a half a bottle of alcohol if he was lucky. Ooh the good stuff. Maybe he’d drink that instead of using it for something else. Eh, otherwise not a lot impressing him. He moved to the front of the building to meet back up with Kaleb. He nodded that he was done and gestured back out.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was waiting patiently when Carlos met him in the main lobby. He nodded when the other gestured to go back out. Kaleb headed to the front door, poking his head out to see the street was still clear. He walked out of the store and looked at the next few buildings. A couple small ones and then one that could've been considered a small hotel on the opposite side. Kaleb looked at Carlos, pointed to the two small ones and then pointed to the hotel. Those two and then there. He pretended to sleep after. Rest there for night.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos dipped his head low in understanding. Two more then sleepy time. Sleepy time with cuddles he hoped. Seemed likely. Bring it back Carlos. Don’t get distracted. Move along. He moved into the street and narrowed his eyes further down. Was there something down there? He really could not tell if that was various growth and abandoned things or if that was someone? But if that was a person, had they moved? no? Okay, next building. Next building. Watching you possible being but also maybe normal obstruction. He moved to the tinier building, still eyeing the area.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb saw the understanding head dip and nodded. Fine. Kaleb was always observant and he noticed that Carlos was looking at something further down. His eyes followed but he didn't see anything. Kaleb trusted Carlos, and he himself was in no shape for a fight. Kaleb moved to the first small building, stepping up to the door and looked at Carlos. He pointed to the door, mimed opening it and then pointed to him. I'll open it, you be ready in case something comes out running out.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He pulled his attention to Kaleb and the door. He nodded again and readjusted his grip on the crowbar. He was ready to deal with whatever might be there on the other side. Really, if something was immediately in there, he should be the one to open the door. He was the one with a weapon. But he couldn’t be here as backup for this round.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He wanted to do something, and so he pushed the door open. He ducked back but silence. He looked over at Carlos before he poked his head in the doorway. He didn't see anything immediately and gestured with his head that it looked clear. Kaleb took a step in, looking around and listening. He didn't hear anything so he moved in further, before he turned around to the door and nodded. Clear.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As soon as he got the all clear, Carlos moved inside the building behind Kaleb. He scanned around them, pausing to listen. Seemed pretty good. He moved around the left side, skirting around debris and nature’s path. He did love of a big root in the way of his walking. That did mean that he had fewer places to move. Fewer places to check. He moved around them until he found bathrooms. He loved old building bathrooms. They were something else. What was with how they were put together? He always wanted to see them in use. They didn’t even make sense. He opened one. Nothing. Another. Nothing. The third. He jumped back, alarmed by the sight of a person. An unmoving person. Oh. He bent down to take a better look. Ooh, a FEDRA kind of person. You are super dead, my friend. But he did have a flashlight. He did not mind that one but. He clipped that onto his bag with a thank you before moving on.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb moved to the right side, opposite Carlos. He shifted around the root that had run the entire building. He was able to get through to the storage room. Nothing in there but rags. He pocketed those and looked around before finding a few scrap parts and put those in his bag too. Kaleb looked around the rest of the store. It was small and there wasn't much to search anyway. He headed to the front, looked out to the street, still clear. He waited by the door for Carlos.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos checked around a couple more places, finding very little before making his way back to the front door and moving next to Kaleb. He nodded towards him, pointing to the new flashlight. Now he was less dependent which was both nice and sad. He did like the excuse to be close. Okay, he was bad at staying close. He was a wanderer. He gestured toward the door and moved out to the street once more, eye immediately going to that same section. Nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. Maybe he was paranoid.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb gave a small thumbs up at the flashlight. Good, one less thing they had to worry about finding. Kaleb nodded at the gesture to the door and stepping out onto the street. Empty. Thank goodness. So far everything was going much better this time around than the last town. Kaleb could feel his leg starting to tire, it was still healing. He couldn't take much more searching, but they had one more building before they could go across the street to the hotel and find a room to rest in for the night. He headed to the last building that he wanted to search, more of a limp now thanks to trying to give his leg a little rest.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Of course the first thing he noticed was the limp. Carlos did not appreciate this but had a feeling that Kaleb and his infinitely stubborn self was not going to stand for him scooping him up and refusing to let him walk anymore. He was lucky that stubbornness was so attractive. He followed to the second building, watching the leg to make sure it was just tired and not a problem before peering inside. He could not see much, but what little was right in front of the windows seemed clear. He moved to the front door which was conveniently or possibly suspiciously ajar. Broken hinge? That might just make it convenient. He pushed it open slowly, trying to avoid any sounds. It creaked a little and he froze. It was open enough to look around. He did not immediately see or hear anything. It was probably fine. He pushed it open far enough to squeeze through which meant Kaleb could also.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was moving fine, well fine with the limp. He paused to let Carlos check the building out. He moved towards him as he pushed the door open. Kaleb didn't like that the door had been ajar but it seemed clear. He couldn't hear anything as he followed Carlos. He made it to the door, waiting for Carlos to squeeze through first. With how his leg was, a fight was certainly going to be difficult for him to win, which made him a little nervous in entering this building.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

This little building was one of those abandoned coffee shops or bars or something like that. Not one with a full blown kitchen but enough area to have that front section for all the customers and back section that might actually have supplies they need. Or at least, that was what he assumed with his little knowledge when it came to actual scavenging and what he could piece together as part of the demolition crew back in the QZ. He scanned the main lobby area as he moved past it, but other than broken items of various kinds, he found nothing of use. He scooted himself through an open door to the back area and began his search anew.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb wasn't moving fast and his searching was slow. He took his time, the rest of him was wearing down now. A lot of his energy was being used to heal after all. Kaleb knew if anything were to happen, he'd have Carlos. He trusted him, he had too. Kaleb managed to search the tables and booths while Carlos checked the back area. And then he sat on a chair that looked in good condition. Kaleb pulled another chair over and propped his leg up, letting it rest as well. They were doing better with supplies so he wasn't as concerned about searching such a small building.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

The back had a couple of items here and there, especially more alcohol, but it was not a whole lot. This place felt a lot more picked over than some of the other buildings. Eventually, he made his way back to Kaleb. “Hey, there, sweet cheeks.” He practically sauntered over to him. “Getting tired?” He moved up behind him, hands on his shoulders. “I could carry you again,” he suggested with a grin. “Or we could always go piggy pack style if you’re feeling whimsical.”

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