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A forced love, With Creepylover

i stopped and looked at him"w-well of course i do...i have always dreamed of starting a family of my own someday"i frowned and sit next to him"is there something bothering you about this...if you dont want one we dont have to do it...there's always adoption or something else"i take his hand and hold it.
I look her in the eyes and say, "no I was worried you didn't want to have one. I would love to start a family with you." I was happy to heat her say that and kissed her passionately.
i kissed him as he kissed me,"well im glad to hear that...i would love to start a family with you too"i say as i kiss him again.
The next morning I woke up I didn't have any clothes on and covering myself incase a maid walked in, I got putting my clothes on. I then began to prepare breakfast.
i wake up the next morning and im naked,my cheeks grow hot,i go into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.i seen a bump on my stomach i look up and smile "i-it worked...it worked"i put on a dress and find charles preparing breakfast.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/6daf782fc596eeb8e1d68cbebfc8813f.jpg.208fd26c4d95dbabce23a284481a3f87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/6daf782fc596eeb8e1d68cbebfc8813f.jpg.208fd26c4d95dbabce23a284481a3f87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"How did you sleep, my queen." I say with a joyful voice. I finish the eggs I was cooking and put them off to the side as I begin to cook sides. "There is some wine in the vault if you would like a glass with breakfast.
i look at him with a smile"u-um about that...i dont think wine is a good choice for me...i'll just drink some water"i move closer to him and hug him"we did it...i-i'm pregnant charles"i say as tears fill my eye's.
I smile, and hug her close letting some bacon burn. "I can't wait to see our child (Children 0.o, don't tell them that :P ). I bet it will be as gorgeous as you." I then let go and get the bacon off the flames. "These can be feed to the animals."
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"yes...but i have a felling our baby wont be normal...it will probably be half and half...or something like that since your half angle and i'm half angle and demon the baby might be demon and angel like us...BUT it is a 50-50 chance that it would be angel or demon...i just hope it's both or angle and not a demon like i am"i look down and back at charles.
"Lizzy I am sure I child will be perfect, don't worry we will find out when the time is right." I finish cooking and hand you a plate sitting down at the table.
i sit at the table with charles and eat our breakfast that charles made.after i finish i look at charles"we should my mother about this...especially our kingdom just to let them know that there will be a prince or princess on the way...what do you think"i smile and get up.
"I think it is a good decision." Right then Aine walks in and I toss her a steak that I had made for her. She catches it in her mouth purring.
i look at Aine and smile,"hey girl"i pat her head and leave the diner hall.i go into my mothers and jinxs room and poke my head in the room "hey can you two come into the family room...me and charles have something we would like to tell you two"they look at each other and shrug"ok".they follow me into the room and i wait for charles.
As Lizzy is gathering her mother and sitter I clean up the table. Then Aine and I head to the family room. She had grown so much since she had hatched. She was now to my waist and far to heavy for me to carry. It was like a pony walking by my side. I found Lizzy, her sister and mother in the family room waiting for me.
i see charles and i look back at mother and minx"so me and charles have some really big news"i look smile at charles and say it"i'm pregnant and you two are the first to know...we were thinking of telling the kingdom about this too"they look at us and gasp"OH MY GOSH MY SIS IS PREGERS this is the most best day every...IM GOING TO BE AN AUNT","congratulations you two","IS IT A BOY,GIRL,DEMON,ANGEL"?i look at minx "please minx calm down...we dont know yet so we have to wait".
"We should probably make preparations to tell the kingdom. Most of the population is out side of the castle in small villages so, I am going to have to work things out." I had a plan already in my head, I just wished Lander was here to help work out what I had planed.
"well i will help you with whatever you need"i smile trying not to remember what happen to mother iris and landers.mother looks at us and smiles"you two go ahead and do your thing...i'll calm down jinx"i look at jinx and she's happy as could be"jinx please calm down","i cant i'm too happy for you sis"she hugs me and starts to cry.i roll my eye's"um jinx...your hurting me"she looks at me and backs away,"oh um sorry".
I had gathered six pegasus and hooked them up to a carriage. I then went and gather a maid and a few other servants. "Lizzy are you ready?" I yelled to her, the servants had gathered our things and loaded them into the carriage.
"yes"i get into the carriage with charles and we go into the town.once we get in the town i see the people i wave to them and they wave back,i look at charles"this village has come a long way".
"It because it is under the kingdoms influence, however, I think we need a new replacement for Lander because he accomplished most of this for us. Under our orders of course, but he knew how to do these things." Our flying carriage lands on the street taking us to the main building of the town.
i get out the carriage and go into the building with charles "ok so what first"i look at him"what was your idea anyways"i look at him with curiosity.
"Well, I thought that we would ride from village to village in a flying carriage. Afterwards, maybe we can go sight seeing." I lead the way up in the building an up several flights of stairs unto we came to a balcony where we could address the people.
i walk up the stairs and onto the balcony,"wow this is a really great view of the village"i look from the balcony and see the people crowding the place.
"People of our great kingdom! We have a great news, the queen is with child!" the people of the kingdom began to cheer. (Do you know what we named the kingdom)
(i dont know but we can just call it Kingdom Of Eliloth...i used a name generator for it xD )

i move forward "yes it is true we do not know what it is yet but when we do we shall let everyone know"the crowd goes wild.

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