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A forced love, With Creepylover

i look at the person and scrowl"what do you think you are doing here...you better talk or so help me i will..."i stop and stand up still holding the person,i look at charles and give him to charles"here...i told you i'm not going to get involved with this...so you can deal with him"i turn around and walk into the bedroom.
After Lizzy hands me the man I begin to take him to a cell to detain him and on the way there the man pulls out something using it to nock everyone around us but him unconscious. After a few minutes I wake up and begin to search for him. I hear a loud sound and rush to it, finding the door to Lizzy's study to have been broking in and the piece of the mask to be missing. "Oh no, how did he know?"
i hear something outside the door and open it,when i do there where people knocked unconscious"nope not even going to wonder...i know the mask is up to this"i close the door and lay back down on the bed"good thing i got these books from the library...looks like im going to be in here for awhile"i say as i open another book.
Lander knocks on the door to the master bedroom, where Lizzy is stay and waits for her to answer. I rush down in the room with black water and discover the next mask piece to be missing. Then I see the stair case open and I run down there hoping to find the thief. "How did he break the spells, one of them passed any mortals power."
i open the door again and see landers "i told you to stay away from me i have nothing to say to you...i want nothing to do with that mask"i scrowl at him.
Lander walks in and sits down on the bed. "My lady, I was the same way and look at what happened to my kingdom. It feel into ruin and everyone I held dear died. If you do nothing, and do not attempt to solve your problems only bad will come of it. What if the mask kills Charles because you refused to be involve with it? Your life will be empty and lonely, and you will be carrying the burden of regret because you did nothing. Is that what you want?" I reach the bottom of the staircase to discover that the third piece is missing. "Oh no, this isn't good." Then suddenly I feel an ice cold breeze in the air and run back out of the room and out of the castle to see the beast standing there. "Well, my lady I must be going now. I fear the worst has come to past."
i think of what my life would be without charles and look out the window to see charles and the beast with the pieces near by"Oh No"i open the wind and jump out of it,"I cant believe im doing this"i stretch my wings and fly towards charles and the beast.
Lander runs past me and Lizzy towards the beast. Then in a flash of light Mother Iris appears to help him and her appearance summoned a barrier around the three not allowing anyone out or in. The beast smiles and laughs at his opponents. "At long last you've given me the pleasure of killing you both."
I fly and run into the barrier"OW....why...why did i do that"i stand up and look at charles"wait we should be helping them"i look back at the barrier holding my arm.
I run to Lizzy and tell her. "There is nothing we can do, she made sure we couldn't be harmed. But it most likely is going to cost her life." A lone tear drops from my eye and I watch as lander and Mother Iris fight the beast. Both of them seem to be gaining ground and then they are nocked to the ground. Again they get up and attack them with everything they have. Lander tried to reach for the mask trying to remove but is only hit away.
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i look at him"b-but there going to get killed..."i look back at the barrier,"please mother Iris,lander let up help you"i lean on the barrier and begin to cry.

(sorry internet went out xD )
The beast strikes both of them, and they fall to the ground. They both begin disintegrate, and they stand up as they are dying. "I am sorry Charles, I didn't want any harm to come to you." Lander walks up to the edge of the barrier to Lizzy. "My lady, forgive me. With my dying breaths I give you the remainder of my power." Within seconds he disappears. "And my child, to you I give you the remainder of my power." With that she disappear as did the barrier. The beast the flew off to reap havoc.
I think for a second, "its only been two days. We have one day left. In the history of the mask it only survived for three days before the beast was defeated."
i look back at him and say "but there gone now...mother Iris is gone...and so is lander...i knew i shouldn't have stayed mad at him".
"Lizzy, they are still in a way with us. They gave us their power their strength. Now we have to carry on their legacy."
"y-your right...now that the beast is gone we are safe..."i look at the ground and begin to walk back to the bedroom.
I follow her, "Lizzy we should go after it. If we don't stop it, it may never be stopped and it will end the world."
i stop and look back at him,"i-i cant stop that thing...TH-THAT BEAST KNOWS ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY...IF I FIGHT THAT THING HE'S GOING TO KILL US JUST LIKE MOTHER IRIS AND LANDER"i yell and point to the direction of the beast.
"The beast nearly lost to them and we now have twice their power. Besides if we don't countless others will die. We can't let that happen."
i look up at him,"f-fine lets do this..."i stretch my wings again and look at the beast,i look back at charles and run towards the beast.once i get near it and fly in the air and kick it in the head.
I fly to the beast and use magic to in place as I make spears rain down from the sky stricking it down. The beast get back up and swats us away as if we were flies.
as i was fighting i felt something weird going on while i was still in the air.all of a sudden all of my dark energy that was inside of me was filled with light energy and instead of dark wings i had lights wings,i look at myself"*gasp* i got my angelic form"i look back at the beast and smile.i open my hands towards him and light goes right into his eye's making him blind for a little,i look at charles "CHARLES NOW"i yell as i distract the beast.
I reach at the creatures face grabbing the mask and I quickly take apart the pieces getting rid of it. I toss one of the pieces to Lizzy before landing back on the ground.
i grab the piece and fly a little high off the ground,"WHAT DO WE DO WITH THEM NOW"i yell as i fly above charles.

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