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A forced love, With Creepylover

I follow behind her back into the bedroom, 'ya he could be anywhere.' I think to myself wondering where or who he was. I fall into the bed and instantly fall asleep.
i fall asleep and wonder where he could be,(he has to be close by if the pieces are popping up here).the next day i wake up before anyone and go back into the room,i move a bookcase and find what i feared the most,"N-No...i-it cant be"i look at a piece of the puzzle just laying behind the bookshelf in my secret research room.i fall to the round and back up to the wall"h-how is this possible"i run back up and wake charles up,"Ch-Charles I found another one wake up"i say as i shake him.
I wake up with Lizzy shaking me, "where is it, take me." I have a frantic look on my face as I worry about the safety of everyone. I quickly get out of bed, I see Aine in the corner shaking in fear from hear the stress in Lizzy's voice.
i show him into the room and show him everything"i found this room when we first moved here...i have done all my research in here"we go down the stairs and i show him the piece that was behind the bookshelf"i moved the bookshelf because i heard a weird noise...usually it's just the castle or mice...but when i moved it i saw the piece and i freaked out"i point to the piece that was in a little hole.
I look at the piece in fear, "We have found the top and bottom piece, all that is left is the middle piece." I pick up the piece and look to Lizzy. "Tell no one that it is here we must seal this room shut. We can use magic to make so that no one can open it again. I am sorry you won't have access to this place any more, take anything that you need out." I wait for her to respond, knowing that this was news was hard for her to bare.
"i-it's ok...i should have known that the next piece would be somewhere near me...there is only a couple things i need from this room"i walk over to the table and grab the books and maps."ok i have everything here we should go now"i look at him and walk out the room to let charles do his thing,i take the things into the bedroom and keep doing research.
I close the room up and then I hold up my hands sealing the door forever. There is a quick flash of light and then it fades away. I then rush back to the room with back water, in the little island in the middle of the water sat lander. "Lander what are you doing here?"
i open the book of the tale of the mask and Lathander,as i was reading the tale i though about where the king could have been"king Lathander...king Lathander...that sounds so familiar...but where do i remember this from"as i look more into it i remember a specific name,i grab a piece of paper and write down the name.
Lander stands up, "have you not figured it out yet my lord, I am lathander. The king of old." He waves his hand and a stair way forms in the water going deeper into the castle. All water surrounding it flows away. "There is some thing I would like to show you." I follow lander down the stair case and there it was the third piece of the mask. "My lord a thousand years ago I fought the beast and I sealed all three pieces way, however, I sealed this one here. So it was no surprise that the first appeared above it. They are trying to find each other, like they always have."
."Lathander...l-a-n-d-e-r...it cant be i must have gotten some of the letters mixed up"i write it down several more times but it comes out the same way"so it is true...thats why the pieces are showing up here...landers the old king...wait where is Charles"i run out of the room and try to find charles.
"Lander why have you brought me here and why do you help me when you are the king?" He looks at the piece and turns to me, "Charles, I wanted to make things right, it was because of my ignorance that the kingdom fell into ruin. I saw you as a worthy king and Lizzy as worthy queen. I brought you here so that you might be able to stop this piece from finding the others."
i look around the castle but no luck"he must be in the water room"i look at the room and go in it"CHARLES...CHARLES WHERE ARE YOU"i yell as i run down into the room and hopefully find landers with him.
"My lord I fear that even with all of our efforts the mask will find a way to become complete. Very people know this but the reason why this creature can't die is because it is made of all the evil within man. As long as there is a little evil in the world this creature will live."
i look around the room but didnt see them"CHARLES...LANDER I KNOW YOU TWO ARE IN HERE SHOW YOURSELF NOW"i yell i became mad at what has happen.
I hear Lizzy yelling for us and I walk up the stairs. "Over here." I wave my hand as I call for her, signaling for her to follow me. I then walk back down the stairs.
i see charles and run down the stairs,i see lander and the last piece of the mask i look at him and scrowl,"i should have known it was you Landers you have put us all in danger now"i clench my fist.
Lander approaches Lizzy, trying to clam her down. "My lady, this piece has been year for a thousand year, you moved here. I did not put you in danger, the mask could care less where I am. Besides, I defeat the beast once, should the pieces be put together I might be able to do it again."
i back up from him"DONT YOU DARE COME ANY CLOSER TO ME...if you put those pieces together you do it far away from the people and castle...other than that this is your fight".
"My lady, I don't want to put the mask back together. All I have wanted is to right my wrong by help you." He sighs and steps back seeing how she was angry at him
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"i said IF you put it together...i shall not help with it in anyway...you leave me,Jinx and my mother out of this as well"i look at charles and walk away looking for jinx and mother.after i found them i told them to stay away from the mask pieces.
Lander sighs and walks off someone unknown to me. I walk out of back into the room with water and the stair case closes behind me. "Well this blows, Lizzy hates Lander and he may be the only one that can stop the beast."
i walk around the castle talking to the people in it when i seen the three maids from awhile ago,"hello girl how are you doing today"they look at me and smile"we are good thank you your Majesty","call me Lizzy girls no need to be so formal"i smile at them,"y-yes Lizzy"i wave goodbye and continue to walk around the castle talking to the staff and people there.
As I walk out of the room and into the hallway someone runs past me and I don't get a chance to see his face or where he went. I looked around trying to find where he went with no success.
i turn a corner and something or one runs past me in a flash,i turn around and go after them"HEY GET BACK HERE"i fly as fast as i can to catch up to it,after awhile i catch up with it and pin it down,i see charles and yell for him "CHARLES WHAT IS THIS"i yell at him as i pin it down.

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