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A forced love, With Creepylover

"o-ok"i follow them in the library,once we get into the library my eye's light up"there's soooo many books here...there are more books that i havent read yet"i look at all the books"how did i not know about this before...now i can come here all the time and read these books"i take a couple books and hold them.
Lander holds out his hand and several books fly off of the selves. "These are the true legends of the Mask." He says several words and the writing on the books begin to walk off into the air. The words then turn into images that go along with the story he tells us. "Long ago when the gods where still in the infant years, a great powerful and evil creature came into being. It scared the gods with its power and it destroyed everything in its path. All gods assembled and they fought the creature. Several times them killed it and each time they tried to destroyed its soul. However, it was impossible. So at long last they forged a mask that had three pieces and they trapped all of its life force and soul within it. Many times the world killed each other to have a piece of this mask and once it was destroyed freeing the creature. Once again the gods banded together and made a new mask forcing it back within it. They named this The Mask of Solomon, and the hide it in the bowels of the earth. Years later within the first border of this kingdom a piece appeared and soon after the other two. They found there way together and the creature attacked the kingdom. It destroyed it and sent it in to ruin. The king at that time fought him and managed to destroy the creature for a short time. He sent the pieces of the mask back from which they came and he was never seen again. This is the basics of the legend, what has been found should be looked at with great caution." The books with there writing then return to there places on the selves. (This was time consuming :P )
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i look at the images,"w-wait...so there's a mask in this castle that could kill us at anytime"i gulped and look at charles"wh-where did you find this mask"?
"Lizzy you need to know that this mask has a will of its own, it appears where ever it sees fit. But I found it in the room with black water." I take her hand and begin to lead her back down into the lower levels of the castle where the room was.
i try to escape his grip"no-no i dont want to go near that thing...me mother and jinx must stay away from that at any cause let me go"i look at him with fear.
I let go of her once she began to freck out, "Lizzy another piece of this mask can apear at any time any where in the world. There is no escaping it."
"i-i'm sorry b-but i cant face that mask again"i fly out of a little window and go to my relaxing spot,i sit under a tree and think about whats going to happen.
Lander and I walk down into the room, "Mother Iris! Mother Iris!" She appears into the room with us, "what is it my child." She turns and sees the mask. Her face goes completely pale, "oh no, this isn't good." I pick up the mask again, "can you two help me make a magical barrier to ensure that no one can move this, not even one of us?" They both nod their heads and we begin work on sealing it in a magic barrier that levitates just above the water. I try to reach my hand in it only to be thrown back. "Perfect, we can let anyone reunite the pieces." Lander nods his head again with a worried look on his face and Mother Iris looks him in the eyes knowingly, seeing past the secretes and lies. I however, am distracted by the barrier.
i look up and see my mother,"whats wrong Lizzy"she says as she sits next to me."th-the mask...it's back"her face turns pale at those words,she looks at me and says"you mustn't let anyone put the three together...if they do then the world shall be doomed","i-i know b-but i-i cant...i cant look at that mask again it brings back to many memories","but Lizzy you have charles by you side and he always will be...he will protect you and you will protect him...i know you can do it we all know you can do it"i look at her and smile"y-your right...thank you"i get up and go where charles is.
I walk up to the barrier again, testing it one more time to make sure that it was working. I slowly place my hand on the barrier and get thrown across the room. When I get up I see Lizzy, "Lizzy, I thought you didn't want to see this?" I walk up and hug her tight, enjoying seeing her again. I then look at her face enjoying seeing her, "I think we have the mask very well protected, but there ate still two other pieces that we have to worry about."
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I hug charles and look at him,"I-I still dont like the mask...but i am going to do what ever is needed to protect us...and your right the other two pieces of the mask could show up anytime so we must be careful and watch out for them"i smile and look at the others"we have to protect the castle from the masks...we should do like a spell or something to protect us from them".
I lead Lizzy back out of the room, "I am sorry, but because the first piece already appear I am afraid that there is nothing we can do to prevent the other two." I kiss her hand, and hug her again to reinsure her, "in all there divine might and wisdom the gods couldn't force the pieces to stay in one place to stay out of another. So there was nothing we could do in the first place. But now that the first piece had already appeared it will not move one its own."
"it's ok...i know there's nothing that can prevent the other two*sigh*but the best we can do is look out for them and make sure they dont combine together"i look at him and yell for jinx,she comes running in and looks at me"whats wrong did something happen?"i look at her with a serious face and she goes pale"n-no i-it cant be","yes...i need you and mothers help to keep an eye out for the puzzle pieces","y-yes of course...we shall keep an eye out for them...but what happens if we find one","tell me or charles about it...keep as far away as you can from it and tell us","yes or course"she fly out the castle and i begin to walk to somewhere.
"I am going to the library to see if there is any information on how to stop the beast. I love you Lizzy, I will see you soon." I then begin to walk back to the library fearing the worst that could happen. People barley knew of the beast and less the legend. They only had been one mortal who had defeated the beast and he was never heard from every again. I felt that something in the library could help me all I had to do was search for the answers.
i walk to a room that had a picture,i take of the picture and press the button then put the picture back on,a secret door opened up to a dark,dust,dirty place.i walked in it and went down the stairs,the stairs lent to a room with a table that had books,a candle,potions and other things."this is only just getting worse"i look at a map of the world and open a book about the history of the mask.
I look through books for long while trying to find anything about the mask or the king that fought him. I finally come across about the fallen king. *Many years ago, our land had a great and powerful king. His name was Lathander, one the most powerful kings the kingdom had. Now it has fallen into ruin, I write this with my dying breathes but this is my account of the last few days. Three days prier to today is when it all began, the first piece of Solomon appeared and the king thought nothing of it. All was to our people was a mysterious wooden object, but then something took over one of the guards and he wore. The guard became more powerful than any mortal man and he slayed his fellow knights. The king ordered for the sages to search for the other pieces so that they could be hidden from sight. Only the king would know where and he planed to seal them away his great powers, which no one could rival. However, gathering the other pieces was a grave mistake. The guard that had the first piece stole the other two and tried to wear all three only to be devoured by the beast. The king fought it valiantly and I still remember the creatures last words, "I shall return, nothing shall prevent it and next time I will destroy. I forbid you to die until I can rip you apart!" The king took the pieces of the mask and...* The rest of the diary was stained by blood and could not be read. (I just hinted to it.)
after a while i went back out of the room and went outside to see the stars since it was beginning to get dark,i lay on the ground and look at the stats remembering when i first did this with Charles."i have to keep positive...to more cowardly Lizzy...i cant be a coward no more i must be brave...and i must face this mask again for the sake of the world".
I walk out of the library in search of Lizzy and find her sitting under the stairs. I sit down next to her and it seemed like in that moment all the worlds problems vanished.
i look at charles as he sit down next to me and smile,"so did you find anything"i look back at the stars and chuckle.
I am brought back to reality when Lizzy speaks and it is as thought I can fell the weight of the world on my shoulders. "I found a diary that has a story from that time. I believe he was the last person to see the king alive but he died while he was writing, and much of his work was covered in blood."
i could see he was getting kind of stressed out,so i gave him a shoulder massage to help him relax"dont worry we shall try and figure out what the message says...and i might have the right thing for it you are putting to much pressure on yourself...and i dont want you to do that"i smile at him.
As she is giving me the massage I say, "there was one passage that I could read that bothered me. The beast cursed the king that fought, he made it forbidden for the king to die until the beast could kill him. This means that the king should still be alive. but where?"
"so the king is immortal until the beast dies...the king could be anywhere in this world"i lay back down on the ground head to head with Charles looking back at the stars,"the stars are really bright tonight".
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I admire the stars with Lizzy, "Ya they are really pretty to night as if they were trying to fight off the evils of the world. There may still be one person left in this world who knows how to kill the beast." I hold on to the moment for as long as I can, not wanting for another one to pass.
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after awhile i stand up and stretch my wings"it's starting to get...we should get to bed now so tomorrow we can search more"i walk back into the castle and into the bedroom.

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