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A forced love, With Creepylover

I sit in my throne waiting for Jinx and Lizzy to return, "how could I even rip his soul out? I would have to get close to him."
i rush Jinx in the castle and close the doors behind us"whatever you do jinx do not pick up those gems...they are very dangerous" she looks at me "o-oh i didnt know...sorry","it is ok...just please be more careful...luckily i got it out of your hand before it was to late"i tell her as i'm walking away from the door.
I hear Lizzy talking to Jinx and rush to them, "how did it go, did you get what you needed?" I can see the tension between them, however, I choose not to say anything.
i look at charles and nod "y-yes we did...jinx can you take these to the room","yes i will i will see you later"she takes my basket and walks off.i begin to walk away avoiding charles gaze.
I approach Lizzy and hug her, "you can't adviod me for ever you know."I say jokingly. I hold her tightly to reinsure her that everything would be okay.
i turn around and still try to avoid his gaze"i-i know...and i dont want to...i-it's just that...never mind about it"i hug him as i said it.
I enjoy our hug as long as it last, "Lizzy we are a team, we can this. As long as we are together we can do any thing."
"i-i know we can thats why i let you help us...that and you were going to help us either way"i chuckle,"you can be very hardheaded sometimes...but thats one thing i love about you"i chuckle some more.
"Well shall we start our preparations, we should make the potion." I then begin to lead her to where Jinx is.
i follow Charles to the room and Jinx prepares the things,"ok so this is everything we need i organized it and the things we didnt need now i put away"she points to the herbs and spices on a table.i look at her and smile"ok so we need weakness,blindness,night vision"and as i'm saying a line of potions i stop and think for a second"wait...i got it how could i not think this of this sooner".
i tell jinx what im thinking and she looks at me like im crazy,"you know if this doesn't work he will get what he wants","dont worry i know what i'm doing...do you trust me jinx"i look at her with a serious face."yes...i trust you but it's not me that you need to ask it's him"she points to charles and i look at him"oh um charles would you trust me if i said that if i could trick my father into thinking im on his side but i would be betraying him at the same time"i grab a blood colored gem off of the table and show it to him.

I look at her with a serious face, "of course I would. I know you will do what is needed of you and defeat your father."
"Good"i take the gem and say a spell i learned from my mother,the gem begins to glow,after i finish enchanting the gem it fall back in my hand and i tie it to a string."perfect...now here's the plan...me and jinx pretend to go on his side...but we will be wearing these necklaces so his power doesn't take over us...then we pretend to fight you but the spells we use cant hurt you,after a litle while me mother and jinx will do a special ritual that can take his soul away...but the bad part is it takes alot of energy...and only the three of us can do it because were *family*...all you need to do is play along and distract him so that he thinks that he has won"i look at jinx and back at charles.
I smile, and examine the gems. "That is perfect, I don't know how this plan will fail." I think to myself, how am I going to use magic that doesn't hurt them? I will have to be careful.
"ok now all we need now are the potions"i put all the ingredients in separate cauldrons and mix them together,after awhile they begin to turn colors and bubble,"there done"i put all the potions in separate bottles and smile"i think we should be set on potions...what so you think charles to many to less"i count up to 20 bottles of each potion on the table.
I look at the bottles, "this should be good, I want you to be careful. How long until he is here?"
"dont worry i will"i look at jinx,"how long now"she looks at a clock on the wall"twelve hours,ten minutes and 10 secs...and counting"she looks back at us and begins to leave"i am going to tell mother now"she leaves the room and i look at charles.
I quickly look at the bottles again and check to make sure they are all ready. "Lizzy, I am going to get myself ready. I am going back to the room with the black water, if you need anything you will know where to find me." I begin to leave the room with a nervous feeling in my gut.
"o-ok..."i walk out of the room and go into the bedroom,i open a drawer and pick up the forever flower i made into a necklace for charles and me.i put it around my neck and tuck it in my dress"just in case something happens",i lay on the bed and rest."hahaha so i guess you know that im coming",(yes i do put you will not get what you want),"thats what you think just wait and see what i have in store for you two after i have you two i will kill your mother and the boy",(ha i'd like to see you try),"well i will see you at the fight then my daughter",(you will and i will take the last laugh".
I walk into the room and sit down on the ground thinking to myself. "there has to be more that I can do, I know that I am stronger then what I have shown so far." (I posted in the other one too)
i wake back up and see Aine beside the bed looking at me,"whats wrong girl"i get out of the bed and follow her.she takes me to the living room and tugs on a book on the bookshelf,i pick it up and look at it"the princess and the demon...what are you going on about Aine"she sits down just looking at the book,i open it up and see a necklace that jinx must have left in it,it was red and black with a half heart in it"where did she get this..."i find jinx and ask her about it"oh it's about time you found it...i was wondering you weren't going to find it...but how did you find it","well Aine found it"she looks at Aine and smiles"well thanks girl" she looks back at me and put it on my neck"it's a sister necklace...so you know that i'm always on your side...i made one too"she shows me the necklace and puts it back in her shirt."well thanks..but i dont know why you put it in a book...especially the demon and the princess book","sorry i kind of just put it in a book and put it back"she chuckles.
I look at the water and have an idea. "What if the entire time my reflections fights them, then I can be somewhere else in case they need me." I hold up my hand and water begins to take a human form. "It would be just like a puppet."
"oh...ok well we're sister's no matter what...but what tests it is the big battle...we should get some sleep now i'm going to the room and wait till charles come back see you guys tomorrow"i wave goodbye,pick up Aine and go back into the room.when i do i lay back on the bed and wait for charles.
I look at my creation smiling, I then leave it in the room and head back to the bed room finding Lizzy laying down.

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