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A forced love, With Creepylover

"Well, I had an Idea so that I don't accidently hurt you. I am going to have a puppet made out of water that looks just like me fight you. Then you can't get hurt! I would be near by controlling it and if I was need I could jump in and help you."
"thats a great idea...but my father has a very good eye so you are going to need to hide very good or he will see what is going on"i turn around and lay back on the bed.
I lay in the bed next to Lizzy, "don't worry I will hide were he can't see me, we will be perfectly fine."
"i know we will...but for some reason...i have a bad felling"i look at him and cuddle next to him,"it's like...something bad is going to happen tomorrow during the fight".
I cuddle up next to Lizzy, "don't say that, what if you Jinx it. That will make his death slower and more painful, although it won't be any less then what he deserves."
"if i could...i wish i could see him suffer painfully...but i can't"i fall asleep without even thinking i did."so Lizzy just a couple more hours until we meet again",(i know you dont have to keep on telling me this...),"hahaha but i do because in 5 hours you and Jinx will be mine",(yeah-yeah-yeah...then your going to take over the world and everything blah-blah-blah),"well i will see you in 5 hours my daughters",(im not your daughter and i will see you there).
I see Lizzy sleeping next to me and slowly fall asleep my self. In my dream I see an endless land of light and Lizzy's father slowly dyeing and withering away within the light. "Curse you Charles, I hope you die as painfully as I have!" I strangely enjoy watching him die painfully knowing that he can no longer harm anyone.
as i was dreaming i could see my father dying right in front of me,"how could you do this to me Lizzy...we could have ruled the world",(like i said...i chose love over glory)i look at Charles and smile."wh-what about you jinx...i made you i created you","actually i'm Lizzy's sister...and i always will be...i have a family now and i never want to see you again",(face it...we don't love you no more...and we never will...so goodbye forever".
I wake up and see that four and a half hours have past, I gently shack Lizzy to wake her up. "it is almost time, we should get in place."
"HE'S HERE" i yell and rush out of bed,i get my things together and look at charles"i'll see you there"i kiss him on the cheek and fly out the window.i meet up with jinx and mother,"are you ready...do you have the necklaces on","yes","yes...and i have the one charles gave me just in case","perfect...all we have to do now is wait for charles and Zagan.
I sneak out of the castle letting my puppet make an obvious entrance and I disguise my self as a boulder near the wall of the castle. Then my puppet yells to the sky, "Show your self cowered! Are you afraid of death Zagan because you die here!"
i see Charles or what looked like charles we look at each other and nod,all of sudden the sky turned black and the ground opened up,"wooooooowwww nice entrance"the ground closed back up but the sky still was black"HELLO LIZZY,JINX...SUSAN...CHARLES...I AM HERE TO TAKE WHATS MINE","well i think your looking in the wrong place Zagan","HAHAHA YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT".me and jinx look at each other and grin quickly and look back at him."FINE...YOU KNOW WHAT...I CANT TAKE IT NO MORE...I'M GOING WITH FATHER","L-lizzy...y-you cant be serious","I AM...I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE YOU TREAT ME...IF I GO WITH FATHER...i get to be treated like a princess","yes you can get whatever you want"(i just hope charles think i'm not being serious).i look at jinx"are you coming with me or not"i offer her my hand and she takes it"we are sisters to the end",we go over to father and i look at the water charles and smirk.
My puppet looks at them, "What? You can't be serious you are the queen. I... I love you." It then turns its attention to zagan, "You... You will die for this!" It then raises up its hand and fires a ball of light at him, then he makes a spear preparing to throw it through his heart, "Lizzy I won't hurt you, I love you too much but I am gioing to kill your father one way or another!" I hope that she knows I am playing along.
he flicks the spears and look at me and jinx,"now to show that you are willing to be with me...Lizzy take off your ring"i look at my hand"WHAT","take off the ring"i look at jinx and back at charles and laugh"i guess i wont be needing this no more"i take off the ring and throw it on the ground,my heart stopped when i did that but it was for the greater good,"so you really are willing to give up everything to take over the world perfect","y-yes i am","now one more thing destroy him"i look at him"i-i...","lizzy do it"she smiles and looks at mother,"you know what i will do it"i smile devilishly.
My puppet yells, "Lizzy you can't, don't you love me?" It then charges at her and punches her with a fist made of magic, if course it wasn't meant to hurt her. It does this several times before backing up.
"i will destroy you Charles...i dont love you anymore and i never will"i take a deep breath and throw a big ball of dark magic at it"hahaha looks like you have passed my tests...like i said i always get what i want".
"ha now jinx destroy your mother","wh-what",(ok i think this is going to far now)," lets do it together jinx"we summon a big ball of dark energy,"EVERY NOW".me and jinx throws it at him and he goes down to the ground"you traitors","like i said we will never join you",the three of us enchant a spell and light energy surrounds us,we finish the spell and the light energy goes flying at him"ch-charles...n-now"we wait for charles to do his thing as we recover from the spell we did.
I revile myself, and approach Zagan, "you leave us no choice. Zagan you are sentenced to oblivion!" He looks at me confused, "fool I will return and ended everything you hold precious!" I reach into his body and rip out his soul. "NOT THIS TIME!" I begin to crush it, causing him great pain. It turns to dust, killing him.
"you will never hurt us again"i light his body on fire and the sky turns back to it's normal color,i get up weakly and walk over to charles"thank you thank you so much"i hug him tightly."well now thats that over the world is safe from him"jinxs look at mother and smiles"yes it is...now i'm quite tired...i'm going to take a nap to recover me energy","me too see you later Lizzy"they wave and walk away.i look at charles and smile"i should lay down for a little"i lay down on the ground and rest for a little.
After the battle I had Lizzy her ring and head back to the room of black water. Once inside I stare into the water thinking of the events that had just come to past. Looking inside the water I see a wood object and I pick it up. "What is this?" as soon as I ask this question my reflection looks at me and says, "it is one of three. The mask of Solomon, the down fall of the castle and its once great kingdom." I drop it suddenly and rush out of the room in fear. The mask had the power to destroy Zagan, Lizzy, Jinx, Susan, Mother Iris and I ten times over and all at once. In my mad dash away from the room, I literly run into Lander
i take the ring from charles and put it back on my finger,i get back up and go back to the castle.i open the door and i see Aine running up to me"hey girl how are you"i couldn't pick her up because she was too big so i knelled down and petted her,"who's my good girl" after i petted her she followed me as i walked around the castle.
"My lord, why the rush?" He looked at me startled. "Lander, follow me." I lead him into the room of black water and I picked the piece back up and handed it to him. "My lord this is a piece to the mask of Solomon! This is a bad sign, it is a signal of his return!" He dropped it back into the water and we both walk back out of the room and look for Lizzy. After some time we find her and aine.
i see Aine turn around and runs so i run after her i see charles and landers"oh so thats what she was running at"i chuckle and look at him"is something the matter"i see him looking kind frantic.
"My lord and lady, we should go to the library, there are records there of the dark times that I would like to show you." He then begins to lead us up a flight of stairs and in to a tower of the castle. "Lizzy, I found something... disturbing. It is more ancient then this very castle, I don't know much of it but this library might."

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