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A forced love, With Creepylover

The crowd goes wild and I lead Lizzy back to the carriage. "How many towns do you think we will be able to tell today?" (sounds good)
(cool)i look at the sun and it was mid day we should be able to tell two more towns at least today then tomorrow we should be able to do the others"i tell him looking out the window,i sigh as we continue to go to the next town.
"Is something wrong?' I move closer to you and take your hand in my own. "After we finish to day we can lay under the stair and have a special evening under the stars. If that is alright with you?"
i look at charles"oh nothing is wrong...and i would love to lay under the stars...it can be just like old times.
We landed at the next town and it was even better then the last, it almost look as developed as the castle and it had several school within it. I waved the to towns people as the carriage landed on the street.
as we landed we waved to the towns people,i could see that this village was much bigger than the other and had lots of more schools.we get out the carriage and go into the building to tell everyone.
"Would like to address the people first this time my love?" I say as I look off into the kingdom from our spot on the balcony. The view of the kingdom was spectacular.
"i will do it my dear"i move closer to tell the people "people of the kingdom...i have some news...i am with child and we do not know if it is prince or princess that information will be released when he or she is born if there is any questions ask now"a women raised her hand a spoke"are you going to be having a baby shower my queen" i looked at them and nodded,"no i am not i was not thinking about that and it didnt really come to mind".
"Good citizens, we hope you have a good evening and may life be as fruitful for you as it has been for us." I looked around seeing happy faces. "You did well, my love." I then took you hand and lead you off the balcony into the building. "You are a great queen and the people admire you."
i smile and walk off the balcony with Charles "thank you my dear"i felt my stomach jump and i felt the baby kick"Charles look the baby's kicking"i take his hand and put it on my stomach.
"Awe how adorable, I can't wait to see you little fella." I could fell the baby kicking and had a big smile on my face. (Man magical babies develop really fast :P )
(they do xD )"yes i cant wait either"i look at charles "oh um we should probally get going...we should be able to make one more stop before it hits night time"i see him smiling and it makes me smile.
We get back into the carriage and head to another town, this one being a little less developed then the first one. We then repeated our process of greeting the people before we were on our way again.
we greeted the people in the last village and told them about the baby,after we told them about it we started to leave to travel to the next one when the king of the village asked us if we would like to stay for the night,"um...i dont know we were going to go and spend the night outside but if it's ok with you charles then it's ok with me".
"Well my queen, it might be dangerous for the baby to stay under the stars since you are so far along. I guess we could stay the night." I went to the carriage and began to help the servants unload our things, which must have been a strange sight for some.
i went out to see if they needed help right when i went to ask i stopped myself(i dont think thats a good idea charles would never let me help) i sigh and go back into the castle.
After I finish I find Lizzy in our room of this castle. "Well have build such a great kingdom so far, have you given any thought to a replacement to Lander." I said the last part with sadness missing him.
"n-no i haven't"i look at him"charles do you think i'm weak"i ask him seriously,"maybe being pregnant is a good thing and a bad thing after all *sigh*".
I look at Lizzy surprised by her question, "no Lizzy, I don't think your weak. Your are the strongest person I know. You have come a long way since you first learned magic. You have surpassed gods! And your still getting stronger. I just think we need to be careful not to harmed the baby."
"i know...but i cant even fly now...but i will do this for the baby and us"i smile faintly"and im glad you dont think im weak"i lay down on a couch.
I lay down on the floor next to you so that I can give you space to sleep. I fall asleep after a short period of time, dreaming of when the baby was born. In the middle of the night however, a stranger snuck into our room. Her blonde hair floated across the room as she settle in a chair across from the coach facing Lizzy and I. She stood guard, making sure that no one came into the room without permission protecting us.
i open my eyes a little and see someone sitting in a chair i open my eye's fully and see a women sitting there staring at us and i scream "CH-CHARLES"she gets up and walks over to me "it is ok my Queen i am not here to hurt you i am here to protect you","CHARLES WAKE UP"i scream to him.
I wake up seeing a strange women across from us. "Don't not fear my King and my Queen. I sent here by this towns mayor to protect you. I am this towns best fighter." I get up and stand in between her and Lizzy. "My Queen, Lizzy do you not remember me. I am David Lasser."
i look calm down and look at her "D-David it's you"i smile and hug her "you know there other ways of protecting people then just staring at them in a chair",she rubs the back of her neck"i'm sorry my queen","come on David you know me just call me Lizzy"i laugh and look at charles."charles this is David we used to be neighborhood friends".
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she smiles and bows to charles "hello my king"she gets up and looks back at me"Lizzy how did you become a queen","i-it's kind of a long story"i say as i rub the back of my neck"what i want to know is how did you become a knight","long story...anyways you two should get back to bed...especially you Lizzy","i know-i know"i chuckle and sit back on the couch"you always were the one to fright about me"i lay back down and try to go to sleep.david looks at charles"well my king i think i will look out from the outside this time"she walks out the door and closes it behind her.

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