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A forced love, With Creepylover

"o-o-ok..i am a little scared though...but i'll get over it"i get on the horses back and wait for charles.
My horse gallops in front of Lizzy, "I would say we have three hours of sunlight left, we should cover as much ground as we can today and then set up camp."
i smirk in a devilish way."well then i suggest we have a race then"i kick the side of the horse"YEH"and the horse was running fast"TRY TO KEEP UP" i chuckle and keep moving faster but i could see he was gaining on me!
I whisper in my horses ear, "feel the ground beneath your feet, run like no other horse has ran before." Then I say something else in the language of magic. My horse has lightining shooting of it eyes and everytime its hoofs hit the ground thunder sounds with the ground catching fire. I quickly pass Lizzy, and leave her in the dust before i allow my horse to slow down.
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i see charles far ahead of me.when we stop i get of my horse."you cheater...you used magic...no fair"i punch his arm. and start to pout!
I smirk, "you didn't say I couldn't, and be sides this adventure is all about magic." I begin to set up a tent for the two of us, the spot we chose was be a little stream, and we were surrounded by large trees
i smirk and chuckle and help set up the camp.it started to get dark quick so i had to collect some wood to make a fire and some water.once i got those things i put them on the ground."ok so what first"?
I look at Lizzy, "Well I say I teach a few basic concepts of magic." I begin walking to the stream and walk in waving for Lizzy to follow. I set up several orbs of light around the stream.
i follow charles around the stream(in my head"*sigh*charles the best...im happy that i get to spend this time with him")while not paying attention i trip on a rock and fall in the river."AAAHHHH...oh no".
I help Lizzy up, "Well that is a nice way to start your lesson." I poke at her. "Anyways, as you know there is Light magic and Dark magic. However, there is also neutral, the big deference in between the three magics are that light and Dark magic are more of a weapon. Neutral magic focuses on manipulating your environment, it is used as a defense. I will go more into detail about dark and light magic later on, you have already seen dark magic used by though when I used voodoo." I wave my hand and the waters in the stream stops flowing and the water around me flows away. "I want to teach you how to used magic to protect yourself, the closer we get to our destination the more dangerous the path will become."
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"t-thanks"i dry myself off with something i brought.i put my hand in the water and the water was kind of cold,i take my hand out and dry them."i-i-i can protect myself my...not much...but i can...but i dont mind your help"i shiver and smile at him.
I look at Lizzy shivering, "I know you can protect your self now, but were we are going things will very dangerous and I want to make sure you have the tools to better protect your self. Now although neutral magic is used as a defense, sometimes it can be used as a weapon. Usually though it will become either light or darkness, but when you manipulate a bolder above someone and drop, you haven't changed the magics nature, and it remains neutral. Now taking these things into account, I want you to focus on these ideas and manipulate the water."
"o-o-ok"i hug charles and feel the warmth of him against my cold body."w-w-we should get back now..i-i-it's really cold".
I lead Lizzy back to the camp and wrap her up in a blanket, then I start a fire. "I will be back Lizzy I am going hunt us some diner, warm up while I am gone." I then make a protective barrier around the camp before I walked off into the woods.
o-o-ok...just be careful please"after charles is gone i try to cast a spell to connect to my mother."m-mother...a-are you there","yes im here where are you and what has happened to you","p-p-please mother im fine...im with charles an...","I KNEW THAT BOY WAS A BAD INFLUENCE ON YOU WHERE ARE YOU","M-MOTHER IM FINE BUT DONT YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HIM YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HIM...AND YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ME...SO YOU KNOW WHAT FORGET IT"i hang up and lay down by the fire..."she doesn't understand me...no one does except charles does..no one...except...him".
After the night passes I wake Lizzy up and lead her back to the stream, "before we go I want you to practice, I want to make sure you understand. You are going manipulate the water."
i wake up and follow charles back to the stream watching my step so i dont fall again."o-ok...so what exactly do i do"i put my hand in the water and swish the water around.
"Not exactly, I want you to change the flow of the river. All you need to do is focus on the meaning of neutral magic as I have taught you, and it would come naturally."
i look at the stream and try to focus on the steam...i close my eye's and focus on the water's flow and i could fell the water moving the other way.
I watch as the water flows away from Lizzy, slowly it moved away. "Good job Lizzy, your skills are already improving. Keep it going."
i smile"thanks"i get up and smile devilishly"hey charles...come on"i grab his hand and walk through the stream moving the water as i go.i chuckle"hehehe this is really fun"i smile and move the water around as i run through the stream with charles.
I run with Lizzy, enjoying her enthusiasm. "There going to be a lot more for you to learn, the laws of magic get more complicated then what I have told you."
Wyatt said:
I run with Lizzy, enjoying her enthusiasm. "There going to be a lot more for you to learn, the laws of magic get more complicated then what I have told you."
"i know...but i always find a way to make it fun silly"i splash him with water and laugh"see i told you".
Wyatt said:
"Is that a challenge," I say as a small wall of water forms behind me.
i smile devilishly"OH i think it is"i form a huge wall of water behind me and wait for him to attack.

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