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A forced love, With Creepylover

Charles looks at the castle, studying the stone work. He looks at the symbols craved into the stone that a beginner in magic wouldn't be able to see and grabs Lizzy's hand before she can enter. "This castle is magically enchanted, if we were to go in now we might not find our way back." He see a fish like symbol above the door, and a faint red glow within it. "We need to follow a path marked in the ceiling of the castle and it will lead us to the soccer, however, we must force him out of the castle when we find him. If we kill him inside the castle will collapse on us."
i look at the door and see what he's talking about."o-oh...well where do we go first then"i look at the door but couldn't understand it.i look at charles and look at the big dark castle.*gulp*.
"Well it may be to dangerous to enter the castle and I doubt the soccer will leave it peacefully. But I do have clay on me and a needle, if we could find a sample of the soccer I could use voodoo magic, which is a form of dark magic, to force him out of the castle if not kill him." Charles then pulled out a small amount of clay from a poach tied around his waist, "I will need a caldron for this.
"oh i can help"i look in my purse to find the little caldron that i always keep on me,i take it out and put it on the ground."here you go i'm going to go find something that i need that is over on this part of the forest"i turn around and walk into the forest to look for the thing i wanted to get.
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Charles looks at the caldron, then he gathers fire wood and starts a small fire before waving his hand and enlarging the caldron. Charles then gather water and filled up the caldron. "Now all I need is a sample of the soccer." He then went back to the door and began looking it over.
while im in the forest i look for a flower that was white,pink and red.it was called the flower of forever,as i look around i see a big flash of light"there it is"i go up to it and see if it's the right one"yes this is the right one...now all i have to do is take two petals and they will last forever".i smile and jump around with glee,i take the two petals and put them in my purse then start to go back to the castle.when i get there i see charles working on the spell"hey im back..i didnt find what i was looking for but it's ok"i smile and look at the cauldron."need any help"?.
Charles finds what he is looking for, a small strand of hair and Charles takes it back to the caldron, dropping it into the caldron. He then drops the clay into the caldron, the caldron then begins to bubble and glow a dark green. A clay figure floats up to the surface and Charles grabs its. "Well shall we begin?"
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Charles holds the doll above the boiling water, and clay begins to drip of the doll. Screaming begins in the castle, the soccer was crying out in pain. "Well I guess it is working," Charles says. He then grabs the needle and stabs it into the doll several times, mostly in the arms and legs. The screaming increases from the castle, the finally Charles twist the head on the doll breaking the mans neck. After this happens the castle tumbles down leaving nothing but a pile of stones in its place. "I am sorry that he had to suffer, I just had to ensure that the magic was working." The water in the caldron had stopped boiling and the fire under it went out.
i watch as i hear him scream after awhile i hear a snap of a neck i look at charles as the castle tumbled down"well at least it's over now...we can tell the king that we found who was doing it and that he wont hurt no one ever again"i start to walk back towards the town with the petals in my purse for something that i can make for charles to surprise him.*sigh*(in my head)"i just hope he likes it".
Charles follows after Lizzy, his spirit down after making a man suffer. "The king will be more then please with this news." Charles replies.
"yes he will"as we get to town i start to go home."u-um charles i-im gonna go home now but i'll see you later...bye"i kiss him on the cheek and run home."now all i gotta do now is follow these steps and it will be complete,when i get home i get out the ingredients,the petal,and the book to make it complete."ok now i add this,this this and this"i put all of the ingredients in the cauldron"and last but not least...the petals"i put the petals in and a cloud of pink smoke came out of the cauldron"*gasp*i-it worked"two pink and red heart gems came out of the cauldron with the initials C+L forever."yes...now all i got to do is give it to him and see if he likes it"a tear falls down my cheek and i go to meet charles at his house.
Charles is sitting at his lone table, reading his books as always studying and improving his skills. He gather several items, what he wished to do would break all the laws of magic that had been set.
i knock on his door to see if he was there"c-c-charles..are you there...i kind of want to talk to you about something...is it ok if i come in".
Charles waved his hand and the blanket on his bed flew over the table covering it. "Come in Lizzy."
i open the door and closed it behind me,i sit in a chair across from him"u-um so remember when i went into the forest and i said i had to find something...but then when i came back i said i didnt find it"i down at the floor.
Charles replies, "I do, I am going to assume you found it and your excited about what ever it was. What is it?"
Wyatt said:
Charles replies, "I do, I am going to assume you found it and your excited about what ever it was. What is it?"
i look at him and smile"i-i did and this is what it is"i take the pendents out of my bag and show it to him"I-i-it's a pendent made from the forever flower"i give him the pink and red heart gem that has our initials engraved in them."w-well i just thought since i was over there i would grab a couple petals and make these...d-d-do you like...it"i say nervously.
I smile happily, "you are truly talented, they are perfect." I hand them back to her, "maybe you could get a job making magical items for people."
"th-thank you...but i dont think i would want to do that...i kind of always wanted to do what you do...go on all kinds of adventures,helping the world...but all i do is just sit around in my house and make jews that i like and make them into jewelry...so your like a real hero...and im just the girl that watches...i-i'll see you later then"i start to walk toward the door.
"Wait maybe you can, help me. It would be a learning experience for you." I remove the blanket from over the table and reveal what it was working on. "I am trying to find a way to basically freeze time temporary. To freeze for great periods of time would require the soccer or sorcerers to give there lives, and even then it would only effect a small area. This is what my research has soon me at least."
before i walk out the door charles remove a blanket from the table and i see lots of things.i listen to what he says"i-i-i dont know...i dont want to mess it up...im kind of a failure at that kind of stuff"i look at the ground and rub my arm"especially because of my parents.
"Don't say that, I believe that under my guidance you will be able to become a master sorceress." I pick up the ingredients looking at them carefully. "Lizzy go home and pack up anything you can't live without, and meet by the gates in an hour. I am going to go to the king and ask him for time then I will meet up with you with two horses." I wave my hand and everything on my table shrinks and goes into a small bag next to my table. Then I begin to walk towards the castle.
"a-ah..ok i will be right back"i run to my house and pack.some clothes,books,accessories,and of course the flower that charles gave me and put it in my hair.after im done packing i meet up with charles at the gates and i see two horses,i run up to the horses and feed them a apple i had in my bag.i look at charles and smile..."ok well i got everything i cant live without"i point to the flower in my hair and chuckle.
I smile at her, "are you ready go on your first adventure?" I chuckle as I say this. "I promise you will be a much stronger sorceress when we are done, I will be a seven day journey to were we are going, and seven days back."

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