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A forced love, With Creepylover

"Well if you insist, I guess we could give it a try. As long as you think your mother will be okay with it."
"well...if anything we should wait till we get back to town...or something like that..."i get up and get on my horse.i look at charles and smile,"is there anywhere else we need to go before we go back to town"?
"I don't believe so." I jump onto my horse and Aine sits in my lap. "One day she would grow up into a mighty creature. I can't help but feel attach since I was the reason she hatched." My horse then begins to gallop back to town. "You know, the king might not be happy, I think we were gone longer then I thought we would be."
i look at the town and frown,"i just hope he doesnt do anything bad to us"i look at charles and smile devilishly."i'll race you back...last one there has clean up after Aine"i begin to race him back to town "OH AND NO MAGIC" i chuckle and keep moving faster.
I frown "Is that so." I then smile devilishly, "Guards stop that girl." Then a few guards get in her way to stop her as I run past. I the yelk to them, "Thanks for the help guys." They then let her pass.
i see guards in the way i stop the horse as fast as i can and look at charles "OH COME ON" i see charles rushing pass me then the guards let me go.i catch up to charles and get off my horse."you know you always cheat when we race..."

(sorry forgot i had OT...-____-)
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"I don't see as cheating but rather as eing resourceful." I be headinf towards the castle. "I am going to go talk to the king, you should talk to to your mother."
"u-u-um yes...yes she should probably know what has happen...and i should tell her about father and everything...but she shouldn't be too mad at me though...i'll see you later"i kiss him on the cheek and pat Aine's head "i'll see you later too".i get on my horse and head to my mothers house.
I go and talk to the king then afterwards I go back to my house and think for while over what he has told me.
i get to my mother house and tie up the horse,i knock on the door and wait for her to answer,"MOTHER...IT'S ME".she opens the door and grabs me in,"mother what is wrong with you","what is wrong with you Rebecca","well hello to you too mother...how have you been","dont you hello mother me...i know what you have been doing..i told you to drop the thing with your father".i look at her and frown "y-you knew didnt you...you knew he was a demon and didnt even tell me...do you know what i have been through because of you","wh-wh...no-no"she looks at a necklace on my neck,"he got to you...he did it...b-but where did you get this...w-who saved you from your father","mother...thats what i came to talk to you about".i sit down with her and tell her about everything that has happen and how charles was there with me throughout the whole time."s-so...he protected you and saved you from the darkness inside of you"i smile and nod."yes he did...you thought wrong of him mother..he loves me...he would do anything to protect me...and i would do anything to protect him" she looks at me and start to cry,"i-i-im so sorry...i didnt know he did all those things for you...he really does love you" i hug her to cheer her up."there's...u-um one more thing i would like to say...how would you feel about having a grandchild" she looks at me "w-wait your not.." i immediately stopped her "NO-NO-NO....but what would you say if...i was".she looks at me and smiles "i..i would say you have my blessing" i look at her and cry happily "thank you mother...thank you so much".
After some time passes I pick up Aine and walk to Lizzy's how. Knocking on the door I say, "its Charles."
i hear a knock on the door and hear charles voice "hold on charles im coming" i look at my mother and smile "this is the boy i love...hold on" i get up,open the door and let charles in.
I put Aine on my shoulder and walk in, "Hello Mrs. Minx, I am Charles." I look at Lizzy and frown, I set Aine on the floor. "I have bad news Lizzy, the king disapproves of Aine. He said that either I kill her or I am banished from the kingdom." I wipe a tear from my eyes, "that means that I might have to leave, kill her or you will have to leave your mothers. Unless she wanted to come with us, although I don't know I could do that to you and your mother."
i look at him and frown "w-what...b-b-but wh..." mother puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles "it's ok Lizzy...you should go ahead with charles...you love him dont you...and you love his little dragon too...it's ok i will be fine"she looks at charles and nod "please take care of my daughter charles...i am sorry for the way i acted towards you".i look at her and frown "b-but..." "no but's Elizabeth please go with him and be happy...we can always keep in touch with the communicating spell i tought you" i smile and wipe a tear from my eye "th-thank you mother...thank you so much"i hug her tightly and look at charles."w-w-well..i guess i will go pack...i will miss you mother"."dont worry Lizzy i will be fine".
"I think I know the perfect place to start our new lives, we were there a few days ago. The birth place of magic!" I tell Lizzy as she packs.
i finish packing and look at charles "well lets start our lives there" i smile and begin to walk out with my stuff.i see my mother waiting for us outside "well...i guess your all grown up now...i'll make sure to visit you guys",i smile and hug her "we would love that...im going to miss you", "im going to miss you too...but it cant be helped...now you two have fun" she helps me load up the carriage.
"The castle may be run down but I think we can rebuild it, it is truly a spectacular place. Unless you have some where you want to live." I get in the carriage and set Aine on the seat.
i get in the carriage and sit next to charles and Aine "no-no i would love to live in the castle...i think rebuilding it will be a great idea...as long as im with you i dont care where i am"i put my head on his shoulder and put Aine on my lap.
When to the castle I use magic to allow to move over water. Once we get inside I lead her into the throne room and set Aine in the rotting chair. I then spin her around with. "Can you image it now, all the wonderful things we will be able to do. The ceiling will be limit and look there isn't even a ceiling in here."
i look around the castle and smile "wow...i cant believe it...were going to live in this castle...i cant wait to fix it" i look at the ceiling and at the rotting thrones and back at charles "we could be the king and queen of this castle..."i smile at him and say.
"Yes we could be, where should start? How should we start? What are your thoughts for renovating the castle?"
i chuckle and hug him "we should probably work on getting the castle fixed and cleaned...then we can worry about how it looks later".i step away from him and look at the condition of the castle top-to-bottom.
I go in to the master bedroom and begin to clesan it up, the bed was in ruin and I was sure the rest were the same way. I then left the castle to find a great wood tree and when I do I use magic to cut it down and take back into the bed room.
i hold Aine as i inspect the dining hall and the kitchen,Aine jumps out of my arms and i runs after her "hey wait where are you going...be careful" i catch up to her and see her looking at something."what is it...what is that"i pick her up and look at what she found,"wh-wh...."i scream at the top of my lunges and back away from the dead body.
I hear Rebecca's screams from the master bedroom and rush to her. "Oh my it must be one the original residents, I am sorry that you had to see this Lizzy." I go to pick it up and it falls to dust, "it has been a long time since that time."

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