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A forced love, With Creepylover

"i-i-it's ok...it just scared me a little...im sorry...i-i think i'll work on the throne room instead"i begin to walk back to the throne room and fix it up.
I go back to the master bedroom and begin carving the wood in to a bed frame. With the straps that are left I fix the floor as it was needed. "Great now we need a bed."
i fix up the throne room and make it clean "*sigh*...one room down...more rooms to go"i go into another room that looked like a girls room.
I begin to go from room to room gathering bed stuffing that wasn't rotting, and cloth slowly making a bed that we could sleep in.
after i clean most of the rooms i go to the master bedroom with my stuff.i pick up Aine and set her down in a chair and look around the room."so this is my new life...it's much better than i thought it would be"i chuckle and put my clothes in the dresser.
I go back into the master bedroom and I place the ragged bed on its frame. "Well it is poorly made, we will have to get a real one some day. We still have to do a lot of stone and wood work but it will come together. I am going to go get the rest of our things." Before I go, I rub Aines belly and head to the carriage.
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"ok..."i walk out of the bedroom and into the throne room carrying a book,i open the book begin to enchant some words.a bright light glows around me and in the room,after the light subsites i look around and see everything fixed and cleaned,i kneel to the ground and weakly stand up."th-there...that should fix it...but now i must rest".i stand up and head back to the bedroom.
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I shrink the carriage and put it my bag before heading back to the master bedroom, on my way I see the throne room in perfect condition minus a ceiling. When I see Lizzy I put the carriage out and make it, its normal size in the corner of the room. "Nice work in the throne room, do you think we should leave with out a ceiling like was in the old days or place glass there to keep the weather out?"
i look at him and smile "thank you...and i think we should put some glass on the ceiling...so we can see the sky...but there's no rain,snow and that coming in".i open a suite case a take out a picture of me and charles two years ago and look at him."remember this charles...i love this picture everytime i see it"i put it on the dresser and lay down on the bed.
"I have one more thing to do before I go to sleep, I am going to invite other sorcerers to join us."
i sit up and look at him "wh-wh what...wait...wh-wh-why" i look at him him and start to shake."i-i-i cant let them see me...".
"We need help repairing this great castle and they would kindly help. They want to see this place restored, besides they won't care what you are inside or out, but if you don't want them here I won't invite them." I tell her and I set Aine somewhere high so that she can rest properly.
"n-n-no-no...it's ok...as long as i have this necklace on...i should be fine...you go ahead i'll wait for you"i tell him and lay back down on the bed holding the necklace so nothing happens to it.
"Okay, I will see you in a moment." I go out in to the court yard and hold my hand up and a bright green light that shines into the sky. "This light can only be seen by a soccer with a pure heart. I then go into the master bed room and lay next to Lizzy falling asleep.
i see charles next to me and snuggle next to him and fall asleep.(now this is how it's suppose to be...) "hahahaha you thought i was done didnt you Lizzy...i will make you a demon...if it's the last thing i do" (FACE IT YOUR NEVER GOING TO MAKE ME LIKE YOU...AND YOU NEVER WILL...SO JUST LEAVE) "HA i'm not going anywhere my sweet Lizzy...oh and tell your mother i said hi would you".(WH-WHY...WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS...WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME BE)."HAHAHAHAHA...because i need you...you and me shall rule this world together Lizzy...i know you want to and i wont stop till you do hehehehe...sweet dreams my princess".(I AM NOT YOUR PRINCESS...AND I NEVER WILL BE).
I wake up with Lizzy shaking in her sleep and I shake her to wake her up. "Are you okay, Lizzy? What was it, what did you see?"
i hear charles voice."well i guess we will continue this Lizzy..hehehehe see you next time",(I WILL NEVER...) i wake up and look around and see charles."H-H-He's coming for me...he wont stop...I-I-I have to do something..anything..."i get out of bed and takes some books from a book self."I-I-I have to find a way to make him stop...i-i cant take it no more".
Just then there is a bright light in the room, "Lizzy, I felt your desperation." Mother Iris place her hand on her shoulder. "Mother Iris, her father is still after her." I say. She then smiles at me, "that was a great choice of wood for your bed. It is intertwined with the magical force." She then walks up to the bed and carves symbols that only angels can understand in. "This will prevent your father from entering your dreams as long as you sleep in the same room as those symbols." Then there was a knocking on the rotten doors that lead into the castle. "Right on time." She smiled, "the sorcerers are here. They will helps us make a barrier to keep you father out. Now where are my angels they are late." Behind her, the angels from before appear. "Shall we get to work Lizzy?" She asked with the kindest voice she could summon.
i look around and see them looking at me and i become paranoid "i-i-im sorry..b-but i just need to be alone for a second..th-this is to much"i run out the room and out the castle."i have to find a way to defeat him..."
Mother Iris speaks into Lizzy's mind, "I only want to help you child, we all want to help you. We don't care that you are part demon, we love you for who you are."
i fall to the ground and yell "BUT YOU DONT GET IT...MY FATHER NEVER STOPS UNTIL HE GETS HIS WAY...I CANT RUN FROM HIM FOREVER...EVENTUALLY IM GOING TO HAVE TO STAND UP TO HIM"i look at my hands and start to cry "he will never stop..until he gets what he want...it has always been like that...ever since i was a baby...i-i-i have to face him eventually...i cant run from him forever...i have to kill him...thats my only option...".
"Sweetie, I would love to help you but you are not strong enough yet, you are but a child. You need to learn how to channel your demon powers and if you are safe you will be able to save more people, than now." Her voice echoes not only in Lizzy's head but through out the sky.
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"BUT IM NOT SAFE...I NEVER WILL BE..MY FATHER IS A POWERFUL CREATURE...AND AS LONG AS IM ALIVE NO ONE IS SAFE"i get up and slowly walk back to the castle but before i can make it there i faint."HAHAHAHA...so you see who is the powerful Lizzy dont you" (THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WILL JOIN YOU...I NEVER WILL...I WILL STILL FIGHT YOU..YOU ARE MY ENEMY AND YOU ALWAY WILL BE).
"Lizzy needs you so get her, we will start the spell we need her though." I go out and find Lizzy pass out and carry her in side the castle putting her in the bed. "Charles it is time." I hold Lizzy's hand and chant a protective spell. A golden light forms around the castle and forms a barrier. "There with all the power we have put in to this barrier it would take a hundred demon lords to get through it."
i could feel my body becoming lighter i look at father and smirk ( i dont think your getting to me anytime soon...i'll see you when i try to kill you though) "Lizzy...HOW DARE YOU" (hehehe...goodbye) i open my eye's and sit up.i look at charles and smile"i-i-i it worked...it worked" i look at mother IrIs and smile "th-thank you...thank you so much" i get out of the bed and i fell something on my back.i reach for it and i could feel wings "ch-ch-charles...wh-why do i have...WINGS"i spin around and try to see if they were real of not.

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