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A forced love, With Creepylover

"I am sorry children I am needed else where," Mother Iris and her band of angels vanished in a flash of light. The sorcerers then leave the room and find there ways to the other bed rooms where they prepare a place to sleep. "I am sorry Lizzy, I don't know why you have wings. They might be an extensions of your demon powers, you need to over come the other you. The one your father created and you need to learn how to channel your powers."
"i-i cant over power her...if i take off this necklace...then i'm not myself...im a monster..."i look at the necklace and hold onto it."i-i cant ever take this off...i-i dont want to be a monster".
"Then you will have to learn how to channel your powers without taking it off, I know you can do. This castle has a perfect place for you to train, I can take you there now if you wish to start, however, I am still tired it is still night after all."
I follow Lizzy's example and also go back to bed, knowing we have a long day ahead of us including our newly found duties.
i wake up the next morning and get out of bed trying not to wake charles.(he has done so much for me...the least i could do is let him sleep in) i see Aine at my feet wanting to be picked up "hehe ok girl" i pick her up and take her out the castle for a little."its so beautiful out today...".
After a little while I wake up, and I can see that Lizzy is already up. I head to the throne room to be address by a soccer. "My lord, I am Lander. I have come with my fellow sorcerers. We saw the light and knew that the time of old was newly made again. We wish to help you, more are on the way. There is still much to be done, your kingdom needs a name and a flag. Soon your kingdom will also have need of an army and money." I look at him and say, "I was not ready to make a kingdom, I came her to start a new life! However, it seems fate has deemed me a king and I cannot let you down. I will need the assistance of my queen, Lizzy before I do any thing."
be and Aine walks arounds the garden to see what could be done to make it nice again "well...if we take out all of the weeds and rotten flowers...and plant new ones...then the garden will be good as new what do you think Aine" i look at her and pat her head."hhhmmm...there's still some things missing from this castle...i'll ask charles about it later...speaking of charles do you think he's up yet"Aine hops into my arms and we go back into the castle throne room.
"Lizzy, would you like to take a seat? It appears we have some formal duties that must be attended to like deciding on a name for a castle." Lander bows to Lizzy as I am talking. Then I get up and walk to Lizzy, "How are my girls this morning everything going okay." I rub Aine's Head and pull out a piece of meat for her.
i look at him and smile "we're good..we were just in the garden looking to see what we could do to help the castle"i put Aine down and look at Lander "Hello my name is Elizabeth Minx...you must be one of the sorcerers that charles was talking about...nice to meet you"i curtice and look at charles."s-so you mean...like building a kingdom and all that...i-i dont know charles...i dont think i'm quite cut out to be a queen of a castle...let alone a kingdom"i look at him and smile "but i shall try it...i'll try to be the best queen there ever is".
Aine hic ups and fire comes out as she does so. "Do not worry Lizzy, you have the makings of a great queen. What do you think we should call our kingdom?"
i watch as Aine hiccups and a little bit of fire comes out,i pick her back up and pat her head.i look at charles and smile "thank you...but iv'e never thought about a name...i never even thought about making a kingdom before...".
"Well how about Arian, it is a strong name. There are other things though that Lander was telling me we need, would like to help me or would you like me to sort them out?"
"i like it...and i dont mind helping you out if you let me"i look at lander and back at charles and smile.
Lander pulls out paper and a pencil from his bag, he writes down the name. "You still need a flag, an army will be need soon and you need money. I can help you gather money, but the rest will be up to you." He tells us. I look at Lizzy with a smile, "I have a great idea for a flag, it can have a might dragon with a women to symbolize what brought us here. What do you think Lizzy?"
"yes it shall...what else is there to do...i will gladly help in any way i can" i look back at charles and lander and begin to walk to the dining hall.
"My lady, we will need to have a union between you and Charles, then a child. We will have need of an army and we must finish repairing the castle. Then we need to furnished the castle and search for subjects, we already have more people and there families on there way." I follow the two of them in as Lander tells Rebecca what is need, Aine flies to me and lands on my shoulder and I cuddle her.
i stop once i hear the words child,i turn around and look at lander "wh-what do you mean by child..."i look around the dining hall and do another ritual like last night. a bright light glows around me as i enchant the words,after the light is gone i look around the dining hall and see it completely fixed and cleaned,i kneel on the ground and stand back up."there...th-that should do it...but we will still need a ceiling...i should be able to do more later...but for now i can't" i sit in a chair and smile.
Lander walks up to Lizzy and say, "my lady it is a royal requirement that the king and queen have a child to seal their union." I sit down across from her with a frown. "I am sorry Lander, I don't believe we will have a child, I was born sterile and will not be able to provide one." Lander looks at me and says, "my lord you might still be able to provide a child, but I will discuss that later on." Then I wave him out for a moment, "I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but before I was born a women cursed my mother so that I would not be able to bare her a grand child."
i look at charles and smile,"i love you for you...i will always love you no matter what...we will figure that out later and i will help you"i put my hand on his cheek."but now we have a kingdom to run together...so lets get to it...shall we".
i take my hand of charles cheek and look at landers,"oh...u-um...well i can clean and repair the rooms with my magic...but it'll take a little because it drains energy from me"i look at the ceiling "we could use a ceiling though...the spell can't go that far"i look back at landers and charles,"i will continue repairing the castle...so i should get started...it might take a lot out of me but it'll be worth it".i wave to them and start to repair rooms.
"My Lord, I believe I figured out how to kill to birds with one stone. In order for to have a child using magic a life must be given and who do we need to kill." I turn to Lander, "Lander I fear that is far to dangerous."

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