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A forced love, With Creepylover

i go into a hallway full of bedrooms,"this should be greats to start"i stand in the middle of the big,rotten corridor and recite the same spell.after i finish the spell i look around smile,"perfect..lets keep going" i run toward the next place corridor and the next and next until i came upon the garden i weakly run out the door and look at the garden."a-almost there" i walk into the garden and recite the spell one more time.once i finished it i look around and smile "i-i did it...the castle is done...and so is the garden"i weakly get up and walk back into the castle sitting on the queens throne resting.
"My lord, it could be our only option. We can succeed in killing on of the greatest threats we have ever seen." Lander tells me as we reenter the throne room. "How do you suppose we go about barraging his life for a child's. Hello, would you be willing to give your life so that I can have a son or daughter? He would kill us where we stand." Lander stops me before we get to we Lizzy is. "Ah, but lord he can't get in here, you would be safe to do the spell."
i look up and notice lander and charles in the throne room,i get up weakly and walk over to them "h-hey...is everything all right...i just finished the castle and i feel...kind of tired...i think im going to rest for a bit...i'll see you guys later" i yawn and start to walk to the bedroom.
"Lander, please... I don't want to be bothered with this right now. We are in need of a ceiling. Lizzy and I would like to have a view of the sky in the throne room." Lander frown, "yes my lord, as you wish. I will also fetch for a priest though, you still need to marry her."
i walk into the bedroom and flop down into the bed "this is going to be really hectic...so i should rest for a little bit" i crawl under the blanket and fall asleep."LIZZY...LIZZY CAN YOU HEAR ME" (yes mother i can hear you...you know you can communicate to me when im awake too...right),"yes i do..but this is important...and i only want to talk to you",(well i could just go somewhere else...),"LIZZY FOCUS...you are in great danger",(wh-what do you mean...),"your father is coming for you...he is going to make you his one way or another..",(b-but he cant...and if he does...i will be ready for him and anything of his),"Lizzy you cant he is far to powerful for you",(well i dont care mother...i will try my best to defeat him once and for all...and how do you know),"i have people that i trust that tell me....just be careful please",(of course mother i will...but please try to communicate with me more when im awake),"i will try".

i wake up and look around"i have to tell charles"i get out of the bed and look for charles.
I rub Aine belly, "my dear girl, you may have to grow up sooner then later. I fear the worst is yet to come."
i see charles and run up to him,"CHARLES...charles...there's something i need to tell you"i run in front of him and catch my breath."mother...sleeping....dream...father...me...demons...help"i try to catch my breath but i end up hyperventilating.
"I have been reading Lizzy, and the only thing I have ever seen defeat a demon lord is a fully grown dragon. Also Lander has brought something to my attention, we could have a child but a life my be given for life to be created. We could still have a child, by using your fathers death as a way to create a child." I look at Aine who has fallen asleep on the queen's throne.
i look at Aine who had fallen asleep on one of the thrones and look back at charles "w-well we need to kill my father...one way or another...i wont let him take me".i walk into the living room,grab a book and sit on the couch."this should help me with spells...i dont know when he is coming..so we should be ready for anything suspicious".
I walk in behind Lizzy, "this may be our chance to have a child, I can use my time powers to make Aine into a fully grown dragon for a short time. Then we can fight him and during his dying moments we can use the remainder of his life to create a child."
i look at charles,"y-y-yes...but i dont know...i've...never created a child before...what if it goes wrong...i would love to have a child with you charles...it's just im kind of scared"i put down the book and look out the window.
"Your father is the only life I would be willing to bargain in order to create a child, I wouldn't be willing to offer anyone else's life and as it is we need to kill your father."
"i know thats why we wait for him to come here...until then we must be prepared for him...if not then we are doomed...especially me"i look at charles"i am going to practice some magic and things...would you like to join me...it could be just like when you taught me"i offer him my hand and smile.
I frown, "you must forgive me there are other things I need to attend to but, I would love to join you another time."
"it's ok...well i'll see you later charles"i kiss his cheek and fly out the window,i go out to the garden and practice some spells that will be useful during the fight."i shall defeat him with my dark magic...but if only i could control jinx...then i would be of no use to him....screw it i am going to control her one way or another".
I follow a path down, deep into the castle. Past where Lizzy became a high priestess. I go into a room that seems to be light be the moon with black water, and look into the water. "There must be a way to help her control her self." I take out a blade and cut my hand dripping the blood into the water. Then my reflection appears. "Charles, what are you doing? You are powerful beyond any human. You have the power of an angel, dragon lord, high priest and a new power, the power of time. Yet you are afraid?" The reflection questions me.
i look at the necklace and take it off,all of a sudden i hover in the air and jinx takes over my body."well-well-well...what do we have here",(jinx stop this now),"HA...like i would listen to you...i'm free now and im not going anywhere"she stomps on the necklace and looks around,"i wonder what i should do first...or should i go to daddy first",(DON'T YOU DARE...THIS IS MY BODY...NOT YOURS)"hahahahaha...thats where your wrong Lizzy...now that im free i'm not going no where now...especially since daddy knows im free he's going to be here even faster".(N-N-No...what have i done...NO THIS IS MY BODY AND IM NOT LETTING YOU OR ANYONE TAKE IT...I WILL KILL FATHER FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE...I WILL MAKE HIM SUFFER...AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME).all of a sudden a big white light surrounded Lizzy and Jinx went back to where she came from,i fall on the ground and weakly walk back into the living room to lay on the couch.
"Charles did you ever stop to think that the witch wasn't trying to make you sterile, rather she feared the power you would some day wield. She seal your powers away from you, now you must break that seal and unleash you power." The reflection then becomes a solid figure. "I can help you look into your self and release your power. Not even a demon lord could stand up to magic so powerful." The figure places his hand on my head and I am suddenly in a deferent dimension. I am in my mind look down a narrow corridor, and I walk down it for a little ways. The corridor seems to have no end and I am left wandering my mind endlessly.
i was in the throne room and i seen Aine still sleeping on the throne i look at her and chuckle,"your such a silly dragon"she pokes head up and looks at me,"oh im sorry did i wake you girl...im sorry"i pick her up and take her into the living room with me.once we get in there i put her in her favorite chair and lay down on the couch,"wake me up when you see charles Aine...ok"she jumps off the chair and lays on the couch with me,"your such a good girl...".i fall asleep on the couch right next to Aine.
After what seems like an eternity I come to an end of the hall way, I large door is blocking the way and I sigh, "Well here goes nothing." I muster up any strength I have and begin to blast the door, crying out in pain in the real world. I slowly inch away at the door, slowly breaking the seal.
i hear chuckling...but why..."Liiiiiiiizy....i'm coming for you...and i will make that little boy pay for what he has done",(no you will not...i am done being afraid of you i'm not going going to cower no more...so if you want to take your going to have to try...i am ready for you whenever you get here...and i am much more powerful than before...oh and you can forget about jinx...because she is gone...FOR GOOD),"Wow...you act tough just like your mother...but we'll see in the end Lizzy dear...",(and dont ever talk about charles like that...he's not just a little boy...),"oh...is that so Lizzy...well i guess you wont mind missing him for a good....2-3 hours",(wh-why...what have you done),"oh nothing...i was talking about you...im basically making it so your in like a coma...and the only people you can talk to is ME!".
Finally after much pain and suffering I break down the door destroying the seal of the witch. I then escape from my mind seeing my reflection in the water again. "You have done well Charles now summon fourth your power." I raise my hand and the entire castle glows golden with light, brighter then even the light of Mother Iris, and I have taken a new form, my angelic form. I feel my back and notice that I do not have wings. Mother Iris then appears "Charles! I felt a great power and I was worried." I look at her, "do not fear, it was me. Mother Iris, why don't I have wings?" She the smiles brightly, "my child you have transformed, I can only guess that you do not need wings with all the power you wield. Now go I fear Lizzy is in over her head she is in the living room." She then vanishes and I teleport into the Living room to see Lizzy sleeping.
(what do you mean only you...),"it means you stay unconscious for 2-3 hours...that should give me some time to get ready",(N-N-NO...NO-NO-NO...)i have to try and reach mother...or-or charles...(mother...mother...mother please can you hear me) "hahaha she wont be able to......","LIZZY-LIZZY what is wrong","IMPOSSIBLE"(mother i need you to give a message to charles),"why cant you",(please mother i need you to trust me),"ok...what do you want me to tell him"?.(i need you to tell him...father is coming and he has me traded in my own mind...i-i cant escape it...i tried...please mother you're my only hope now...if this doesn't get to him then we're doomed),"O-O-OH...i will contact him immediately...","IMPOSSIBLE YOU COULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT",(like i said...im much more stronger than before).

mother wakes up and try to contacts charles to try and save Lizzy.
As soon as I saw Lizzy on the coach I was worried, she was not safe from her father her, she had to be moved to the master bed room and in a flash I moved her into the bed. Then I feel someone trying to reach me, "I can hear you, what is it?"
,"thank goodness this is mrs.minx...i have some bad news...Lizzy is in trouble she wanted me to tell you that her father has her trapped in her own mind...and she cant communicate to no one except me or him she can't escape it no matter what she does she will be trapped there for 2-3 hours...you have to forget about Lizzy right now and prepare for her father...she will be fine she's taking care of herself as we speak...please charles do this for Lizzie's Sake".

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