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A forced love, With Creepylover

"Don't worry Mrs. Minx, I have prepared and gathered all of my strength, there is little more I can do but wait. I will save your daughter and destroyed that monster, the angels are on my side, rather their power is at least." I go back to Aine, "Forgive me my child, but just for a day you must be a full grown dragon." I take her our side and wave my hand and she ages quickly becoming a mighty dragon then I look to the sky and say something in dragon. A moment later Twelve other mighty dragons join us leaving the sky dark and full of lightning.
"thank you charles"...

(so why do you want me anyways...),"because you are next in line to become the demon goddess",(so that's why you always talked about that that stuff when i was little),"what"?,(you used to always talk about demons,dark things and that kind of things and i never knew why...but i guess i do know),"so that means you surrender",(HELL NO..YOU MUST BE CRAZY...im just waiting until i can kill you...so i can get on with my life).
"Great dragons, today we fight an ancient enemy of dragons everywhere. We fight the demon lord and together our power will be more then enough to end him. Still we cannot take any chances we all must be careful and anticipate our enemy's moves. He will be here soon." Lander then approaches, "Lander, my friend would you look after Lizzy, mother Iris will be there watching over her as well, I believe she is already there.:
"well you must wait no more Lizzy because i'm already here",(WELL THEN WAKE ME UP SO I CAN KILL YOU...you do know that we are much stronger than you...you wont have a chance),"yes but you wont wake up until i have entered your world",(then whats taking so long...chickening out on the last second),"hahahaha im coming through the portal right now".all of a sudden the sky turns dark and the sun fade away,a big portal opens and Zagan enter the overworld,i wake up and see the portal,"just in time"i get out of the bed and fly out the window to catch up with them.
I fly into the sky with the thirteen great dragons, "Are ready to die Zagan, you shall meet your end. Your fate is sealed!!!" I hold my hand up to the sky and a great spear of light shines through the clouds. The dragons then begin there battle against him. I use my magic to summon swords of light to imprison him in a small space hoping that my new found powers are still developing.
"HA we shall see about that..demons attack"a bunch of demons come flying at us"oh no you dont" i cast a spell that turned all of the demons to stone and looked at Zagan "it's about time you came i was starting to think you weren't going to come...but im glad you did...because now i'm going to KILL YOU","you dont have a chance against me Lizzy","we'll see about that" i smirk and look at charles,"HOLD HIM OFF WHILE I GET THE SPELL TOGETHER"i yell to him and start to collect ingredients.
"Zagan, you don't look like you have ever aged before." I smile devilishly, "How about we can that. what do you say?" I then begin to approach him and as I do so the fabric he is wearing begins to turn to dust. I left my spear and throw it at him aiming at his chest. I hold my hand to the sky and light begins to pierce the darkness. Then in my hand is another spear, "you should be afraid Zagan!" Then I get closer and more of the clothes along with some of his hair age until it turns to dust. Again I throw my spear at his chest.
"HA you think thats going to do any damage to me...think again little boy"he summons more demons and they go after charles,he formed a big ball of dark light a threw it a him,"hahaha now that's what you call dark magic.

i go back into the castle and go to the throne room after i collect the ingredients,"angle feather,raven feather,eye of newt and more..."i put them in the cauldron and chanted a spell.when the potion was done i put it in a bottle and went back to the fight as fast as i could.
I fight off the darkness, with my light increasing in power. "You fool, I am Charles descendent of the great angle Goddess Mother Iris. I have inherited the power off every other past angelic god and goddess." I wave my hand dismissing his dark power, "How ironic the demonic goddess and the angelic god fated to fall in love." I swing my hand slamming Zagan into the garden. I then turn and look at the dragons who have been worn down. I rise my hand merging them into one powerful dragon made completely out of light. It then flies through Zagan, Its light slowly tearing away at his darkness.
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i look at charles,"wh-wh-what..."i turn and look at Zagan and begin to change "THAT IS IT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU YOUR TIME ENDS NOW"!.as i say that i say a spell and throw a potion at him,"BY THE NAME OF THE GODS I KILL THEE WHO HAS THREATENED US"i look at charles "KILL HIM NOW".
I use the dragon of light as a spear and throw it straight through Zagans heart, "It is done Lizzy!"
i look at Zagan and and smile "i told you i would kill you and i kept my word...","he...i would have made you mine...i","but you didnt...and you never will..."i go towards him and rip out his heart "dont you EVER try to hurt me or anyone i love AGAIN"the portal closed and i flew to the castle going into the bedroom.
I return the dragons to their original forms and restore Aine to her porper age before going back to the throne room. I soon lose the strength to maintain my form and return to being human. As soon as I sit down, I pass out from exhaustion.
i close the door behind me and lay on the bed(i guess are relationship is just ironic and fate to him...) i get under the blanket and fall asleep.
As I sleep I terrible things, "You think you have won. The war is not yet over you fool. I shall be back and when I return the god of true terror will be brought with me!"
"you think you have won Lizzy HAHAHAHA think again...i will be back and i will kill every single one of you",(good luck with that).

"Lizzy did you defeat him",(yes i did...but he will come back you know that...and when he does we shall be stronger than him...i promise you),"i hope your right lizzy...that potion you threw on him will only kill him for 1 year...after that he will come back",(i know...and i will kill him once and for all...i wont do what i did again...i should of just killed him when i had a chance but i knew he wouldn't be gone forever...),"Lizzy please you and charles are the only ones who can kill him...work on your angelic form and you two will definitely kill him",(but i cant...i can only change into a demon...i am the daughter of the demon god...i am never going to be able to get a angelic form),"yes you can...you are not like your father...you are better than him believe in yourself and work on it",(i will try...but i dont think i will be able to do it),'try it...that is all please i wish you the best of luck my dear".
I wake up on my throne with Aine licking my face, "Such a good girl." I then look up to see that a ceiling has been put in place with sky lights. "Lander! are you there!" Lander walks in "yes my lord I am right here, what is it you need." I look at him "My friend what has happened since we last spoke?" He sits down on a chair in front of the thrones, "Well me lord all of the royal positions have been filled and we have started to mass an army, we have put together a small amount of money and villages surrounding the lake have declared loyalty to us. We still need you to have union." I stand, "I will ask Lizzy what see wants, as much as I want to be her forever I don't want to force this on her."
i wake up and change into a dress and head to the garden.i get to the garden and start to replace the flowers that my flowers had broken,"stupid Zapan...breaking the flowers...i'll kill him again for this..."after i finish fixing the flowers i go and just wonder around the castle to find new rooms.

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I head to the master bed room to find Lizzy. When I don't find her there I head out to the garden, again not finding her. Then I go wonder around the castle to find her.
i head to outside the castle and go by the tree's,i sit underneath a tree and look at the flowers around me."life is a beautiful thing...but also a horrible thing...sometimes you wish you could live forever...and then sometimes you wish you could just die right there".i hold my knees and looked up at the sky.
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Finally I go back to the throne room and sit in my chair. I sit through many different meetings concering the kingdom, duscussing different laws and punishments.
after a while i decide to go back in the castle,i walk in and go into the livingroom. i sit on a couch and started to read a book about a demon and angel.
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After a little while Lander comes back, "Lander I am going to leave the kingdom for a short period of time, watch over things with Lizzy." I then leave the castle, cross the lake and get on a horse riding some where unknown.
after i finish the book i start to wonder where charles is,i go and look for but,but instead i see lander.i run up to him and ask him if he has seen charles recently."yes my lady he left the kingdom for a little...but didn't say where he was going exactly",i look at him "thank you....i guess i will get going now",i turn around and started to walk into the bedroom.once i got there i looked at some pictures from when my father was still around,"i will still remember those days...and i will always still love these photos...but now i must forget about you"i take the pictures and i burn them."you shall never be forgiven for what you have done to me and mother...Never"i watched as they turned to ash as tear fell down my cheek.
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I ride my horse for many mile until I come to a cave. The inside sparkled as light hit the walls. I continued to go in looking for a diamond worthy of lizzy. After some time I come across a diamond ad big as a button to a shirt. I pick up and put in my pocket, at the same time I gather other diamonds, smaller of course.
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