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A forced love, With Creepylover

after they all turned to ash i fly out the window again,i land on the ground and look up at the castle and back at the forest.i begin to walk in it without looking back.after a little while i find a stream and move the water around,i go into the stream and throw the water all around,after a couple mins i fly in the air and fly around the trees"hahaha i feel so alive"i laugh and fly around the air.
I leave the cave and get back ln my horse, not riding back to the castle yet. I ride further away looking for something else.
i look and see something far away in the forest and fly towards it,i fly above it and land on the ground walking towards it i pick it up and look in a book to see what it was."wh-wh-what..it's a demon gem"i look around and look back at it."how did it get here..."i look at it and it started to glow a blood red,all of a sudden i couldn't see anything,"wh-what happen...what happen to my eye's",i fly in the air and try to find my way back to the castle.
After along time I find gold and silver on the surface. I use magic to melt it and then I throw the diamonds into the air. They come together to make a marvelous ring in the shape of dragon and in the dragons mouth is the biggest diamond. I then gather more gold and silver before I begin to ride back to the cave to gather more gems in order to increase the kingdom's wealth.
i fly around trying to get back to the castle,"hahahaha what did i tell you lizzy now i will get you",(wh-what did you do to me),"hahaha the gems smoke will make you into a far more better jinx then before once you fall and pass out she will take over you and you will become mine",(aaaahhhh i told you to leave me alo..".i pass out and fall to the ground,after a couple of minuets i wake up and laugh,"hahahaha i-i'm back...i'm back and im going to stay back"i look around and spot the castle near by."hehehe time to go"i fly back to the castle and go into the castle window.
once she fly in the window close the window and look around the room,"huh...nice place here"she go out the door and looks around the castle.
I call out for Lizzy, "Lizzy where are you, I have something to give you?" Not finding her.
she hears charles and look around,"hm look likes the fun has just begun" she goes and looks around for charles.
I finally find Lizzy and to my dismay it is Jinx, "I thought Lizzy defeated you." I then put the ring in my pocket and transform into my angelic form and brace myself.
she looks at charles and laugh,"aaaawwww whats wrong did you miss me that much...father made me stronger and he left a message for you...he said that he is coming back and he will be much stronger than he was...and he will kill you and take Lizzy...that is if i dont kill you first"i smirks and laugh as she flies out of the castle.
I fly out following behind her, "will your father just give it a rest!" I then hold my hand up to the sky and a weapon of light forms.
she looks back at him,"i believe not father will never stop until he gets me...and i will make sure i go with him one way or another"she opens her hand and a dark scythe forms in her hand."you know Lizzy has been feeling really sad lately...it's like she thinks you dont love her no more hahahaha i think thats why she isn't fighting as much as she was before...she doesn't really care anymore she doesn't care about anything anymore...and now i'm going to kill you and go back to father"she looks at him with a psychotic smile.
"Well if you hadn't ruined everything I would have given her this. I pull out the dragon ring and yell, "Lizzy if you can hear me, will you marry me."
"hahahaha you think just yelling at me will make her stronger i dont think so...if anything she cant hear you at all"she leaps forward charles and attacks him.
I grab her head and stop her in her tracks. "Have you ever had a meeting of the souls?" I then tear her away from reality and then there are three of use inside her mind. Lizzy, Jinx and I.
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i look around to see jinx and charles,"j-jinx what are you doing...h-how are you here","i dont know..your boyfriend brought me in here right when i was about to kill him","YOU WERE GOING TO DO WHAT","hahaha i told you that we were going back to father...and he is standing in our way of that","BUT I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO HIM JINX...DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE HAS DONE TO US LOOK AT US LOOK AT YOU...i never want to see his face again...and if he does take me...i will kill him so you can go and tell him that","my life may suck sometimes...but if we go to him...then our life will be a living hell jinx..you just dont understand that and you never will"she looks at me."i-i'm sorry Lizzy...i will let you have your body back now...and i wont bother you again i promise ","th-thank you ...but i will still never understand why you took orders from him you should know that he was going to betray us" i look at her and look at charles and frown.
I look at Lizzy, "You know there was something I want to ask, when I left the castlebI was making you a ring." Some how in this world I manage to pull it out. Will you marry me?"
i walk up to him and slap him,"thats for running away without evening telling me you were leaving...you had me worried sick"i cup his face and kiss him,"and that's for fighting Jinx...and of course i will marry you...you are my prince...and soon to be my king"i kiss him again as tears roll down my cheek.
I grab both Jinx's and Lizzy's hand and take us out of Lizzy's mind. Lizzy has been restored to her body and Jinx's soul is in my hand glowing a dark purple color. "Well Jinx I am quite tired of losing Lizzy to you." I hold Jinx up to the air and a body forms I let go and Jinx is made her own person, "Thank goodness you already had your own life force and I didn't have to kill someone for you. Anyways you are now your own person and can do as you wish, if you will be loyal to us and betray us you can stay here other wise I want you to leave imminently."
i look at jinx and smile "y-you could be like my sister...iv'e never had one before...so if you like you could stay in the castle and be apart of the minx family".she looks at us and smiles,"th-thank you very much...","no problem...but if you do betray me or anyone i will have to kill you","i-i will not do that i promise... b-but father he will take over me...i have to do something about it","dont worry i will be able to help you...thats what sisters are for" she looks at me and gives me a hug "thank you so much for everything".once she lets go i give her directions to her room and tell her to wait there,once she leaves i look at charles.
"That's what we can call a win win, now you have a sister and your father can't take control of you." I Lead Lizzy inside back into the castle, "Lander will help us organize our wedding."
i follow charles back into the castle,"ok...i would like to invite some people if thats ok with you charles".
"th-thanks"i help him prepare lunch,after it was done i went to the room lizzy was in,"lizzy come on lunch is done","oh im coming".i take her hand and bring her to the dining hall,"wooow it's so big","dont worry about it you'll get use to it"i smile and have a seat next to her.

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