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A forced love, With Creepylover

i look at charles and ask him to sit next to me"ok i have something to tell you...but your probably going to hate me"i look at him and started to cry."it all started when my dad left to go into the army....nobody told me he was a demon back then"(i tell him all about the things that have been happening when i pass out,sleep and try to save my father),"S-S-So...what im trying to say is...i-i-i'm half demon..." i put my arms around legs and bury my face in my legs.
i look at him."B-But...im something evil...who knows what will happen if i find my father...i-i-i love you too much for you to come with me...you could get killed...and if you did...i could never live with myself"i hug him tightly.
I frown at Rebecca, "do you have so little faith in me? I am a master Soccer, a master high priest! I have redefined magic, and I have shaken it to its very core! I will go with you no matter what, I will not take no for an answer and that's final." I wave my have casting a wave any doubt she may have of me.
"i-it's not that...it's just if i think what my father is...is true...then even you will be in trouble..."i look at him and smile a little."but thats one thing i love about you...your also very hardheaded...and i love you for that"i kiss him and cry happy tears.
"shall we go inside? I doubt there is much more for us out her." I then begin to lead her inside the castle. "Don't worry, I can handle myself."
i grab his hand before he opens the door,"i must tell you one thing before we go in together....there shall be demon opsicalls that we will have to pass through to get to my father...once we establish the castle it then should lead to a portal where my father is....once we go through the portal you will have to drink this"i give him a potion."after we find my father...i shall confront him and everything...and see how it goes through there" i look at the castle,"if i have the energy to do all the puzzles".i look back at charles and smile,"thank you for everything...i really appreciate it"i open the castle door and we go in.
As soon as we enter I fell sick and weak as though my very life essence is being ripped apart, "I can over come this!" I tell my self. I walk forward inch by inch before I fall to my knees taking deep breaths. I look at Rebecca, "I am sorry Lizzy, I didn't the dark power of this castle. It won't allow my ancestry far." I then get back up and slowly head get back to the door leaning on it. I faintly glow as the light within me battles against the darkness.
i turn around and see charles,"Charles...no-no-no-no-no-no"i rush over to him and take him as far away from the castle as i can.i set him down on the grass and look at him,"i-i-i'm so sorry..i forgot that the castle would affect you...oh...this is all my fault...please dont die on me your the only thing i have left"i take some herbs from my bag make some tea out of it."h-h-here drink this...".
"No I should have know, demon magic and my ancestry have been enemies for a long time." I sit up and push the tea away from me. "I am sorry Rebecca, I know I said I was powerful but my ancestors and demons prevent me from joining you. Go and recue your father I will be waiting for you here." I stand up and stretch, splashing water on my face.
i look at charles and nod,"it's ok...i will be as quick as i can...i promise"i kiss him on the cheek and run in the castle.
I see a faint mist floating just above the ground and I follow it to a fairly large egg. I pick up the egg and hold it tightly keeping it warm. "Where did your mother go? And why was I lead here?" I take it back to camp and remember, "Oh now I know why, you can't hatch!" I then set the egg in the fire and let warm up.
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as i finish the puzzles in the castle i hear a strange noise coming from the last room,i go inside and see the portal but it wasn't activated."what else do i need to do...oh wait this is it" i take out a book from my purse and chanted a spell from it,all of a sudden the room grew brighter and the castle was changing back to it's normal shape.i look around and see the portal open,"i'm coming for you father" i jump in the portal and i find myself in the demon world,"now where are you",

"looking for me"i turn around and i see a big man with a hood on,glowing eye's and wings."F-F-Father...i-i-it cant be","oh but it really is...what do you think your doing here","I CAN ASK YOU THE SAME THING...YOU PROMISED ME YOU'D COME BACK...YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING INTO THE ARMY...YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT BEING A DEMON",i yell at him for everything he has done to me."it's not my fault...i had to come back and rule the underworld","n-no..y-you dont mean...y-your...","yes i am...and i've been expecting you to come"."h-how do you know","who do you think was talking to you..hehehehe...","h-how could you say those things about him","i just said them so you would go crazy and then when you came here you would EMBRACE YOUR TRUE DEMON FORM",he flies into the air and changes me into a full demon."n-n-no..LET ME GO....I DONT WANT TO BE LIKE YOU...LET ME GO","it's to late now i told you NOT to come here...and this is what you get","GET OFF..OFf....me"before i could fight back i felt weird...i felt no emotion...i felt like a monster...and i liked it."now my demon daughter fly back to the overworld","yes father" i fly back through the portal and out of the castle.
I hear Rebecca come out of the castle, "Rebecca your back!" I then turn around and see her, "Rebecca what happened? Where is your father?" I look and the egg glowing a bright red from the heat over the fire.
i look at charles and laugh,"hahahaha i dont anyone no more...and my father is back where he belongs...the only think that i love...is my father...hehehehe and the names not Lizzy no more...it's Jinx"i laugh and walk away.
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"No, Rebecca you have been deceived!" I reach into my bag and pull something out and slow down time as I approach her. I put my hand on her face and see her for what she truly is. I look at the pendants that she had given me with our initials. "Made from the forever flower, it preserve you at that moment and it can restore you." I put the pendant with my initial around her neck and remove my hand seeing the magic work. "Please be back my love, I need you. You are to precious to lose." Time then is restored as I take a step back.
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i look at the pendent on my neck and rip it off,"do you really think a worthless jew is going to make me go back to who you call Rebecca...hahahaha i think your wrong"i trow the pendent on the ground and continue to walk away.
"I call on my mothers magic, and her mothers magic. I call on the order of Angelics. Help me in my time of need and save the girl Rebecca!" Mother Iris, my great ancestor appears. "I am the great angel goddess Iris, I am here you save you child!" After she spoke a small band of angels flow around Rebecca grabbing hold of her, her darkness was struggling against there mighty light. I then look at the egg again and mother Iris speaks to me, "awaken the egg, last Dragon Lord. The egg can only hatch if a Dragon lord gives it a name." I then look and the egg, walking up to it I take it out of the fire. In the tongue of the dragon lord I give the name, "Aine." The egg then hatches and a beautiful baby dragon craws out.
angles flew around me and was grabbing onto me,"LET ME GO...LET ME THIS INSTANT",i fight off the light but i wasnt working."LET Me...g-o"a big flash of light appear around me and i turn to my normal self.

"hahahaha..i knew you wouldn't last that long",(HOW COULD YOU FATHER...YOU HAVE DECEIVED ME AND MOTHER...now...you are my enemy...and you always will be).
Mother Iris walks up to Rebecca and places a pure white stone on silver chains, around her neck. She then whispers in her ear, "never take this neckless off or else you will revert back to your demon form." She then vanishes in a flash of bright light. I run up and hug Lizzy, "I am so glad you are back, I thought I had lost you." I then to the pendant and pick it back up, giving it back to Lizzy. My baby dragon hops on my shoulder and licks Lizzy, showing her its love.
i look up at charles and hug him back,"im so-so-so sorry i did that...i dont know what came over me...and i heard what you said to me...and i need you also...my love...and i will always love you no matter what"i cry happily.i look at the baby dragon "hey that tickle stop hehehe".
I turn Aine over and stretch her belly. "How do you like her, she can be like our very own daughter." I then put her back on my shoulder.
i chuckle and look at charles,"o-or...we could just make our own...but im probably just being stupid again" i look at Aine and rub her head.
"Well, I don't think your mother would be okay with that, she doesn't really like me after all." I was a little afraid of her suggestion, I had never even considered it before.
i chuckle "dont worry about her...i can deal with her...all i care about is you,me and Aine...she would would be happy to have grandkids before she died...it's just she always misjudge you...and i dont care about what she say's...".

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