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Wild Cards

"Archer please... she won't die..." Rhea said quietly, trying to mend everything the blade had cut. It was moments later that Ebony could feel the skin under her hand moved back to place.

The vampire smiled,
"I do, perhaps you would like to start? If you are anything like your counterpart, I am sure I should help you practice making the first move."

Lucifer nodded, taking one of the cocoons from Shania's hands.
"Come on.. quickly. They need us..."

Kai smiled "nobody interfear I like this guy," Kai said and smiled he spun his weapon "Beauty befor the beast," he said and angled his weapon behind him again ad ran at the vampire his body angled low making his speed increas slightly.

"what is that dumb @ss doing?" Shania asked hurrying with the cacooned people.
The vampire did not move, but smirked, he teeth flashing, waiting for Kai to come.

Lucifer also picked up the pace, the spider in view moments later, they were almost to the top.

Rhea felt the final bits of Sage's stomach repair, releasing her power.

Sage sat up, picking up her weapon. Standing up she wobbled at first but then steadied herself. Rhea swooned, catching herself with one hand before she hit the ground.

Taking a few unease steps foreword, Sage tried to figure out where they were, but everything was moving too fast for her. She had loss to much blood.
"death stop you've done enough fighting," Ebony pulled her down.

Shania picked up the pace.

Kai smiled and went to attack but instead of attacking he twisted his weapon to his other hand behind him and went for the vimpire from the opposite side of his attack.
Smirking when he saw the switch, he switched his step much like he did with Sage and charged him instead of trying to dodge, planing to run his sword right through Kai's own chest.

Sage fell over when Ebony pulled her down, landing in an awkward fashion that hurt her tender skin. If felt like the wound was still there, but not...

Lucifer turned the corner, jumping out of the the cave and put the cocoon down next to the two he had earlier.
Kai dropped his weapon and grabbed the vampire to with a smile "told you I like to dance, Archer fire!" he said holding the vampire as tight as he could Ebony hearing her name quickly loosed an arrow in their direction Kai did not make a move to evade he just held the vampire.

Shania saw this "you dumb@ss!" she yelled at him.
Because of Kai sudden graving him like that, his sword ran him through the side, cutting him deeply. When Kai yelled to fire, The vampire smirked pushing foreword making Kai and him fall backward, Feeling the arrow rush past him, the vampire bit him on the shoulder hard enough to pinch Kai's nerves and weaken his grip, jumping away the vampire rushed Lucifer and Shania, rolling and gabbing the spider's head on the ground near the entrance of the cave. He jumped a few more paces before turning to look at the group, "I appreciated today's dance. I miscalculation all of you... I assure you, my brother's death will not go unavenged. Until then!" he said, before turning tail and running.

Lucifer was a bit too in shock, he shook his head and was about to run after him, but then stopped,
"What the... where did he go?" He no longer felt the presence of the demon.
Kai coughed and laughed "I like that demon i hope we can dance again soon." he said and so that Rhea wouldn't realize how bad his injury was he stood and smiled at everyone "he nicked me," he said his voice even dispite the pain "and the b*stard bit me too," he looked at the group a small trail of blood had begun falling down the side of Shania's face Rhea was weak as a kitten and Sage was newly healed seems Ebony and Lucifer were the least injured.

"Kai your wound," Shania said.

"Is just a nick Let Rhea rest the scratch will heal." he bluffed dispite the fact he was getting woozy "let's just go home,"
"No.. Bring Kai here. I'll see what I can do. I should at least stop the bleeding... I have yet to even heal Sage's shoulders." Rhea sat up, gazing at Kai and Shania seriously. "Shania... your head is bleeding too... No one is going home till I at least looked at the wounds." Rhea said.

Sage sat up, her head also swooned,
"Kai that was just flat out stupid, he used the same move on you as he did on me..."

Lucifer gave Shania a worried look and then pushed her to go to Rhea, before turning to start slicing through the cocoons.
"Yeah i know i thought i'd be able to maintain grip longer and no Rhea, I'll handle my wound you are too weak," He made it a point to stroll away like he always did though as soon as he was out of sight and at his car he had to use it to keep himself upright. He was greatful that he wore black today. He pulled some bandages out of his car and tightly wrapped his wound this would hold untill he could get to a hospital.

Shania looked at Rhea "am i really bleeding?" she asked touching her head it was tender but she didn't think she hit it that hard. "I do think you should heal the rest of our injuries after you've had some rest we don't know how far you'll go till you loose all your energy the stress could kill you." she pointed out Shania knew Kai was bluffing he was to pale not to be but she doubted he'd let himself die.

Ebony looked down she felt as if she let her team down her arrows did so little damage.
Rhea got up and tried to follow Kai, but stumbled a bit.

Sage huffed
"Who else knows how to drive? I am not letting that @ss hole drive us anywhere, I can't even drive in the condition I am in."

Lucifer pulled the people out of the cocoons, all were dead but one. Even then they did not look very good....

Rhea prodded Ebony to help her get around, ignoring Shania,
"Archer take me to Warrior please... Then take me to Jokerster. Look here Joker I am coming for you whether you like it or not." She threatened.

Sage laughed, she sounded as threatening as dust bunnys.
Shania sighed but walked to Rhia "if it's too much don't heal it all, and I can drive," she said.

Ebony helpped Rhea and let her lean her weight on her.

Kai got in the back knowing he couldn't drive after loosing as much blood as he had.
Rhea touched Shania head, letting the bit of energy come out to inspect the wound. She paused in thought. "Its not a concussion... just badly bruised and a bit of broken skin. Take me to Joker now please." She said to Ebony, leaving without healing it.

Lucifer look up, unsure if he should say something, "Shania... there is only one alive..." Rhea had Ebony stop her by the one person Lucifer was by. Leaning down Rhea ran her hand down the body of the person. Poison hardly any blood, low pulse... "This person... might not live much longer..." Rhea said... Kai was in bad condition, but she might be able to save this person... but she had never cured poison, she knows she can though...

Sage made herself get up, using her scythe as a walking stick, she made herself move to the car. She stopped to look at the young women dying. Sage's eyes narrowed, watching Rhea make a choice. She finished walking to the car before banging on the back, "Hey! Your not dying are you?" Sage asked sitting down.
"Nah I'm just a bit tiered," Kai said trying to make his voice sound strong.

"He looked alot better then this person," Shania said "Kai said it was just a nick,"

Ebony nodded and whatched Rhea.
"Ah, Kai, cut the crap." Sage said, leaning over to take the mic off his neck. Taking off her own, she tossed them both in a corner. "I think we should all spend the night at Shania's now... I don't think any of us can go home like this... you should not really go home at all."

Rhea nodded then leaned down and started to heal the women. The process seemed to feel like it was taking ages, she was already weak. If she could just get rid of the poison she would have a huge chance of living....
"If you want me to cut the crap then let me go to the hospital I won't go home i'm not that stupid," he said "don't tell the priestess don't let her touch my injury." Kai said "I'll make my way to the passanger seat," he said crawling over into it slowly.

Shania whatched waited and figited she didn't like Rhea being so weak.
"Well.... I can try...." leaning over Sage pulled the mic up, "Hey... as soon as you are done playing with the half dead women, lets get out of here, I think it's past Kai's bed time."

Rhea huffed, feeling the last bits of poison disappear from the women's system. Rhea felt out of breath. Kai's burns and concussion seemed like child's play now... her tolerance level must be getting better. At this point, Rhea passed out.

Lucifer watched, completely surprised. Everyone push for everyone else's sake...
Shania picked Rhea up even as she staggered a bit before getting her balance. "Alright to my house then," she said and walked Rhea to the car laying her in the back Ebony had called the police and told them that the kidnapped people were there and in bad shape.

"Ok ... are we ready to go home?" Ebony asked.
"Of course. Rhea is passed out? Good, I think we should take Kai to the hospital before he bleeds out." Sage said her usual chipper tone. "I'll stay with him just in case someone tries funny things with him, the rest of you can go home."

Lucifer got into the van quietly, he seemed a bit deep in thought.
Shania got in the drivers seat "What are you going to tell the doctors happened. He's out cold by the way," Shania said.

"so he was lieing when he said he was ok?" Ebony asked.
"Of course he was. Don't worry about that part, that will be easy. I am sure Kai has had his share of brushes with death and have paid most of doctors off to be quiet about his life. I am sure I won't even have to give an explanation If not, we can always take him to Rhea's brother and I will give him a very very far fetched story which will explain everyone injuries and Rhea's incredibly weak state." Sage said, looking at the passager seat before poking Kai in the cheek. "We could take him back and wait till Rhea gets up to heal again, but I think all of us know that would be a pretty bad idea."

Shania nodded ""I'll drop Ebony Luce and Rhea off and drive you both to the hospital," She said.

Ebony went to Lucifer "you didn't get hurt right?" she asked
"Sounds good to me." Sage said quietly, She deiced she needed to get some shut eye before they got to the hospital. "Wake me up when we get there..." She said, closing her eyes. When they got to Shania's house, Sage quickly went in and changed, putting on clean tops before they actually went to see Doctors. Closing her eyes again before they went to the hospital.

Lucifer took care of Rhea, placing her down on the touch and cleaning the blood off her hands like he had seen happened the few times she had passed out. Turning around, he started to clean off the blood on Ebony's hands.
"No... Don't be seen with us. It would be better. Ask Kai always says." She shrugged before picking Kai up. he was a bit heavier then she thought he would be... must be all the muscles he has been accumulating. Walking to the entrance of the Hospital Sage went up to the front desk, "Hi... I need a doctor for a Kai Shomia. I am one of his guards."

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