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Wild Cards

"Oh course his room is 120," she told a nurse who put him on a streacher, Sage was told to wait out in the waiting room and wasn't alowed in till he was stitched up "You can go in now," the doctor said. "He had nicked his kidney and some of his intestines, we stoped septic poisoning and stitched him up we'll keep him tomorow and overnight shall we call his father,"
"No need. Master Kai has requested I stay by his side. His father is not to be contacted. Thank you for you care." She said bowing to the doctor then by passing him and walking into the room to take a look at Kai.
Kai was under anestetics his chest bare as the bandages needed to be checked regularly. He was connected to four different moniters and an Iv. in all honestly he looked like he was in a bad car accident.
Taking out her phone, Sage grind and then snapped a photo. "Princess is going to flip."

The next morning came back and Rhea had woken up in Shania's bed again... something she was going to have to get use too.

Sage on the other hand, stayed awake the whole night, a little to paranoid to sleep. The last thing she needed was his dad attacking him while he could not defend himself.
In the morning kai woke and whinned "god what hit me?" he sat up and his buzzers went off "hell!" he laid back down and they quieted.

Shania was making omletes for breakfast that morning Ebony had stayed over to make sure everyone was ok.
Sage jumped when Kai had suddenly whined, her nerves were shot with no sleep, still weak from loss of blood. Brushing a hand through her hair, she wondered if he even knew she was sitting here, "Dare I say.. vampire. Funny you have alarms on your bed." She said, letting him know she was sitting here.

Rhea made herself crawl out of bed like usual, but this time was worse then others... she thought about Kai and Shania... did that person live? Where they ok? Did anything happen when she passed out? Opening the door. Rhea leaned on it and moved slowly.
Ebony saw her and ran to help "are you ok? Shania's making breackfast," she said softly.

"Yeah they started doing that after I broke 6 ribs and walked out..." he looked at her "you didn't have to stay... you need rest.. and food," he said "call in te nurse tell her to have the chefs dilever breakfast for us both," he said then winced "it did not hurt this much last night,"
"I think his blade was poisoned. I would not doubt the b*stered had venom either... Seriously Kai, as soon as possible Rhea should check you up. She'll be recovered by then hopefully. Tch and you wanted to go alone there." She said. But regardless when the nurse came by Sage threw on her fake smile, "Master Kai has awakened, he requests breakfast for both off if you please miss." Sage said, winking at the nurse.

When she left Sage came back and sat down,
"I did not want you to die just yet, your still useful." She said. She was never really all that honest about being friends with anyone.

Rhea reached out for Ebony and smiled,
"Yes... just tired. Is everyone ok? What happened?"
Kai chuckled "I'm a sturdy b*stard," he said "I wanted to avoid worrying her at all costs but I guess... it's a bit out of my controle you are the one that can move. As for dieing I've escaped death more then a few times," he closed his eyes "you could have asked for a futon and they'd have brought one in for you." he said

"Yeah Sage took Kai... " Ebony got quite remembering that Rhea didn't know Kai was bad off "all the kidnapped people were carted to the hospital so far no news about any of them dieing,"
"No. Sleep was, and still it out of the question for me... I can't relax right now." Sage said, although she looked pretty relaxed to people who did not know her, she was obviously ready to jump out of her skin or fall over from exhaustion. "Food... sounds ok I guess... If I can stand eating anything less then mediocre..." She said, making a disgusted face.

"I see... will Kai and Sage be coming today?" She asked, she wanted to heal Kai later. He was probably in a lot of pain.
"I don't know," Shania said "after you eat you can call them," she served Rhea her plate and Ebony some fresh fruit and orange juice since she considered eggs meat.

"Nobody is stupid enough to attack me in a hospital too easy to trace," Kai shrugged and winced. "I wonder how many drugs they are gonna try to pump in me today... have you spoke to our other members?"
Sage relaxed a little and shook her head, "No... I am sure Rhea will want to know where we are soon so I expect it some time later, though I think she might end up sleeping till noon or something. I hope you act funny on drugs, I need someone to make fun off. I guess I can't openly make fun of you or they won't think I am your guard anymore." She said laughing.

Rhea looked up when Shania came in, she smiled at the girl thanking her,
"Shania... I hate to ask... but can I have some tea please?" She said, hopping the girl did not mind, "if that's ok... you already done so much for me."
Shania rolled her eyes "Please Rhea you are a guest in my home you know me well enough now to know i don't mind fixing tea," she put water in the kettle to boil.

Kai chuckled "I'll try to weasle my way out of here... any of the nurses you could seduce for me?" he asked "oh and the master Kai is a very nice touch... how much for your first days work? normal pay is $40 an hour fro gaurds,"
Sage laughed, "You actually saved me before he finished me off. So I guess it is on the house today, we can 'weasle' out out quietly or loudly. Loudly Ill just chop you loss from all your wires and jump out the window with you, or I could just seduce the nurse like you suggest. I've already sweet talked that one who went for the food quiet a bit." She said in a nonchalant tone.

Rhea smiled at Shania,
"Is your head well Shania? I have the energy now if it still hurts to heal it." She said taking a quick bite of the food. Lucifer soon sleepily joined the two girl at the table with his own omelet.
"Haha i got a bump but its not really hurt anymore," she smiled "I'm glad you aren't injured that was dangerous us splitting up like that."

Ebony nodded "I got really scared my arrows didn't hurt him all that much but we did take down the spider so we are half done,"

Kai smirked as food came in and it was inded restraunt quality food. "We'll go out the quiet way oh and Death, I owe you one," he said as he began to slowly sit up as to not alert the alarms and began to eat.
Sage smirked before waving over the nurse, "My lady... you seem so tired... come have a rest with me, I would enjoy the company." Sage offered, taking the women's hand and leading her to sit. After a long while of talking with the nurse, making her blush several times, Sage stretched and yawned loudly, "Ooh, I am soar... Do you think Master Kai and I can co for a walk Miss? I think we would both appreciate to stretch our legs. Of course... you are very welcome to come with us." Sage did not touch her food, a little to busy otherwise.

"Yes... I was not expecting for them to set us up like that... they did it so quickly as well..." Rhea said, taking another bite of food. "You did really good Ebony. And if your arrows were not hurting him, then I don't think he would have dodged that last arrow when Kai was holding him down... He would have just taken the arrow if it was not hurting him."

Ebony smiled and nodded "thank you Rhea,"

Shania served tea and sat down eating her own breakfast she served Luce in bed earlier.

Kai smirked as the nurse unhooked his machines and he stood up hiding the pain well "thank you," he smiled politly
"No you did well. I was actually most impressed with your quick thinking. When the Vampire threw that dagger at you, you just pushed it away with the wind." Rhea said, she was really impressed. "Thank you Shania for the tea..." She said, taking a small sip. "Did anyone contact my brother last night?" Rhea asked, suddenly remembering.

Sage smiled and then asked the nurse if she could get a blanket for Kai so he did not get cold. Of course right after she left, Sage escorted Kai to the bus, her usual mod of transportation, since Shania had the car.
"I tried but my phone cut out I do think he understood though," Shania said casually.

Ebony was blushing from the complement she was suprised she could use the wind like that she had been wondering if she could use it to pull arrows back or change their course.

"I haven't rode a bus in years," Kai chuckled softly "we need to get you a car,"
Sage laughed, "A car? We would have no use for that." She said, taking the outside seat Sage leaned foreword and rested her head on the seat in front of her, "I did not even ask where you wanted to go.... this bus is headed for My house. Well the bus stop near my house. I guess it was automatic. If we are going to Shania's then it will be fine since we live so close. If not we will change next bus station."

"I see..." Rhea said, pulling out her phone she deiced to send him a text, just to make sure. "Has there been word on the victims?" Rhea asked when she was done.
"I guess to Shania's would be best," he said holding his side without even thinking "how's your shoulder?"

"they had the story on the news they think the person who left the anonomous tips is the perpetrsted but no word on the deaths." Shania said.

"I'll go see if Lucy finished breakfast," Ebony said and went into Lucy's room
"That was just a scratch. Not been properly looked at or cleaned. Though I am too tired to even feel it right now... I guess I should look at that later. You know Rhea is going to flip out right?" Sage said quietly.

Rhea smiled and watched Ebony go.
"That was to be expected." Rhea said, "we will need to be much more careful then. Shania what happened after I passed out?" She asked, making sure she knew everything that happened.

Lucifer was asleep again, breakfast was finished.
"yes but I'm fine she was exausted," he said "I need her to realize she needs to be careful just as much as we do,"

Shania sighed "I took Kai to the hospital Sage decided to stay with him," she said. "he was out cold most of the ride."

Ebony smiled and poked Lucifer.
Rhea looked down at her plate, "Mmm... It was as bad as I thought huh? Sometimes you guys try to hide things from me... But I know." Rhea said quietly, pushing a bit of her food on her plate. "I know... I don't know all of it... Kai hides things from everyone, but he does it with good reason. Sage picks up on it easiest though... but she always acts so indifferent about things. I can never figure those two out..."

Lucifer twitched, not really wanting to move.

Sage chuckled a bit,
"She thinks herself a tool. Good luck convincing her."
"I'll just keep doing as i always do," he shrugged "she'll give up eventually," he winced "note to self... dont shrug,"

Ebony giggled and got into the bed leaning over him "lucy..." she said softly

"We all have things to hide Kai's the type that copes with his life through hiding," Shania said

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