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Wild Cards

Rhea thought about it, pressing her lips together in a frown, "Yeah... I guess so. You seem to understand people far better then I myself do."

Sage smiled,
"Come on, you can shrug later, this is our stop. Up for a bit of walking?" Sage asked ,getting off the bus.

Lucifer open on eye, turning over to look up at Ebony, he smiled a sleepy smile.
"I know kai's type he's alot like me, he lets things well up inside but instead of venting through exersize and destructive behavious he acts like... kai," Shania said.'

"I don't see how saying no will help me any," he said and stood and began to walk off the bus.

Ebony smiled "come on sleepy head it's getting late in the morning,"
"I see. I suppose I don't have much room to speak... I hid my own problem until they reached a boiling point." Rhea said, taking another sip of tea.

Sage smiled,
"Very wise words Kai." When the got off the bus, Sage offered him her shoulder to lean on, the good one of course.

Lucifer sat up slowly until he was face to face with Ebony,
"Are you ok today?" He asked.
"I knoticed," Shania smiled "don't be like me self distruction bites you back after a while,"

Kai smirked "no thank Death, this trickster still has perfectly good legs,"

Ebony blushed "yeah.. I'm ok are you?"
"Yeah... humans can be complicated." He said a bit quietly, "Ebony... Your a good human. I like you a lot."

Sage shrugged, noticed it hurt for her to shrug too.
"We are almost there anyway, you can probably sleep on the floor while I take a nice long shower~" Sage said, she could not wait.

Rhea smiled back,
"I won't. I learned my lesson the first time." she said happily.
Kai chuckled "if i got in the floor I'd not be able to get up and you'd have too much fun kicking me,"

Ebony blushed deeply "I like you alot too." she said quietly

Shania smiled at Rhea "I think I've learnt my lessons as well,"
Sage laughed before flinging open the door and being rather loud, "We are heeeere~"

Rhea jumped out of her skin, again not prepared. The quite with Shania was enjoyable, but Sage and Kai often shattered it.
"Sage.. Kai..." Rhea tried to get up, but immediately sat back down again. She had forgotten how weak she was, she was relaxed and enjoying her time with Shania.

Lucifer looked up when Sage's voice rang across the house, he was blushing a bit too. Leaning foreword he quickly kissed Ebony on the lips,
"We should go..." He said smiling.
Ebony was scarlet red but she nodded and hopped off his bed.

"How are you both?" Shania asked looking them over. "Kai ... you look like sh*t,"

"and you look like a blooming rose my dear," he said with a chuckle.
"Kai..." Rhea started but she knew he was not going to have any of it.

"Shania... I am using your shower. If I am not out in 10 minutes I most likely fell asleep in the tub.... don't disturbed me." Sage said, before leaving to go help herself to the shower.

Rhea blinked not sure what to think of that.

Lucifer watched Sage walk past him into the bathroom, before turning around to walk into the living room.
"Kai is rather fine the docs patched me up," he patted his side and instantly regretted it "I'll be on the couch," he said.

Ebony took Lucy's hand as they walked trying to hid behind him.
Rhea made a worried glance, looking up at Shania she wanted to do something.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony
"Morning Shania... Morning Rhea."

Sage did eventually come out of the shower, but she laid down on the other couch and fell asleep almost instantly.
Kai chuckled "poor thing... her nerves were shot this morning," he said.

"finaly up i see Luce," Shania said and ruffled his hair.
Rhea glanced at Kai, she was feeling tired and had a feeling Kai was not going to let her near him for a bit. Getting up, Rhea slowly and wobbly started to walk back to Shania's room, "Sorry.. I still feel tired... I think I am going to go lay down more." And keep her mind off Kai's injuries.

Lucifer smiled when Shania ruffled his hair,
"Yeah. I am surprised to see you here Kai."
"Why is that?" he asked "I can't go home dad might suceed in bringing about my death," he chuckled.

"If you weren't hurt I'd hit you." Shania said dryly making Kai laugh harder till he hissed in pain.
Lucifer shook his head, having little understand. He simply meant he was pretty hurt.

Several hours passed by till Sage woke up absolutely hungry,
"Get hurt sucks... this was my first demon related injury...." She said. She had wrapped her shoulder after she had gotten out of the shower. "so what are we doing next week?" Sage asked.
"You tell me it's your turn," Shania said.

Kai chuckled "seems you get to tell me what to do for a day, though say a few MAster Kai's and i might call it a fair deal."

Ebony sat in the floor with Lucy like it seemed to be their habit.
"Oh I already know what I am doing. Tennis. I plan on letting people get split into teams of 2. So that is three teams. Not sure how to pick teams yet." She said happily, munching on a quick snack she had found in the fridge. She was feeling much more like herself with food in her stomach and a few hours of sleep.

Lucifer looked up,
"it's a sport game you hit a little yellow ball over a net with a racket trying to get it past the other team," Ebony tried to explain.

"sounds fun." Shania said with a nod.

"You just want to chase balls around a court," Kai said
"Oooh?" Sage grind, "That and I think I want to watch the top half." Sage said smirking. "So how do you think we can choose teams?"

Lucifer made a 'o' face,
"I can do that!" He said.
"we can do the draw a number six pieces of paper two pieces with the numbers one through three written on them, the matching numbers are a team," Shania sugested

Ebony giggled "you got to be careful not to hit the ball to hard though,"
"What? What is the fun in that?" Lucifer said, puffing his cheeks.

"That would be a good idea..." Sage said, which was her original thought, buy part of her wanted to see who would choose who. "Well I suppose we can draw now!"
"I don't think she is getting up the rest of today," Sage said, it was a hunch. She leaned back on the couch, taking a deep breath, "I might head home soon. My mother might get worried if I stay out too long."

Lucifer looked up but then laid back down.
"Alright," Shania said softly "do know you are welcome up anytime your mother too though ... I don't know if she would want to,"

Ebony looked down "I better get home soon too... " she said softly
"It is alright, my mother had made wonderful friends with Ebony's parents, although she has not be able to get out much." Sage said sadly, giving a small smile, getting up and offered Ebony a hand. "Come on, ill walk you to the bus stop." Sage said quietly.

Lucifer waved bye to Ebony.

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