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Wild Cards

"They do... but Shania always pull surprises out of no where and Lucy is quick and will pick up on Shania. Kai and Sage work together the best from what i've seen. I see the wind tries you sometimes, so don't use it all the often and you don't look all that trilled with playing to win. So we don't have too." Rhea said, she was curious to how this was going to go.

Sage took her normal lose stance, tossing the ball to Kai. "Go ahead and be my guest, you know taking the first move is not my thing." Not that serving a ball has anything to do with that, she still did not feel like serving.

Lucifer took a few steps back before holding the racket much like they did on TV and watched Kai with the ball.
Kai tossed it in the air and with one quick strike it went soaring over the net on Shania's side she twisted her step and hit the ball trying to remember Rhea talking about how easy it was to overhit. it went for Sage.

Ebony smiled "I don't mind friendly competition," she said "just... seems I'm more the cheerleader type,"
Rhea smiled, "You are a supporter... like me. But you are far more brave and stronger."

Sage grind and took a step back to let it bounce before hitting back, but she hit it in a way that it lunched off another in a sharp turn. Lucifer ran up and hit the ball, and he hit it pretty hard at Kai.
"Woops..." He said when he watched the ball go. He realized he needed to hit it a tad lighter.
Kai swatted it back at Lucy his normal bored look and stance an irritating sight. "A bit lighter Luce," Shania said in a laugh even as she watched Kai hit it back though he could have let it go out of bounds.

Ebony looked at Rhea "You are a stronger leader then I am, I just shoot a bow and hope my arrow hits,"
When the ball came back to him, Lucifer changed the way he hit it, so that he was hitting it in a way that would still allow him to put power in it, but it would bounce like it was suppose to. This same it went to Sage, hit it back easily, this time making the hard shot at Shania, "Oooh~ Kai are you going to make me do all the work?" Sage asked jokingly.

"I just try and do what I can... Sometimes I feel like a failure because I can't heal everyone. So some people have to remain hurt while I just rest up on the side lines. I hate doing nothing some times." Rhea said in a rather defeated way.
"but you are the most important without you.. we would have lost Sage," Ebony said.

Shania swung but her swordsmanship training didn't help as much when you are useing a racket and she hit it with the wooden part and it slammed into the net "opsey,"
When the ball his the net, Sage whistled, "Oooh disappointing Shania, point for us. Match 2. You guy's can serve."

Lucifer laughed,
"We'll get them next time."

"I know... just... I wish I could save everyone... Last saturday .. I realized, I might..." Rhea's voice began to move to a whisper, "I might have to choose... who lives and who dies... because I can't save everyone." Rhea felt herself tear up again. She had honestly been having nightmares since the realization had come on.
Ebony hugged her tightly "it'll be ok. it'll be hard but you have us to fall on,"

Shania nodded with a smile and served like she saw Kai do earlier.
Sage huffed and ran up to take the ball, she hit it back quickly, tripping on her feet a little bit. Lucifer jumped up immediately and smacked it back, grinning and laughing, it went to Kai again.

Rhea smile at Ebony a bit,
"Yes... Ebony.... do you understand what goes on in this group sometimes? I mean with Kai and Shania, Sage and myself?" She asked the girl.
Ebony looked at her "do you mean what goes on in your heads or with your families?" she asked a bit confused with the broad question.

Kai dove to get it and tapeed it up and over the net but Shania swatted it at him again and he couldn't recover in time "me making you do all the ork huh?" Kai asked Sage.
Lucifer jumped in victory and went to go High five Shania, "Great shot!" he said laughing.

Sage gave him a toothy grin,
"Of course. 1 to 1. 2 matches to go. Our serve." This time Sage was going to serve. Bouncing the ball a few times on the rack, Sage garbed it mid bounce then threw it in the air and immediately server it to Lucifer. Lucifer hit back his excitement of getting a point obviously showing.

Rhea laughed under her breath at Ebony's confused face, it was true the question was not well put together,
"Both I guess...."
"Well Shania is the quiet leader type akward in social events but the first to rush into action and give orders her thought padderns change but she had a one tract mind so she often leaves things unthought out.. her family consists of us and she is very protective. Kai is weird he is one of those people who will kill his friends and not shead a tear but that's probably his dad's influance he thinks fast and rather ruthlessly. You are quiet and you fall into the background but you think fast on your feet and can lead well your family situation has changed for the better and you are alot happier... you tend to think of others before yourself Sage is alot like Kai but not near as cold blooded, her mother is he world and she'll protect her till her dieing breath... Lucifer is odd he is niave and kind but switches to battle mode easily and without warning he cares for Shania as family but he misses his family," She blushed this was the most she's ever spoken at once.

Kai smirked watching the two celebrate he hit the ball straight back at Lucifer.
Rhea smiled a bigger smile a new bit of respect bloomed for Ebony. "Mhmm, Thank you Ebony, you answered me perfectly. Thank you.. I have been happier. I think you have changed a lot for the better as well. I think you are a lot braver then when you first started... I think you speak up a bit more, and you are always improving yourself. I still don't know much about your own family situation." She said. She looked up at the game just in time to see Lucifer's worse hit yet.

Lucifer saw the ball coming for him and for some reason he slightly panicked and hit it away. 'away' actually was the direction of Shania.

Shania left out of it's way out of reflex then she chuckled "the ball won't hurt you Luce,"

Kai laughed "you ok over there?"

Ebony blushed "Thank you," she said softly with a smile
Rhea noticed Shania jump out of the way and in response she ducked when the ball bounced their way and then right past them. Rhea looked behind her to see the ball rolling away.

"Sorry!" Lucifer called, cringing a bit and smiling sheepishly.

"I'll just get another ball." Sage said, moving over to pick up the ball off the ground that she had set aside, "I guess it is you guys serve this time. 2 to 1. Match 4." She said, before tossing a ball over to Shania.

Rhea smiled and got up,
"What to walk with me to go get that stray ball?" She asked happily.
Lucifer grinned, catching the ball before looking at Kai, revenge was his. Hitting the ball as hard as he could with it still reasonably stay within bounds. he was getting good at this.

Rhea smiled and went to go get the ball, picking it up she nodded at Ebony,
"You ready to try our hand at kicking butt? I think this match is almost over." She said happily.
Kai smirked and hit the ball at Shania who tried to spike it but hit too hard and t=it flew at Sage.

Ebony nodded "I hope we win it'll be funny seeing their faces," she said softly
Rhea laughed, walking back with Ebony, "Yeah, that's why we have to try, or give them a run for their money!"

Sage frowned, realizing that saving this ball was going to be impossible, so she just let it go past her. Before she turned around grinning raising her Racket in the air,
"I nominate Kai for sudden death!"

Lucifer laughed,
"Shania! Let me do it!" Lucifer asked her, turning around with puppy dog eyes.

Rhea and Ebony just got back to the group when Sage said sudden death.
"ok ok Luce beat kai's butt," Shania ruffled Lucifers hair.

"Well now seems i have no say in this," Kai said chuckling.

Ebony nodded with a giggle
Lucifer made and excited face before jumping into the middle of the court, completely ready for what is to come.

Rhea smiled and both Sage and Shania came their direction. "Go Kai~ Don't let me doown!" Sage yelled from the side lines. Rhea giggled at Sage's nonchalant attitude.

Lucifer had the ball and was planing on serving first. Hitting it to Kai he started off a bit light.
Kai smirked and hit the ball back to him with a fast hard swing.

Shania crossed her fingers for Lucifer knowing he wanted to win "come on kid beat the jack *ss,"

Ebony was rooting for Lucifer too "you can do it Lucy!"
Sage was just smirking the whole time.

Lucifer ran up to his the ball, swinging back just as hard, it would have been a fantastic shot, if he had not completely missed the ball. When the ball bounced behind him, Lucifer made a rather sad face,
"Noooooooo...." He started to say.

Rhea giggled a bit and Lucifer's reaction. He did a good job, Kai was just slightly better at the game then him.
Rhea felt herself blush, "That was a challenge! We have to beat them Ebony!" Rhea said, slightly more determined, she was starting to feel a bit competitive. It felt good.

Sage laughed and went to go give Kai a high five.

Lucifer smiled at Shania,
"Sorry I let you down..."

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