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Wild Cards

Rhea knew she should not use her healing power, she needed to reserve it. So she drew the sword at her side, slicing Ebony's father across the chest. "Ebony you have to want to wake up! Other wise we won't win! Everyone needs you... I need you."
Rhea smiled at Ebony when she hugged her, and the moment she wanted to wake, Rhea was suddenly over Ebony, her hand on her head. "Ebony... oh thank goodness it work...."
Rhea flashed her an understanding smile, then grimaced, "I think so... I think we were dragged here. What ever demon is here... he separated us. but we are not dead... so I don't think he killed any of us... I don't know if he knows if we are awake or not... so we should go. We need to find the others and wake them." She said, getting up and helping the other girl up.

Moving to the door, Rhea drew her sword and opened the door slowly. They were in s dressing room, where they going to have to search the whole mall for everyone?
"Lets go shop by shop." Rhea whispered. Remembering the the mics, Rhea tapped on it till she heard a click and it turned on. "Is anyone there? Awake?"

"Rhea...." It was Lucifer and he sounded weak.

"Lucy? Are you ok?" Rhea asked throwing Ebony a worried look.

"I am weak... I was over powered by sheer numbers... he is going to use me as a hostage... He feeds from others dreams... you need to wake everyone quickly." He said through weak breaths into the mic.
"Ebony...? Don't come to me... Find the others..." he said, taking a deep breath.

Rhea frowned, things looked bad.
"Just keep us informed if you can Lucy..." Taking Ebony's hand Rhea lead them out of the room. But stopped behind the wall that lead into a cloths store. There were two goblin looking demons walking around. "Ebony... shoot them as quickly and quietly as you can... we need to move stealthy."
Ebony took a deep breath and fired two arrows in quick succession hitting the goblins in the back of the neck where the brainstem was. "Ok lets go," Ebony said.
Rhea blinked, "Whoa... those... were amazing shots." Rhea said, getting up and moving pas them. She moved up to the store entrance then peaked out. There were a few demons around, one looked kind of like a small snake. A few of them flew around, like gargoyles. The flying ones looked kind of big. She wondered if it would be wise to take any of these head on... her and Ebony could easily be out numbered.

"When I say so.. shoot that snake through the head... then run. We need to go to the next store over before the flying demon sees us." Rhea said, not really waiting for an answer. He waited until the demon to turn around mid flight, and as soon as it did, "Shoot." She said, getting up and running to the other store. She immediately attacked a demon that was in front of her stabbing it through the chest. She tried to kill it but the mundane weapon did little damage, although the sturdy blade did hurt it.
Looking Rhea kind of shivered, one thing about Ebony... she was emotionally invested in everything... and she looked pretty mad. Looking around the store, Rhea sighed in frustration when no one was here. "Ok... next store." She said. The continued the skipping tactic, being extra careful not to alert some of the bigger demons around. Finally after the fourth store, Rhea found Kai, slumped awkwardly behind the desk. "Archer... hold my hand, I think this might work..." She said, taking the girls hand and then pressing her scarred hand to Kai's forehead.

Rhea opened her eyes to see they were now... in fact in Kai's dream. She just hoped Kai remembered them, and did not try and kill them....
Kai was Laying out in the sun on a beach over on a hill there was a funeral occuring. The bluenett was humming joyfully to himself his eyes closed. He was so relaxed it should be a crime but laying beside him was a fully loaded colt 55 handgun seems even in such a peacful place he was expecting danger. "One more step and you'll have new holes to breath from," he said in a sing song way his eyes still closed.

"Kai... " Ebony said softly but stopped when he cocked his gun.
"It is time to wake up Kai." Rhea said in a rather calm voice, she had a feeling he did not know who they were, "Do you know who I am?" She asked, just to make sure. Rhea reached for Ebony's hand and held it.
His smirk became a grin and he sat up his eyes were piercing and he fire his gun the bullet hitting an inch in front of her. "Yeah I know who you are I have a bad habit of writing thigs down in my... horrible writing, but you see I am one of those people who likes power," he said as some of the people began to pool around him.
"Your dad's not dead Kai. You won't get to kill him if you stay asleep. No the demon will kill you before that happens... and not even I can keep you alive..." Rhea said, clenching her fist. The shadows were moving to stop Kai from leaving, they will attack soon.
"Actually if i kill you... i was told many clever lies," he chuckled "See I don''t mind dieing here i can die with a sick sence of satisfaction..." A bluenett woman came and hugged Kai.

"And he can be with his mommy," she said sweetly.

"Kai... you are a *ss hole!" Ebony said
Rhea sighed, they needed to stir up the demons. "We are not going to come out of this dream without a fight..." Rhea said, "Stay here... I am going to take out a few of the demons around him. I can heal myself so don't worry too much."

Rhea took servel steps froward, drawing the sword from her side.
Kai laughed and instead pulled Rhea to him "kiss me," he said "then I'll agree to wake up," he smirked the demons around him stirred and he shot his mother as she was about to attack Rhea.
Rhea frowned and blushed, "We are completely surrounded by demons a-and you are in a power c-crazed mind set.... y-you want me to ki...kiss you?" Rhea asked, stuttering, placing her hands on Kai's chest to push him away a bit to look up at him.
Rhea huffed and blushed harder, but her pride was not something she held very high, so she did as she was asked, leaning foreword and kissing Kai on the lips.
Rhea's heart was pounding, she did not even wait for kai's eyes to open to shoot off to a corner and lean down and cover her face. It was completely red, "Kai you idiot..." She mumbled under her breath.
"Ugh.... No...you knew it was a dream the whole time...." She said turning around to glare at him. She liked Kai... but she was still unsure about any deeper feeling for the boy... there were things about him she knew she would never understand, and he lived in a world she was possibly too weak for. "Just... lets go... Stay stealth. Lucy... we got Kai... how are you holding up?" She asked.

"Ok... I guess..... he knows you are waking people now... please be.. careful." Lucifer said back on the mic.

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