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Wild Cards

"we'll be ok kid... since when did we use real names in these situations?" he asked hopping up "lets find out other two teammates and rescue the damsel in distress aka our little kid." Kai said just as chipper as always.
Rhea completely forgot, she was busy saving people... Like retarded Kai who does not wake himself up from dreams. She guessed he put two and two together when Lucy answered her that he was awake and with the demon. Rhea peaked out the entrance of the store. The demons were more sporadic now... They were actually looking. When the demons were not looking, Rhea sprinted into next store, much like she had before and slicing any demons that where in there. Searching the inside of the store she grew a bit frustrated again when nothing was there.

Looking back out again, a demon saw her, she gasped a little and turned around the corner again,
"It saw me..." she said quietly.
Kai rolled his eyes "yeah you have the stelth of a deer with cans on its hoves, but you are cute," he said. "Look I'm not good with waking people you and archer go find death and our warrior, I'll do what i do best make a grand entramce," he transformed his weapon.
"I don't think that is a good idea Joker... seriously, Lucy is the way he is now because he was over whelmed by numbers.." But then again, Kai's weapon is meant for large numbers, but still doing so alone would be a bit risky. Soon the demon turned the corner of the store snapping at Rhea, Rhea swung her sword at it in response.
Kia smiled "then don't leave me defencless for long he was suprised Shania's mothers blade seemed to work decent against demons. Kai chopped the demon in half "now go allready I'm gonna make alot of noise,"
Rhea grimaced, "Don't do anything to get hurt... I won't let you walk away this time if you do." She said, before turning with Ebony and running out into the open. She checked stores quickly, she found Sage next, "Ah Joker we found Death... I don't know if you want to come over too..." She said, taking Ebony's hand, and then pressing her own to Sage's head.

They were there, it was a really nice house, and both of Sage's parents were sitting at a table. Sage looked up, a little confused at first, but recognition flashed in her eyes. She did not speak, just stared them down.
"Oh Sage dear, do you know them?" Her father asked.

"Yes... I do." Sage said, before she smiled at the two girls.
Kai was busy fighting demons he so far had avoided injury but his tactics were a tad flawed since the mall was not a good battle ground for a fighter like kai. "Well get our dear death out here her scythe will come in handy,"

Ebony smiled "oh Sage I'm so glad you are here," she said "Kai was being a pain," she smiled and went towards Sage.
"Oh was he?" She asked happily, Rhea flushed. "What bring you two here?" She asked. Sage did not move when Ebony came closer to her, but leaned on the table, her eyes flashed with something Rhea was not sure.

"Sage we are in the middle of dinner, you should ask your friends to come back later." Sage's father said.

"Don't worry, they ill leave soon, just go back to visiting with mother." She said.
Ebony didn't want to make sage leave her family but it was important "Sage... they got.. they got Lucy captured... we need to go help him and now that Kai's out he's fighting alot of demons...we need you," Ebony said softly
"More talk about demons? Sage your friends are a bad influence on you... we worry." Her mother said, standing up abruptly.

Sage got up from the table moving to stand in front of Ebony,
"So you are saying this is just a dream Ebony?"

"Sage! Please stop saying things like that!" Her mother said, tears brimming from her eyes.

Rhea knew they were getting ready to attack.
Sage smiled at her, "Well... if this is just a dream, I guess I can have what I want." She said smirking before lifting Ebony's chin up with and finger and kissing the girl on the lips.

Rhea blushed, again?! What is wrong with those two, Kai and Sage, its like they are on the same brain length!

When sage let go of Ebony she grinned,
"Just a dream, oh well..." Jumping on the table, Sage transformed her scythe and sliced both the shadows in half. Turning around she looked down at both the girls. "Time to wake up!" And with that Rhea opened her eyes. "What is wrong with you two!?" Rhea said loudly through the mic.

Sage laughed loudly,
"What? us two? Ugh my neck... it cramps..."
Ebony was in shock "first kai... hot kissed Rhea... you ... me... I feel Faint," she said. they could hear kai laughing.

"God don't make me laugh, hard to consentrat on... ow it bit me... the stupid thing bit me!" there was a loud crunch and random slashing sounds from Kai's side.
"Well Joker I have tasted you before, you were quite womanly, I don't blame them for trying to eat you up. Where are you at?" Sage said, jumping to her feet and materializing her Scythe.

Rhea grabbed Ebony,
"Come on, they were both messing with us... we need to find Warrior. Let hurry!"
"I'm outside the Starbucks... Find our warrior quick there are endless amounts of these little nusances," Kai said kicking one "and thank you death i know i'm devine even to the taste,"

Ebony went to Rhea still blushing madly.
Rhea ran quickly, "Think about Lucy Ebony... I need you to stay focused..." Rhea said quickly to the girl.

They found Shania slightly quicker then they did Sage and Kai, still no sign of the demon that had put them to sleep, but Rhea noticed the demons were increasing in numbers.
"We found Warrior, we will try and wake her as quick as possible." Rhea quickly pressed a hand to Shania's forehead and closed her eyes, taking a tight grip of Ebony's hand.

Sage moved quickly, when she saw Kai completely surrounded with a few demons in the air, Sage jumped and lodged the tip of her scythe in the back of one of the flying ones and brought it down on top several of the demons next to Kai,
"Come to me, get out of that mob." She said, "Don't need you being eaten alive." She finished with a chuckle.
"Thanks death i might just hier you as a bodygaurd," he chuckled.

Shania was in her house her and her brother whatching saterday morning cartoons.
Rhea was afraid of this, "Shania." She said, getting the girls attention.

"As if, you could not pay me enough to do that. I would probably actually let you do on the first day while using your kitchen. I bet you have everything in that stupid kitchen at your house." She said Slashing the demons away from her, trying to keep them pole arm distance away.
Shania looked at her for a long moment then saw the sword and her eyes widened "no no no no no! Go! things are happy again!" she flipped Kurama pulled her to him "Whoa sis calm down," he said softly holding her.

"Shania.. it isn't your broth." she was cut off by shania's yell of "shutup!"
Rhea gave a soft smiled, she knew this was going to happen. Shania had told her herself that she would do anything to see her brother again, even die. "Ebony... let me take care of this..."

Taking a few steps to Shania, Rhea sat the blade down on the ground,
"You remember why you gave me this sword, right? to protect myself and everyone else... Shania, Lucifer is dying. And hes dying because he was protecting us today."
"Luce?" she asked looking up at Rhea the strong warrior was on the brink of tears.

"She's lying Shania, come on you know I'd not let anything happen to you or your friends," he brushed her hair from her face.
She needed to shut that guy up, they were running low on time. Knowing what she was going to do next was going to get her hurt, Rhea leaned foreword and grabbed Shania's brother with her scarred hand and used her healing powers on him. "Lucy is going to die Shania, so is Kai and Sage. We need to leave now!" Rhea instead, a bit of fire in her eyes. She braced herself to be hit by Shania or her brother.
Rhea gasped when Shania latched on to her, she was expecting something else... Rhea teared up a bit and started to cry, hugging the girl tighter, "I am sorry... that I have to be the one to wake you." she whispered.
"it's ok lets go save our friends," she smiled weakly and when they were out Shania gripped her sword and she seemed to literaly glow with rage. "Luce tell us where you are I'm coming for you,"

"oh warrior sounds p!ssed," Kai stated.

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