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Wild Cards

"I'd ask Levi first... as much as I'd like Luce to heal, I couldn't stand seeing you hurt as well," she said her eyes were dull her bloodlust sated for now. "Seems the energy from the portal the negitive energy Levi called it makes you sick channaling it through your body more the you just did in a short time frame would possably have damaging effects,"

"The fight obsessed mad woman listens to whats said after all," Kai said watching the blood soaked girl get into the van and sit away from the other more to not get blood on them then anything else. Kai tossed a tee shirt and tissues back "My clothes should be long on you take off that blood soaked outfit and clean up a bit if we get pulled over you'll be under investigation for a homocide,"

Shania began to ipe off the blood with the tissues without another comment.
Rhea looked away and thought for a moment, she was hopping Shania would say yes. She was about to try anyway until Sage plucked the jewel from her hands and shook her finger at her then closed the back door. Jumping back into passenger seat like normal Sage chuckled, "We wont get pulled over as long as you go the speed limit."

Rhea sighed then sat next to Lucifer and checked him over gently. Lucifer eventually closed his eyes, but he remain in his demon form, not really going back. Rhea could only guess because the moon would help him.
Shania didn't seem to mind Lucifer as she removed her blood stained shirt and pants and put on Kai's shirt it was indeed long on her going to her mid thighs.

"So we go to Shania's house and tuck a demon into bed and I saw we talk a little about tonights adventure," Kai said
"I am fine with that... I think my little nap today will keep me awake for a bit." Sage said, shrugging. She examined the jewel between her fingers. "Just get us home."

Home did come quickly, well felt quickly to Sage.
"We should take showers and clean up first before we actually talk. You should probably bath Lucy. We have better medical supplies here so Rhea can get a better look at him." Sage suggested.

Rhea nodded, with the blood gone she could very well get a better look at Lucifer, she could hardly tell what she was wrapping or not.
Shania picked up Lucifer gently and carried him in laying him in his bed and without a word she got some hot water and a few towels and went to clean him off.

"Sage... Rhea... I pity you two, you have to deal with her the best I could do is make her mad enough to hit me and I have a feeling I would regret that at the moment," Kai stated.

Ebony went to Lucifers side "do you want anything to drink?" she asked since Shania had laid him on his stomach if Lucy did want a drink someone would have to help him.
Sage laughed, "I am not dealing with her. I play mearly suggestions, never actually dealing until there needs to be." She said smiling.

Lucifer smiled and shook his head,
"No its ok, thank you Ebony."

Rhea had a few books that she kept inside the first aid kits, she did not feel any pity dealing with Shania, no quiet the opposite. She felt slightly ashamed because she can not help Lucifer very well. She kind of like she was letting the girl down. That why she wanted to try so hard to use the jewel.

Lucifer on the other hand refused to call Levi or anyone else for that mater.

While Shania cleaned his back, she took note about how deep each wound was. Nothing was actually spieling blood anymore. There were two cuts that looked pretty deep, but they were slashing wounds so nothing too bad. Rhea took note it was more loss of blood that had left him weak. There was some cuts pretty much everywhere, a few bite marks here and there. After Rhea had written everything in a note book, she immediately started to apply disinfectant, where made Lucifer hiss. After that she warped him quickly, a little more loosely then the original wrap.
"There..." Rhea said, standing up.

Lucifer insisted on being taken out with everyone else while they talked,
"I want to be there to listen..." he said. Rhea did not know he even listened, most the time when they talked, he just looked board.
"Then we talk in here," Shania said not letting Lucifer move not even to sit up.

"that may be best since I do not want my head bit off by the warrior here," he plopped down in the floor Ebony was kneeling by Lucifer still worried about him.
Lucifer whined some but eventually just huffed and pressed his face into a pillow.

Sage also joined, she had taken a shower while waiting for everyone to finish with Lucifer. She walked in and leaned on the door frame.

Rhea felt a bit of rage come up inside of her,
"All three of you knew it was a dream?" She asked, talking to Shania, Sage and Kai.
"I had my brother back when he told me the demons everything was a nightmare I beleived him because I wanted to... I slowly forgot everything till I saw mothers blade... memories floded me... I had to loose my brother twice if you dare say any of this is my fault I'll strike you as easily as i do kai," Shania was still not well after the fight it would have been a mercy to be killed in the fight.

"Of course I knew i was a dream! nothing in life is that damn easy... however I didn't want to do anything detremental... say I broke the dream and it somehow backlashed power that could have been devistating," Kai said with a shrug.

"I should have known mine was a dream ... we killed a demon and Lucy told me the war was over.... we were all normal again with normal lives," Ebony said softly
Sage shrugged, she had forgotten until Ebony and Rhea showed up, but she did not say anything.

Rhea sighed and closed the medical books, pickup all the excess stuff and leaving the room to go put them away. She had broken her own dream, but she took too long to do it. She did not blame Shania... she understood... but all their choices lead to this situation now, even hers to stay in her own dream as long as she did. She had more hate in herself right now for not being able to help Lucifer. Shania will probably hate her now for saying that.

Sage watched Rhea go, not really caring, though she never see the girl get mad before.

Lucifer looked up, "I am sorry I did not warn you guys sooner... I barely got out of his spell. When all of you hit the floor, demons flooded out of the area. I needed to kill him to wake you guys. I tried my best to fight my way up there, but only myself verses a bunch of demons was not great odds. I made it up the stairs before I was knocked back by his wind attack and then piled onto. I tried to get back up, but after a while I could not struggle... I don't know how long I was there until I heard Rhea and Ebony's voices. It surprised me." Lucifer played with the edge of the bed sheet.
Shania pet Lucifer softly "It isn't your fault...," Shania said "It is ours for being uneducated... we need to stop rushing into places and start doing actuall research on the area find out what demon type and prepare for it as best we can," her hands were trembling.

"Easier said then done... I can have area's scoped but my means only go so far and i'l have to start answering the questions if i keep useing them as we have," KAi said
Lucifer pulled Shania's hand to his, "You need to calm down." He whispered to her.

Sage watched everyone quietly,
"I think Shania is right, we have been pushing our luck to far, but so has Kai. Rhea has already tried her best to prepare us every mission but even she can do so much with as little information that she has... It would be near impossible for us to figure out what demon is around in less we see it before hand. Perhaps we should start going to out destination's Friday evenings, just before dark." Sage suggested.
Shania nodded but calming down was easier said then done. "going alone is too dangerous after all so friday night scoping might just do us good but Lucifer will be hard to leash in he runs after demons like a coon hound after a fox,"

Ebony was nervious "we ... camera's and toy aircraft maybe?" she said it was something kids did to spy on each other after all/
Sage grind and pointed at Ebony, "Exactly. And we don't have to bring Lucy, he can stay home. Or we can put him on a child leash. you know those ones that go around your shoulders?" Sage joked with a smile. "Either way, if we go in person or not, we should bring a camera."

Lucifer squeeze Shania's hand before closing his eyes. He felt like she had chosen him over her brother, and for that he felt very thankful...
Ebony smiled at having given a good sugestion.

"I'll get camera's Ebony your inchard of aircraft loating... i never played with those toys," Kai said.

"And now it is time to let Luce rest," Shania said she kissed his forehead and tucked him in gently after squeezing his hand back, she really cared for this boy she would not lose him.
Rhea was sorting medical stuff quietly, pulling out thing's Shania will need to clean and re wrap. She thought it would be a good idea to stay and care for Lucy, but she was a bit afraid of Shania right now. She would hurt her, and she was not sure if the girl even liked her anymore.

Sage walked out of the room first, decide she should make tea for everyone before she left, she had no plans of sticking around for very long, her mother was waiting for her. Walking into the kitchen she started some tea.

Lucifer looked at Ebony before she left and gave her a small smile before he closed his eyes to sleep.
Shania walked out still only in Kais shirt and her own underclothes. "Rhea do you have a way home tonight?" Shania asked knowing her brother expected her back. "Or do you need a phone to call him?" her voice was as even as she could make it in her current state.

Kai walket and to the living room "hey death bringer you walking or rideing?" he asked as he passed the kitchen.
Sage smiled at Kai, setting the tea on the table, "Ah. Well what ever you want to do. I could care less." She said, walking over to him when she was done, "Going home yourself yet? Or need a place to crash? I am sure my mother would enjoy the company. If you can stand the poor condition of my house."

Rhea glanced up at Shania before looking back at the medical stuff on the floor,
"I can stay maybe... Lucifer will need a change of bandages some time tonight. But that is up to you.... I'll just ask Kai to take me if you want me to leave."
"I've already told you my house is open to you anytime, I would like it if you stayed... Lucifer... he needs gentler hands them mine," Shania admitted she still felt like ripping things apart "Im going to shower though... I look like a bad horror movie," she said and went to get clean clothes from her room.

"like I said dad can't afford to shun me, I've already cost him a good half a mil," he laughed "but if your mom doesn't mind i wouldn't mind a place to sleep,"
"Ah, well you are welcome then." Sage said, glancing at Ebony, "Did you need a ride too?"

Rhea nodded and stood up,
"I'll be staying the night." She told Kai and Sage when she came out of the room.

Sage chuckled,
"Brave soul you are."
"I'm just a call away." KAi said "try to survive the night," he was serious Shania gave him the creeps today. "Our blood soaked warrior looked a little... off,"

Ebony looked ar Sage "I think I'll stay just a little longer and take a bus home," she said quietly.
Sage nodded in agreement with Kai, this was not normal. "Alright. You two stay safe." She said before waving them both off good night.

Rhea looked over to Ebony and smiled at the girl, before walking over a serving herself and Ebony a cup of tea. Grateful for the warmth.

Kai and Sage arrive at her house rather quickly, though it was late at night, Sage opened her door to notice her mom was at the table.
"Oh Mother, I told you you did not have to stay up for me." She said gently. A side of her she had never shown to others.

her mother looked up and smiled,
"Oh why is your friend? I remember I seen him before... you were that gentleman at that party?"

Sage smiled,
"This is Kai, hes a good friend. Hes got family problems right now and needs a place to stay."

"Oh of course! Any friend of Sage's is welcome here. I am just so happy she finally has people she enjoys being around so much." her mother gushed.

Sage sighed,
"Do you want anything to drink Kai?"

"Come Kai dear, sit sit." She said, motioning for the boy to come to the table.
Kai flashed his best smile "i'm touched you remember me," he said taking the offered seat "no thank you Sage," his said when offered the drink. "It is nice to see the woman behind Sage you have a wonderful daughter," he said pleasantly.

Ebony sipped her tea "are you ok? you know ... inside?"
Sage's mother seemed to beam, "Oh she is wonderful. She is very strong too. You seem like her type of person." Sage sat down at the table, "My moms tricky... don't let you guard down around her." Sage said laughing. Sage's mother laughed as well, "Oh Sage, don't be like that! besides you father was more like you then me."

Rhea shook her head,
"I don't feel ok. Everything is messed up right now, and I can't fix it. Sage took the jewel, and I can't help Lucifer or Shania. I am pretty sure Shania is going to hate me after this."
"I don't think she can hate us anymore... she looks at us too much like family. She's upset but... she lost her brother again. I'd never seen her look so human normaly she looks strong like a statue but she was about to cry," Ebony said listening to the water running in the bathroom from Shania's shower.

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