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Wild Cards

"I know... I killed my brother too, in my dream. It hurt a lot... but like Shania I picked myself up and did what needed to be done. I was mad... at first .. that people who knew it was a dream did not wake up... but it is foolish of me to say something like that... I was tricked by the dream and I almost forgot." Rhea said, rubbing her arm awkwardly.
"My dream tricked me too," Ebony said "I thought the war was over... our lives were normal again, Kai went back to his normal life and Sage sort of drifted away but you and lucy and Shania stayed with me." She sighed "it was stupid to think everything was over... I haven't even been through anything like you and Shania," she stopped talking when the water stopped shania trudged out in a knee length nightshirt

"Rhea take my room it's closer to Luce then the living room is," Shania said and took some tea before sitting.
Rhea smiled, "It ok, I am afraid I picked up a habit much like yours. I don't sleep much anymore. Thank you thought." It was true, she was always having nightmares or night terrors since the attack with the vampire. Choices and people plagued her now. She had heard that all the victims died except one. She usually spent her nights training her healing powers or studying. Taking a sip of tea, Rhea glanced at Ebony, "I was impressed with your shooting tonight. You shot quickly and true. You have improved the quickest out of anyone." Rhea said.
Ebony blushed at the praise "i ... had the farthers to go." she admitted

Shania whatched them "Are you going home tonight Ebony?" Shania asked.

"Oh yes in a while I just wanted to make sure everyone was ok is all," Ebony said quietly.
Soon Shania left into her spar room looking in on Lucifer as she passed his room. Once in her room she took her dagger and transformed it training with it instead of her Sakaba.
Rhea went to go change Lucifer's bandages some time in the middle of the night. At one point Rhea almost went to interfere with Shania, but Lucifer told her to stay away. Lucifer stayed in bed for the most part, even during school because he could not leave because of the condition he was in. Lucifer's sleeping scheduled changed dramatically he ended up starting to sleep during the day when he was weakest, and being up and about during the night when he was strongest. Rhea came over often after school every day to change and look over his wounds. They were healing faster then any human wounds where, but she would advise against demon hunting the coming week.

Rhea was over on a Thursday night, checking Lucifer's wound in the living room while he ate dinner.
Shania had not gone to school dispite Lucifer telling her too Kai would bring her her makeup work and she would do it as Lucifer slept and like in the begining she spent an awful amount of time in her spare room rarely talking to anyone but she did make sure Lucifer was few at least three meals a day and his normal snacks.

While Rhea was there she could see that Shania had been wearing sleaves that covered her hands her eyes had black circles around them from her lack of sleep and she was a bit scarrered in conversations. Kai came in with Shania's school work as usual. "Hello Lucy how do you feel?" he asked setting the folder of work on the table for Shania.
"I am doing fine." Lucifer said, wincing a bit when Rhea tightened a bandage. "Shanie needs help..." He said taking another bite of food, "Ive seen her when she gets bad, but this is worse then I thought." He said quietly, taking a drink of juice. He liked human juices far over tea.

Rhea grimaced,
"Sorry... Hello Kai, I am afraid to get to close to her. Shes not.. normal." When she was done bandaging him, Rhea stood up and wrote a few things in her note book where she was tracking Lucifer's healing progress.
"I can goad her into a fight..." Kai offered he really wasn't good with people he couldn't charm. "A good fist fight might loosen her up," he said thinking. Though goading her into anykind of fight would be very risky she carried her dagger with her even in the house and she was on edge.

Kai stopped talking when shania came in "Thanks," she took the school work then disapeared again.

"Damn... that isn't eyeliner is it?" he asked noting the dark rings.
"No that won't work." Lucifer said, "I have a feeling when I get better I might have to do something. I told Rhea to stay away, I am afraid she would get hurt."

When Shania came in the room and left, Lucifer sighed, finishing off his drink.

Rhea frowned, looking at Kai, she had a lot of worry in her eyes.
"I want to help... But talking might not work as well and I think it should. I sometimes don't say the right things."
"What the hell is going on in her mind?" Kai asked then looked at Lucifer "You might have your work cut out for you."

Ebony walked in and saw Lucy up "oh how are you?" she had a bag with her.
Lucifer shook his heads, humans were complicated, demons at least had a one track mind.

Lucifer immediately lit up with Ebony came in, not really expecting the timid girl to come,
"Ebony! What do you have?" He asked.

Rhea sighed, taking Lucifer's old bandages and putting them in a bad to throw away. She wanted to talk to Shania, but Lucifer was dead set on her staying away.
Ebony took out a teddy bear for Lucy and a box od candy. "I thought I'd get you a get well gift," she smiled.

KAi chuckled and sat down. "Ebony gets the child a teddy bear." he mused softly
Lucifer smiled and hugged both Ebony and the teddy despite it kind of hurt.

When Sage walked in she raised an eye brow,
"Is there a party happening I am not aware of?" Sage had actually gone and made a few meals that Shania could just heat up, a small gesture for Sage.
Sage smiled, "Hello. I was not going to stay long. Just went home to get these and bring them over. Kai my mother says to come over again some time, she enjoyed your company." She said, walking past them into the kitchen.

Rhea came back a bit surprised to see everyone here. There was almost never a day that they were all did not see each other.
"So Kai.. will we still do your activity this week? I really don't advise demon hunting this week." Rhea said, sitting next to him.
"I have decided we would be pampered this week, professionaly pampered." Kai smiled "Sage if you would like your mother can join us," he said.

Ebony sat next to Lucifer after the hug she was happy to see Lucifer healing.
Rhea smiled, that sounded nice, it would be good for Lucifer, but she wondered how Shania would deal with it.

"I would appreciate it..." Sage said. It was not much longer now.

Lucifer suddenly looked up when a portal opened in the spot it had last time, and out came Levi and a women. The Women was much shorter then Levi, and looked more human then the demon did. She had long blond hair and was holding a rather large jar. She had small wing that were the same color of her hair, but her eyes were the same violet purple as Luicfer's. She was wearing a simple dress.

Rhea thought the women was beautiful.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise, you actually appearing in our world." Sage said.

Levi looked kind of urked,
"Trust me I don't want to be here..." he mummbled.

"Mom!" Lucifer said happily.
Hearing the new voices Shania came into the room and blinked a few time "hello Levi... Ma'am," she said to the woman.

Kai shuddered Shania's gave was not a pleasant one "so what do we owe the pleasure?" Kai asked softly smiling.
"Oh! This is my first time in the human world. When I heard Lucifer was hurt, I came to bring a slave we use often. I was... not sure what you wear in the human world... so I put on this dress... But I think it might be too basic..." Rhea blinked, that would be something Lucifer would say, but a slightly girly version. "Oh but no matter, Lucifer how do you feel?"

She said, walking over to the boy and putting down the vase and hugging him.
"I am doing fine. You should meet everyone while you are here!"

Levi looked at Kai,
"Since I am the only one in the family that can open portals... I was pressured by my brother into letting Mokii into the human world to bring Lucifer things to heal with."

The women looked around,
"Oh wow, humans look so much alike. But yet so different! You dear... you must be Ebony." She said, taking the girls hand gently, "You are adorable." Turning she looked around then pointed to each, "Kai, Sage, Rhea and Shania. Levi dear, you can go now. In less I am not welcome to stay?" She asked.
Ebony blushed deeply when Lucifers mother took her hands and complemented her. "th...thank you,"

Shania whatched her and when she asked if she was welcome Shania finaly responded "Of course you may stay as long as you wish." she said "would you like something to drink?" she asked.

Kai looked at Shania she was even more off then he once thought. "Mokii was it ma'am?" Kai asked and stood to bow "please take a seat,"
Mokii stopped and critically eye'd Shania, before turning to Kai, "Oh thank you love." She said, taking the seat. Brushing her hair to the side, she looked at Shania, "Yes, I would love a drink."

Levi waved them all off before leaving, closing the portal behind him.

Sage came and stood next to Kai,
"Mmm so this is the first time you have been to the human world?"

Mokii smiled
, "Well the first time for a pleasant visit."

Rhea wondered to the jar,
"You said this would help... may I use it now? I just changed his bandages but if you don't mind.." Rhea asked. Mokii smiled, "No please dear, that is what I brought it for!" She said. '

Lucifer looked rather happy.
Shania fixed Mokii some tea.

"It's nice to meat Lucy's mother, I'm suprised you knew us just by looking though," Kai said pleasantly.

Ebony smiled she knew Lucy was happy to have his family visit even if it was just his mom,
"I share memories sometimes with Lucifer. I quite enjoy the cute nick name you have given him. I have to say you are all the same, except for you miss Shania." She said, taking the tea from the girl, "You are like a dead husk, walking around. The only thing I see in your heart is lust for blood."

Rhea held her breath, the women had said it almost as if that was a normal thing to say. As if it was just part of the pleasant conversation.

Lucifer blinked, not sure what to say.

Sage took a few steps back, her own cup in her hand, though she had her normal smile on her face.

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