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Wild Cards

Mokii chuckled, "Luicfer has his father's sense of seriousness."

Rhea raised an eye brow, Mokii is not serious? Seems like everything she has said so far had been nothing but. Regardless Rhea blushed hard, forcing her to kiss him in a dire situation was not 'charming'.

"I think I may have stayed too long. I should leave soon. I am sorry I can not answer any more of your question's Rhea. But is there anything I can do for any of you?" Mokii asked, getting up and walking to Shania.
Shania was better but still a mere shadow of what she was before the butterfly attack. "I thank you for your visit, you are always welcome to come and stay here," Shania said.

Kai smiled "yes meating you was a pleasure Mokii,"

Ebony smiled "yes thank you for letting us meet you,"
Mokii smiled at everyone, "Of course, the pleasure was all mine. Shania I wish to leave you with this. I thought I came here disappointing by you... but instead to showed me you are more then that." Leaning close to Shania, Mokii kissed the girls forehead and a small warmth spread through Shania quickly, her gem glowed, "It is not much... but this is my blessing. With this, you will be given a burst of temporary power, but this can only by used once. I give it to you because I feel you can use it when the time is dire, and save more people like you have been doing. This favor, you can pass between each other, so if you feel someone else can use, please do so."

Rhea blinked, amazed. Shania has a name for herself in the demon's world and now even Luicfer's mother was granting her things.

When a portal opened, Levi did not bother to step through it, Mokii smiled
"All of you be more careful now. Luce, don't be a pain for Shania now. Kai, be a dear and don't bully him too much. Ebony and Rhea, please keep this bunch in line. bye now~" And with that, she left.

Lucifer was waving, happy to have seen his mother. To think they usually go kill demons and today they just sat down and drank tea with one.
Shania was to say the least shocked. "farewell," she said in her still shocked state. Kai waved bye to Mokii.

"Yeah I'll try not to tease him too much." he laughed.

Ebony waved bye as well with a smile.
Rhea smiled getting up and started to clear the plates around the area, taking them to the kitchen to clean.

Lucifer smiled at Shiania, "Wow... my mom gave you her blessing! Shania that is pretty amazing. Most demon's have a form of blessing that they can give to humans... but most the time it is rare. She must have really liked you. I told you my family would like you." His mom was not the most powerful demon, and people patronize his father a bit for marring her, but she could still hold her own against other demons more powerful then herself.
"At first i was sure she disliked me," Shania said softly touching her forehead. "you demons are confusing,"

Kai bust out laughing for no obvious reason.
Lucifer puffed up his cheeks, pouting at Shania, "No it is you humans who are the confusing ones... You have to prove to a demon things... but humans are so weird..."

Rhea walked back in,
"Kai... what are you laughing about?"
Rhea smiled, yeah... weird humans were right. This was far from a 'normal' human group. "I think it is time for me to head home." Rhea said quietly. Shania seemed a bit better, and the Slave was working wonders on Lucifer. "Shania, if you could, put some more of that stuff on Lucy's back tomorrow morning... Ill be back again to take a look. I think it is also time to leave his wounds open, fresh air will do them good." Rhea said, giving Shania a quick run down on the procedure to happen in the morning before she left.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony, "What do you think of my mom?"
"she's very pretty and seems realy nice," Ebony said softly with a smile

Shania nodded at Rhea "thank you," she said "please be safe on the ride home... take kai with you,"
Rhea blinked at Kai, she was just going to take the bus home... over the last few weeks she had learned the bus routes she needed to take. Glancing at Kai she blinked, "Ok, Kai are you coming?" She asked. She guessed Shania was kicking Kai out of the house or she did not want Rhea walking home alone.... then again there was a vampire demon with a vengeance running around....

Lucifer grinned,
"Yeah, I wish I looked like my mom!"
Kai was about to make a mom joke before shania literaly kicked him out the door. "Kai is a nusance! be careful Rhea," she said and patted her shoulder.

Ebony giggled "I think you look wonderful Lucy,"
Rhea nodded and gave the girl a quick hug before leaving, "I can take the bus home Kai if it is trouble for you. I know Shania kind of just nominated you for a ride... well I assume she did anyway."

Lucifer smiled and hugged Ebony. He was happy his mother approved everything, specially Shania, he was worried for that for a moment.
Kai chuckled "i don't mind giving you a lift and you know it go hop in," he said.

Ebony hugged Lucifer and smiled brightly.

Shania watched the two with a small smile of her own.
Rhea smiled at Kai, "Yes I know... and Thank you as always." Getting into the car with him.

The week finished and saturday came quickly, Lucifer was almost completely healed. He was still soar and the cuts were still open a bit on his back, but for the most part they looked healthy and Lucifer was full of energy again.

Sage showed up at Shania house like normal, but this time she had her mother with her.
Shania welcomed them in. She had cleaned up the house where she had neglected it since her mood swing. "Please have a seat would you like something to drink?"

Ebony had stayed the night Friday and was helpping Shania clean up breakfast.
Sage mom smiled at Shania, "You are very polite. Thank you and please."

"I got it... I usually make the tea when I get here anyway." Sage said walking to the kitchen. Peaking around the corner she saw Ebony, "Good morning Ebony. Cleaning up? You spent the night?" She asked, setting the kettle on the stove.

Rhea hovered outside before knocking on the door, she still have yet to invite herself inside like the rest of the group.
Sage grind, her eyes flashed, "Mating with Lucy fun?"

Rhea smiled and came in,
"Oh ok, Good morning Shania. Hello Ms. Ruusu." Rhea said, greeting Sage's mother.

"Oh, Rhea was it? Pleasure to meet you dear." She said, "I was not going to come because Sage shouldn't bring her mother on trips like this with friends, but she insisted, I do hope I don't get in the way."

Rhea shook her head,
"Not at all. We do things like this all the time. We are happy you are here."
Just then the ever flamboyant pretty boy came in "I have everything ready for a day of wonders for all of us," he sad smiling pleasantly "ah hello ma'am I'm so happy you could join us,"

Ebony blushed scarlet "nononon nothing like that," she squeeked.
Sage chuckled under her breath, "Oooh? If you say sooo, come on Kai is here... to torment us..." She said, pushing the girl out of the kitchen, bring the tea with her. When she walked in she poured her mother a cup, Sage did not look excited at all.

Rhea smiled when Kai came in, he seemed rather beaming.

Sage's mother smiled and blushed as well,
"Thank you Kai for the invite, you are very sweet."

Lucifer then jumped in, he was a bit hyper, knowing it was Saturday, the day of adventure and fun,
"Day of wonders!?"
"we are going to be pampered and preened like the amazing people we are," Kai said and smiled at Sage's mom "and you were so kind to me the few times we met I think you deserve some pampering as well,"

Ebony ran to Lucy "sage is picking on me again,"
"What? Why would I do that?" Sage said, completely denying it, "Also, Kai stop sweet talking my mom." Sage said laughing.

Sage mom laughed as well,
"Ooh Sage, he is such a good sweet talker like you and your father. He is too fun not to have talk like that."

Sage crossed her arms,
"Alright Kai... lets go get this over with..."

Sage's mom just shook her head at Sage, giggling.

Lucifer hugged Ebony smiling,
"Its ok, Shanie will protect you!"

Rhea laughed, she was actually excited.
Shania raised an eyebrow "I supose I could try," she said with a chuckle.

"To the car!" Kai said with a smile "don't worry I'm not driving," out in Shania's drivewaywas a limo.

"Overkill much?" She whispered to Kai who just laughed.
Sage lead her mother by the arm, opening the door for her. Sage was making a lot of huffing about the whole situation, but as long as her mother was getting the best she did not seem to really care to much.

Rhea smiled and got in as well.

Lucifer stopped and pointed at the car,
"Whoa! Look how long that car is!" He said, before getting in it as well.

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